Showing posts with label Did You Know About Distillation.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did You Know About Distillation.. Show all posts

Monday 3 March 2014

Did You Know About Distillation.

Distillation or distillation is a chemical separation method based on the difference in speed or ease evaporate ( volatility ) material .


In distillation , boiling a mixture of substances that vaporize, and the vapor is then cooled back into a liquid form . Substances which have a lower boiling point will evaporate first .
This method is included as an operating unit of chemical mass transfer types .
The application process is based on the theory that in a solution , each component will evaporate at boiling point . The model is based on the ideal distillation Raoult 's Law and Dalton's Law .

Chart .

Here is a simple circuit arrangement distillation apparatus; 

distillation system

1 . container of water
2 . distillation flask
3 . connection
4 . thermometer
5 . condenser
6 . inflow of cold water
7 . cold water outflow
8 . distillate flask
9 . airhole
10 . the exit distillate
13 . Turkish bath
14 . water bath
15 . solution of the substance
16 . distillate flask container

History .

Distillation was first discovered by chemists around the first century BC Greek who eventually progress triggered primarily by the high demand for spritus . Hypathia of Alexandria believed to have found a series of tools for distillation and Zosimus of Alexandria was the one who has managed to accurately describe the process of distillation in about the 4th century .
Distillation modern form was first discovered by chemical experts on Islamic Abbasid Caliphate period , especially by Al - Razi on the separation of alcohols into relatively pure compounds through alembik tool , even this design into a kind of inspiration that allows the design of micro-scale distillation , The Hickman Stillhead can be realized . Jabir Ibn Hayyan posts by ( 721-815 ) , better known as Ibn Jabir mentioned the wine vapors that can burn . He also has found a lot of equipment and chemical processes that are still widely used even until now . Then refining the techniques outlined clearly by Al - Kindi ( 801-873 ) .
One of the most important application of the method of distillation is the separation of crude oil into sections for specific use such as for transportation , power generation , heating , etc. . Air is distilled into components such as oxygen for medical use and helium for filling balloons . Distillation also has been used since long for the alcohol concentration by the application of heat to the fermented solution to produce distilled beverages .

Types .

There are 4 types of distillation that will be discussed here , namely simple distillation , fractional distillation , steam distillation , and vacuum distillation . There are also extractive distillation and azeotropic distillation homogenous , using salt berion distillation, pressure-swing distillation and reactive distillation.

Simple distillation .

In simple distillation , the basic separation is much difference in boiling points or with one component is volatile . If the mixture is heated then the component lower boiling point will evaporate first . In addition to differences in boiling point , as well kevolatilan differences , namely the tendency of a substance to be a gas . Distillation is carried out at atmospheric pressure . Application is simple distillation used to separate a mixture of water and alcohol .

Distillation Fraksionisasi .

The function of fractional distillation is to separate liquid components , two or more , of a solution based on differences in their boiling points . This distillation can also be used to mix with the boiling point difference of less than 20 ° C and working at atmospheric pressure or low pressure . Applications of this type are used in the distillation of crude oil industry , to separate the components of crude oil .
Differences fractional distillation and simple distillation is the fractionation column . In this column gradually warming with different temperature on each license plate . Different heating is aimed at refining the distillate over plates underneath. Getting to the top , the less volatile liquid .

Steam Distillation .

Steam distillation is used in a mixture of compounds that have a boiling point reaches 200 ° C or more . Steam distillation can vaporize these compounds with temperatures approaching 100 ° C under atmospheric pressure using steam or boiling water . Fundamental properties of steam distillation to distill a mixture of compounds is below the boiling point of each compound mixtures . Moreover steam distillation can be used to mix water insoluble at all temperatures , but can be distilled with water . Application of steam distillation is to extract some natural products such as eucalyptus oil of eucalyptus , oil of lemon or orange citrus , and for the extraction of perfume oils from plants .
The mixture is heated through water vapor flowed into the mix and possibly also coupled with warming . The steam from the mixture will rise up towards the condenser to the flask , and finally into the distillate .

Vacuum Distillation .

Vacuum distillation is usually used when wishing distilled compound is unstable, with the understanding can be decomposed before or near the boiling point or a mixture having a boiling point above 150 ° C. This distillation method can not be used in a solvent with a low boiling point if the condenser using cold water , because the components can not be condensed to evaporate the water .
To reduce the pressure of the vacuum pump or aspirator used .
Aspirator serves as lowering the pressure in the distillation system .

Azeotrope .

Azeotrope is a mixture of two or more components that have a constant boiling point . Azeotrope can be a disorder that causes the distillation be not optimal . The composition of the azeotrope remain constant or increase pressure in the delivery . However, when the total pressure change , both boiling point and composition of the azeotrope changes . As a result, the azeotrope is not a fixed component , the composition must always be a constant in the interval of temperature and pressure, but more to the mixture resulting from the interplay of intramolecular strength in solution .
Azeotrope can be distilled by using additional solvents , for example benzene or toluene addition of water to separate . Water and solvent will be caught by the catcher Dean - Stark . Water will remain in the base and the catcher will return to the solvent mixture and separating the water again . Azeotropic mixture is a deviation from Raoult's law .

Distillation effectiveness .

In theory , the distillation can reach 100 % by reducing the pressure to 1/10 atmospheric pressure . Can also be using the azeotropic distillation using an organic solvent and the addition of two additional distillation , and the use of the use of cornmeal that can absorb water either in liquid or vapor form in the last column . However , in practice there is no distillation which reached 100 % .

Distillation Scale Industries .

Generally industrial -scale distillation process is done in the tower , therefore the process of distillation unit is often referred to as a distillation tower ( MD ) . Distillation tower typically measuring 2-5 meters in diameter and height ranging between 6-15 meters. Input from the distillation tower is usually a saturated liquid, the liquid is slightly reduced pressure alone will form a vapor and has two output currents , currents flow above is more volatile ( easily evaporated ) and the undercurrent consisting of heavy components .

Distillation tower is divided into two major categories ;

Distillation towers Stagewise type .

The tower is composed of many disk that allows equilibrium divided in each dial.

Continuous distillation tower type .

Which consists of packaging and liquid-gas equilibrium occurs along the column of the tower.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 3, 2014 at 18:09
Tag : Distillation.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:09