A psychologist developing these forms , which have been extensively tested in the world for several years . Color color has improved and tested again to obtain a set of best shape . These shapes represent the nine basic personality types . Choose a form below which you liked the most and read your personality underneath.
Remember , your choice should be honest and should not be manipulated because the test results of this personality type that only you know .
When you choose ;
Figure No. 1.
Introspective , Sensitive , ReflectiveYou more often and focus on themselves and their own environment rather than interacting with others . You hate superficiality , prefer solitude than hurt because people whisper . But your relationships with your friends are very intensive , which gives you the peace and harmony that you need in order to feel good . However it is not a problem for you to be alone for some time without becoming bored .
Figure No. 2.
Independent , not regular ( not conventional ) , Needless tertekangYou want freedom and detachment from life that let you determine your own path.
You have an artistic flair in your work and leisure activities . This call for free sometimes causes you to do something that is the very opposite of what you want. Your lifestyle is very individual. You will not blindly imitate what is "in", on the other hand you are looking for a life in accordance with the ideals and convictions and , even if it has to swim against the tide .
Figure No. 3.
Dynamic , Active , much out of things is bornYou are really willing to accept some risk and a strong commitment to exchange interest and varied work . Routine , in contrast , tend to immobilize effect you . What is your favorite can play a role in many fields . In doing so , your initiative is stronger .
Figure No. 4.
Unpretentious , very firm stance , harmoniousYou appreciate natural style and love that is not complicated . People admire you because you have a strong capability and they rely on you . You give it to the person near and distance protection . You feel warm and humane . You reject everything that is striking and obsolete . You tend to hesitate on behavior / change in fashion trends . For you , clothing should be practical and good are not prominent .
Figure No. 5.
Professional, Pragmatic , ConfidentYou are responsible for your life, put your smaller and more luck to the act itself. You solve problems with practical actions and uncomplicated . Realistically you are looking at something in your life and handled it well . You are given a great responsibility in the work , because people know that you can rely on. Strength firmly against the will be projecting your beliefs on others . You will never really feel satisfied until all your goals achieved .
Figure No. 6.
Quiet / Peaceful , Wise , Not AggressiveYou respond to life easy as wise . You make friends effortlessly as enjoy your privacy and independence . You often get away from him and be alone from time to time to contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy yourself . You need a place to hide beautiful , but you are not a loner. You calm with yourself and the world, and appreciate life and what the world offers .
Figure No. 7.
Cheerfully , Likes playing / joking , funYou love a free and spontaneous life . And you are trying to enjoy it in full because it holds the motto " you only live once . " Your Curiosity large and open to everything new , you evolve with changes . Versatile you consider your surroundings and always so giving a surprise .
Figure No. 8.
Romantic , Dreamer , EmotionalYou are very sensitive . You refuse to see things from the standpoint of simplicity and rationality. What do you feel is very important to tell you.
In fact , you feel it is important to have dreams in life . You reject people who flout the romance and controlled only by rationality . You refuse to let anything confine the rich variety of your moods and emotions .
Figure No. 9.
Analytical , Reliable , ConfidentSensitivity represents the moment you high quality and durability.
Consequently , you like to wrap yourself with "little pearls" that you find on any other people ignore. Then , culture greatly affect your life . You have found your own life , which is elegant / flexible and exclusive , free from the influence of fashion . Your ideal , you base your life , is cultivated pleasure . You judge a person's level of culture on who you are talking .
You have to believe about this personality test , but the choice must be honest and do not look at the answers first , so it's like being a test .
So , thank you for reading this article . Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished : April 05, 2014 at 22.38
Tag : Did You Know Your Personality To Picture .