Showing posts with label Did You Know About Lizard.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did You Know About Lizard.. Show all posts

Saturday 25 January 2014

Did You Know About Lizard.

Lizard is a reptile countrymen into the class of large lizard, tribal lizard (Varanidae). Lizard in another language known as bayawak (Sunda), menyawak or nyambik (Java), berekai (Madura), and a monitor lizard or goanna (UK).

Many kinds of lizards. Which is the largest and most famous Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), whose length can exceed 3 m. This lizard, because of the size, can hunt deer, wild pigs and calves . There are even cases where komodo dragons attack humans, though rarely. This lizard is only limited spread in several small islands in Nusa Tenggara, as at p. Komodo, p. Padar, p. Rinca and at the western end of p. Flores.

Lizard is often found in the villages and towns in Indonesia is the most western of the type of water monitor lizard Varanus salvator. Body length (snout to tip of tail) is generally only about 1 m over a little , though some are able to reach 2.5 m .

Habitat and food.

Lizard generally inhabit the edges of rivers or waterways , the banks of lakes , beaches , and marshes including mangrove swamps . In urban areas , lizards often also found living in sewer drains that empty into the river .

Lizard prey on various insects , crabs or crab , various types of frogs , fish , lizards , birds , and small mammals such as mice and shrew . Clever lizard climbing a tree . In mangrove forests , lizards often steal eggs or prey on young birds . Also eat carrion lizard , turtle eggs , turtle or alligator .

Lizard life .

Lizard reproduce by laying eggs . Before marrying females , males usually fight lizard first to demonstrate mastery . This lizard fight unique and interesting , because it is done with a ' standing ' . Both lizard was then at each other or repel each other while standing on his hind legs , so it looks like a dance together .

Lizard eggs stored in sand or mud on the banks of the river , mixed with rotting leaves and twigs . Heat from sunlight and litter decomposition process will warm the eggs , so the hatch .

Lizard and Humans .

Lizard has hundreds or even thousands of years humans hunted . People mainly utilizes the skin as fixings , and meat as food or for medicine . At the present time , lizard skin trade has sustained thousands of people , ranging from lizard catcher in the villages , gatherers , processors , exporters , to the leather industry . Not less than one million pieces of water monitor lizard skins collected every year from different parts of the world ( Shine et al . , 1996, Biological Conservation 77 : 125-134 ) .

Lizard captured in a way people snared or hook. Snare or hook it installed in a place that is often visited by lizards . Like most meat lizard , monitor lizard meat is also believed to be pain medication skin .

The types of dragons.

Varanidae tribe consists of two slightly different groups , was to Varanus genus of large ( more than 35 species worldwide ) , and clan Lanthanotus which so far contains a single species L. borneensis of Borneo . The second clan was a smallish lizard ( lk. 30 cm ) and without ear hole .

Some kind of lizard found in Indonesia : Genus : Varanus

Subgenus :

1 . Varanus .

Varanus komodoensis ( Komodo Dragon ) - > NTT & NTB
V. Panoptes horni ( Sand Goanna / Argus Monitor ) - > Papua

2 . Empagusia .

V. nebulosus ( Clouded Monitor ) - > East Java
V. dumerilii ( Duméril 's Monitor ) - > Sumatra & Kalimantan
V. rudicollis ( Black Roughneck Monitor ) - > Sumatra & Kalimantan

3 . Euprepiosaurus .

Species group : V. indicus ( indicus complex ) .

V. Indicus ( Mangrove Monitor ) - > Papua
V. cerambonensis ( Ceram Mangrove Monitor ) - > Maluku ( Seram and Ambon )
V. rainerguentheri ( Rainer 's Monitor ) - > Moluccas ( Halmahera )
V. doreanus ( Blue - tailed Monitor ) - > Papua
V. caerulivirens ( Turquois Monitor ) - > Moluccas ( Halmahera )
V. jobiensis ( Peach Throat Monitor ) - > Papua
V. melinus ( Quince Monitor ) - > Moluccas ( Obi & Sula )
V. yuwonoi ( Tri - colored Monitor ) - > Moluccas ( Halmahera )
V. zugorum ( Olive Monitor ) - > Moluccas ( Halmahera )
V. lirungensis ( Lirung Monitor ) - > Maluku ( Talaud )
V. Torch ( Torch Monitor / Sago Monitor ) - > Maluku ( Sanana )
Species group : V. prasinus ( prasinus complex )

V. prasinus ( Emerald Tree Monitor ) - > Papua
V. reisingeri ( Yellow Tree Monitor / Reisinger 's Monitor ) - > Papua ( Misool , Raja Ampat )
V. kordensis ( drapery 's Monitor ) - > Papua ( Biak )
V. macraei ( Blue -spotted Tree Monitor ) - > Papua ( Raja Ampat )
V. boehmei ( Golden -spotted Tree Monitor ) - > Papua ( Waigeo )
V. beccarii ( Black Tree Monitor ) - > Papua ( Aru )

4 . Odatria ( Dwarves Monitor ) Species group : V. timorensis .

V. timorensis ( East Monitor ) - > East
V. auffenbergi ( Peacock Monitor ) - > Rote
V. similis ( Grey -spotted Tree Monitor ) - > Papua

5 . Papusaurus .

V. salvadorii ( Crocodile Monitor / Tree Crocodile ) - > Papua

6 . Soterosaurus .

V. salvator bivittatus ( Asian Water Monitor ) - > Java , Bali , Nusa Tenggara
V. togianus ( Togian ( Black ) Water Monitor ) - > Sulawesi ( Togian )
V. Salvator ssp . ( Sulfur Water Monitor ) - > Java ( ?)
V. Salvator ssp . ( Sulawesi Spotted Water Monitor ) - > Sulawesi
V. Salvator ssp . ( Black Dragon Water Monitor ) - > Sumatra ( Lampung )
V. Salvator ssp . ( Moluccas Water Monitor ) - > Moluccas ( Halmahera )
V. Salvator ziegleri - > Obi and the surrounding islands.
V. Salvator macromaculatus - > Sumatra and Borneo .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: January 25, 2014 at 15:35
Tag ; lizard

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:35