Indonesia is known as a country that is fertile and rich in natural resources. As a country with an area of more than 70%, one of the natural resources that we can use is the natural resources. Besides fish, seafood alternatives that can be processed is algae though not all algae can be used.
Algae in the Indonesian term is often referred to as the algae is a plant of the talus as yet have roots, stems, and true leaves. Algae (algae) can be divided into seven groups: Cyanophyta, cholrophyta, euglenophyta, pyrrophyta, crysophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta based pigment dominant seventh of the group include: Chrysophyceae, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta.
Plant algae are plants that live in water talus, both fresh water and sea water, at least always occupied habitat is damp or wet. The kind that live freely in the water, especially the single-celled and can move an active constituent of plankton, phytoplankton precisely. Attached to something that is in the water are called benthos. Type actively engaged have tools to move a feather whip or flagellum.
In addition to the usual algae spores and can move on with their flagella intermediaries anyway. Spores and gametes of a species of algae are often the same shape and size. Algae has benefits, especially in the food industries. It also has a role as a constituent of algae in marine plankton.
Algae are nonvascular plants that have diverse forms thalli, unicellular or multicellular, and photosynthetic pigment. Macroalgae are not vascular plants that grow attached to subtract on the seabed. The plant does not have roots, stems leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds true.Macroalgae and sublitoral largest littoral area. The area was still able to obtain sufficient sunlight so that photosynthesis can take place.
Makraoalga absorb nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen from the surrounding waters.
In the world of plants algae (algae) belong to the world tallopyta (plant talus), because does not have roots, stems and leaves are clear. Plants there are single-celled algae and also there are many-celled with a similar form threads or sheets.
Plant algae are plants that live in water, either fresh water or sea water, at least always occupy moist and wet habitats. There was actively moving and there is not. Types of algae that have actively engaged in the form of a tool to move the feathers whip or flagellum which amounted to one or more.
Body types are single-celled and can move an active constituent of plankton, rather fikoplankton. Attached to something that is in the water like a stone or wood called benthos.
There algae body dyes (pigments), namely:
Ø phycocyanin: blue
Ø chlorophyll: green color
Ø fikosantin: color war / brown
Ø phycoerythrin: red carotene: golden color
Ø xantofil: yellow
Algae (algae) are autotrophs (can prepare their own food). Almost all algae are Eukaryotic Structural. Habitat for life in freshwater, marine and humid places. Algae (algae) are divided into several classes:
1) Cyanophyta (blue algae), still prokaryotik.
2) Chlorophyta (green algae)
3) Chrysophyceae (golden algae)
4) Phaeophyta (brown algae / war)
5) Rhodophyta (red algae)
Morphology algae (algae).
Many species of algae exist as single cells that can be spherical, rod, a rod or coil. Can move or not. Unicellular green algae are typical.Algae contain a membrane bounded nucleus. Each cell contains one or more chloroplasts, which can be shaped like a ribbon or discrete discs (individual units) as found in green plants. In the matrix of the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts contained and containing chlorophyll pigments complement the site of the light reactions in photosynthesis.
Algae multiply sexually or asexually. Asexual reproduction in the form of simple binary fission. Sexual reproduction found among algae. In this process there is a conjugation of gametes (sex cells) to produce a zygote.
Physiological algae (algae).
Algae are photosynthetic aerobic microorganisms, found everywhere where there is enough light, moisture, and nutrients that prolong life simple.Rapid growth of algae in the stagnant water with the help of sunlight. Phosphate and Nitrate in water can support the growth of algae.
Some species of algae living on snow and ice in the polar regions and mountain tops. Some algae live in hot springs and temperatures as high as 70 degrees Celsius. Some algae adapted to moist soil, pepagan trees, rocks and even surface.
Algae (algae) has three kinds of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll, carotenoids, and fikobilin (all three are in the chloroplast). As a result of photosynthetic, algae store food reserves as a variety of product granules or globules in the cells. Green algae store starch as found in plants. Other algae can store a variety of carbohydrates, some algae save the oil or fat.
Class division Algae (Algae).
1. Cyanophyta (Blue Green Algae).
Blue-green algae belong to the monera, because the cell structure similar to the structure of the bacterial cell, which are prokaryotic. Microscopic blue-green algae. Blue-green algae are widespread, are found in the waters of moist soil, the surface of walls, pots, damp rock. Even found also in a less favorable environment. Several types found in hot springs such as springs Hot Yellow Stone Park in America.* The characteristics and properties of blue-green algae:
- One-celled plants, yarn (filament) and live in colonies
Chlorophyll, carotenoids and pigments fikobilin consisting of phycocyanin and fikoeritin (often called blue-green algae)
Peptide-containing cell walls, hemicellulose and cellulose, sometimes slimy and not have a cell nucleus membrane (prokarion).
a. UNISEL shape (one cell): Chroococcus, Gloeocapsa
b. Form of colonies: Polycystis
c. Filament shape: Oscilatoria, Nostoc, Anabaena, Rivularia.
* How the proliferation of blue-green algae, is done in three ways:
a. Cell division
In this way the cells can be directly separated or remain joined to form colonies. For example: Gloeocapsa.
b. Fragmentation.
Fragmentation is how to decide which parts of a plant and then form a new individual. Fragmentation mainly on algae Oscillatoria. In the long filaments, if one cell dies, the dead cells that divide the filament into two or more parts. Each part is called Hormogonium.
c. Spores.
In less favorable circumstances will form spores which is actually a vegetative cell. Spores enlarged and thick due to the accumulation of nutrients. Example: Chamaesiphon comfervicolus.
Consider the types of blue-green algae following:
*. The benefits of blue green algae
Spirulina / Blue Green Algae is a micro algae cultured, contains the greatest concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb. Is a high-protein foods, with more than 60% digestible vegetable protein perfectly. Bluish-green algae was initially known only as lowering cholesterol. Scientific testing conducted by the Nayaka of Tokai University, Japan. A total of 30 healthy men high cholesterol and hyperlipidemia were given spirulina intake showed a 4.5% decrease in the amount of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL. They consume 4.2 grams of spirulina for 4 weeks without changing your diet.
J. E. Piero Estrada from Pharmacologist Departament, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Madrid, Spain reveal spirulina is rich in antioxidants due to pigment-rich protein 3 content is phykosianin, klorofi l, and zeasantin.Phykosianin, water-soluble antioxidants, support liver and kidney health. Zeasantin, antioxidant eye protection, especially when old. While klorofi l, antioxidants and anti-cancer and anti-toxins.
In addition to anti-cancer and anti-toxins, Laboratory of Viral Pathogenesis research, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, United States in 1996 proved, spirulina in concentrations of 5-10? G / ml were able to inhibit HIV-1 cell division. It caused spirulan spirulina contains calcium, sugar polymerization molecules containing calcium and sulfur. Consumption of Spirulina shown to provide a longer life span in AIDS patients.
While Armida Hernindez-Corona from Departamento de microbiology, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas, IPN, Mexico, shows spirulina extract has antiviral properties. He was effective against herpes simplex virus type 2, pseudorabies virus (PRV), human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and HSV-1, with an effective dose (ED50) respectively 0.069, 0.103, 0.142, and 0.333 mg / ml. Because of tremendous benefit, Arthrospira platensis is now widely cultivated throughout the world. Millions of spirulina pills have also proved to be produced due to blocking and attacking various diseases.
1) Balancing the body's pH
2) Contains Iron which cure anemia
3) Preventing bacterial infections and heal wounds
4) Lowering Cholesterol
5) Preventing the spread of cancer
6) Strengthen the immune system
7) Helps soften the skin and make it appear more radiant
8) Keep the beneficial bacteria in sufficient quantities in the intestines
9) Increase the body's digestive system
10) Encourage kidney detoxification
11) Restoring the health of malnourished
12) Lowers cholesterol levels and control weight problems
13) Controlling blood pressure and prevent diabetes
14) Contains GLA which cure heart disease, menstrual problems, stiffness and alcohol poisoning.
Some Benefits-Blue Green Algae.
Type of single-celled blue-green algae is a pioneer vegetation, this is because the algae is able to / can initiate life before other organisms can live in a place.
A number of filamentous blue-green algae (form thread) can bind nitrogen (N2) from the free atmosphere and converted into ammonia (NH3). This is done also in the heterokista, so it can play a role in the process enrich the soil. Type of blue-green algae are beneficial include:
- Nostoc
Soaking the rice fields during the rainy season resulted in Nostoc flourish and N2 fixation and air so that it can help provide nitrogen that is used for growing rice.
- Anabaena azollae
Live in symbiosis with Azolla pinata (water fern). Water spikes profit ammonia nitrogen fixation by Anabaena results azollae.
- Spirullina
This algae contains high levels of protein, so used as a source of food.
2. Chloropyta (green algae)
Having pigment chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotene and xantofil. Algae can also perform photosynthesis. 90% live in fresh water and 10% live in the sea. That live in water are generally as plankton or benthos, are also attached to rocks and soil. Green algae are a group of algae that most numerous among other algae. Reproduction by fragmentation and conjugation.As examples, among others;
a. Chlorella: unicellular, spherical shape, chloroplasts resemble bowls or bells, live in freshwater / marine / brackish / land, vegetative multiplication with each cell division and cell form four daughter cells. Some experts believe these algae can be used later to produce new material for human food, namely protein, fat and carbohydrates.
b. Ulva: found at the base of a rocky beach, a sheet called water lettuce and edible.
c. Spiroggyra: shaped yarn (filament) cylindrical, living in ponds, rice fields or waters where the water is not heavy, vegetative reproduction by fragmentation, generative Spirogyra with conjugation is the bumpy two adjacent, then two combine to form veins bulge, protoplasmic contents of the cells that act as gametes , gamete cells of the gamete cells move to the other and there plasmogami and followed kariogami, the results of this union zigospora diploid form, zigospora entered meiosis and grow into new haploid thread, and only one cell into a new individual.
d. Chlamidomonas: oval with two flagelum, the vacuole and the nucleus. Found items and pirenoid stigma that serves as the center of the formation of starch (starch). Reproduction is done divide and conjugation.
e. Euglena: also grouped into protozoa (animal), because in addition to having chlorophyll can also migrate.
f. Hydrodictyon: found in freshwater and colony-shaped nets. Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation (separation) cells produce colony zoospores, being generative cells by conjugation of gametes are released from the parent produces zigospora.
g. Oedogonium: usually attached to aquatic plants, snails homes and others.
h. Chara: shaped like higher plants, found in fresh water. Jointed stem and each segment of small branched.
The role of green algae in life:
a. Profitable;
1) As plankton and is an important component in the freshwater food chain.
2) Can be used as food, such as Ulva and Chlorella.
3) Produce O2 from photosynthesis process required by aquatic animals.
b. Adverse;
1) green algae can be annoying when the water is too fertile, so that the water will change color and smell.
The proliferation of green algae.
Group of green algae proliferate in;
Vegetative (asexual), namely;
· Cell division
· Fragmentation
· Separation of colonies
· Spore formation
Generative (sexual), namely;
· Isogami
· Anisogami
· Oogami
3. Phaeophyta (brown algae / war).
Phaeophyceae or brown algae is one of a class of algae based dyes or pigmentation. More dominant pigment is pigment xantofil that causes brown algae. Other pigments contained in the Phaeophyceae is chlorophyll A and C and carotene. Most of Phaeophyceae are at sea, there are only three types of course that live in fresh water and the types of these are kind of rare. Phaeophyceae there are many areas with cold climates. These algae dominate many parts of the Arctic and Antarctic regions laterally. However, there are other types of tropical and subtropical areas of life. Most of phaeophyceae live attached to rocks and other subtract. Some of them live as epiphytes.Paeophyta or brown algae are divided into three groups, based on the type of change of descent. The brown algae live in seawater, only a few species are found in sea water, only a few live in fresh water, sea, ocean, in temperate and cold regions.
Brown algae is entered in a very large group, Heterokontopyta, a group of eukaryotic organisms that significantly differentiated, these algae found irtidal more, especially in the northern parts of the region.
Phaeophyta members found about 500 genera with 5600 species. In the tropics, some species can form an important biomass.
Living on the coast, because of the brown color pigment fikosantin (brown), chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and xantofil. The body is shaped like a thread or a sheet that can reach tens of meters. Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation, c while the generative with isogami and Oogami.
Examples of brown algae:
- Laminaria
- Fucus
- Turbinaria
- Sargasum
a. The role of brown algae:
- Producers of alginic acid, a mixture of ice cream, paint, pharmaceuticals, synthetic latex
- Source of I2 (iodine) and K (potassium)
- As fodder
b. Habitat:
Brown algae generally live in sea water, especially the ocean and being a rather cold.
c. Way of life
Autotrophs are photosynthetic, which have occurred in the leaf blade. The sugar is transported on a stalk that resembles the stem.
d. The role of brown algae in life.
Used as food or pharmaceutical industry, algin or alginate from brown algae acid used in the formation of ice-cream, the formation of pills, ointments, dental cleaners, lotions dank rim, but it can be used for nitrogen and potassium content is quite high, while the phosphorus content is low.
e. Reproduction.
Occurs asexually by zoospore formation and fragmentation have flagella, whereas sexual reproduction occurs Ogami and isogami.
Examples of brown algae;
- Focus serratus
- Macro cystis pyrefera
- Sargassum vulgare
- Turbinsaris decurrens
4. Rhodophyta (red algae)
Generally live in the sea and in fresh water several types, contain a kklorofi pigment, chlorophyll d, carotenoids, phycoerythrin, phycocyanin. Multicellular body resembling a thread or sheet. Vegetative reproduction by spores.Example:
- Batrachospermum
- Gelidium
- Eucheuma
- Gracililaria
- Chondrus
- Porphyra
- Polysiphonia
- Nemalion
a. The role of red algae:
Eucheuma spinosum, Gracilaris, Gelidium is the producer of gelatin.
b. Red algae habitats;
Most live in marine red algae, are common in the tropical sea. A small part of living in cold fresh water with heavy flow and oxygen. There are also live in brackish water. Red algae that are found in the deep ocean is Gelidium and Gracilaria, Euchema spinosum was found in a shallow sea.
c. Breeding red algae;
Red algae reproduce vegetatively and generative.
Ø vegetative propagation.
Red algae takes place with the formation of haploid spores produced by a sporangium or talus algae are diploid. These spores grow into algae subsequent male or female haploid cells.
Ø generative propagation.
Oogami red algae, fertilization of the female sex cell (ovum) by the male sex cells (spermatium). Male breeding tool called spermatogonia which produces no berflagel spermatium. While the female genitalia is called karpogonium, which produces ova. Fertilized ovum by a diploid zygote spermatium is. Furthermore, the zygote that will grow into new algae that produces aplanospora with meiotic division. Haploid spores will grow into a gamete-producing algae. So the red algae occur rotation between sporophyte and gametophyte offspring.
d. The role of the red algae
Red algae can provide large quantities of food for fish and other animals that live in the sea. This type also into food for humans eg Chondrus crispus (Irish moss) and some genus Porphyra. Chondrus crispus and Gigortina mamilosa utilized to generate karagen tanner, material for cream, shampoo and medicine. Red algae such as Gracilaria lichenoides, Euchema spinosum, Gelidium and Agardhiella produce gelatinous material known as agar-agar. Gelatin is used by researchers as a medium of bacteria, for thickener in many foods, textiles and adhesives as a purgative (laxative), or other foods. Euchema spinosum widely cultivated society as a raw material for gelatin.
5. Chrysophyceae (golden algae).
Single-celled or many, have pigment chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, carotene, and fikosantin xantofil. Living in a damp, marine, freshwater, and is phytoplankton.Example:
- Vaucheria: live in water or moist places, often branched threadlike.
- Ochromonas: spherical cells, stigmatized, two equally long flagella, chloroplasts form a curved sheet of yellowish color.
-Diatomaceous (Navicula or algae grit): live in freshwater, marine as epiphytes and the majority of the plankton. Famous example of diatomaceous was Pinnularia sp. Grafts made of diatomaceous silica glass is.
a. Benefits golden algae:
Diatomaceous (algae grit) can be used as an absorbent of nitroglycerine in explosives, as a mixture of cement and as an abrasive material.
b. The role of algae in life:
1) Industrial Sector
- Alginic acid produced by algae war role for the manufacture of plastics, cosmetics and textiles.
- Navicula sp, who died form diatomaceous earth is used as an insulating material dynamite, polisher and filter.
- Eucheuma spinosum (red algae), a producer of gelatin.
-Chlorella is a source of carbohydrates and protein.
-Fukus and Laminaria, ashes produce iodine.
2) The field of fisheries
Phytoplankton algae in the form of a food fish in the sea.
3) In ecosystems
Algae in aquatic ecosystems serve as a major component of most manufacturers.
c. Breeding golden algae
Ø vegetative propagation (asexual) with cell division, fragmentation, separation of the colonies, and the formation of spores (aplanospora or zoospores).
Ø Breeding generative (sexual) by conjugation, isogami, anisogami, and Oogami.
d. Examples of golden algae
Celled golden algae.
· Ochromonas.
Spherical body cells are equipped with 2 flagella as tool motion. Both flagella are of unequal length. In the cytoplasm there are some important organelles, such as a curved sheet-shaped chloroplasts, vacuoles, stigma, and the nucleus. Ochromonas multiply by dividing.
· Navicula sp.
This is known as diatomaceous algae or algae cell wall grit for grit containing his body. Grit is an essential component of the plankton. Navicula sp live in fresh water and in sea.
Navicula sp body consists of two parts, namely the box (hipoteka) and lid (epiteka). Between the box and the lid there is a gap called the raphe.
Breeding Navicula sp:
Navicula vegetative propagation by dividing. Each core diatomaceous splitting into two, followed by division of the cytoplasm into two parts. Furthermore, the cell wall of Navicula split into the box and lid. In daughter cells, both the box and the lid will be closed function, and each will form a new box. Thus each daughter cells derived from the box will have a smaller size than the cells of origin. This event took place repeatedly.
Navicula generative propagation takes place by conjugation. When Navicula body size does not allow to hold another division, cell nucleus will undergo meiosis and produce gametes. Gametes that would then leave the cell and after fertilization occurs in the water will produce a zygote. The next zygote grows into a new Navicula cells and form a new lid and box.
When Navicula die, the cell wall will settle to form a substance rich diatomaceous earth grit. This land is dynamite, insulators, and materials smoothing scrub.
Filament-shaped golden algae.
· VaucheriaHis body was in the form of branching threads and not insulated, has a lot of cell nucleus, and spreads. Vaucheria grow attached to a substrate by using a tool shaped roots. Nor Mr habitat in freshwater in brackish water.
Breeding Vaucheria:
Vaucheria vegetative propagation takes place with the formation of zoospores in a sporangium gathered at the end of the filament. Furthermore, the core in the sporangium divide meiosis and produce zoospores. The zoospore flagellum multinucleated and has grown throughout its surface. Once ripe sporangium, zoospores will come out and grow into new Vaucheria.
From the article above, it can be concluded that;
1. Algae are plants that live in various places. Eg fresh water, sea water, river water in the lowlands and mountains.
2. The forms of algae varied among them: form filaments, spheres, slabs, bowls, belt and disc shapes.
3. Algae are divided into five, namely algae blue, green, brown, gold, and red algae.
4. The classification of algae based on the pigment contained in the algae.
5. Benefits of green algae is a producer and is widely used as a vegetable.
6. Benefits of roasted red is widely used in the manufacture of gelatin.
7. Benefits of golden algae is used in the manufacture of silicate.
8. Pigments found in algae are respectively:
Green algae: xantofil pigment, chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and b.
Brown algae: fukoxantin pigment, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll c.
Red algae: has fikosiani, fikoeritin, and chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
Golden algae: pigment yellow, brown, and chlorophyll a and chlorophyll c.
Blue-green algae: have the fikobilin, phycocyanin, and fikoeritin.
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Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 13, 2014 at 19:27
Tag ; Algae.