Showing posts with label Controversy sex Swingers style.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Controversy sex Swingers style.. Show all posts

Friday 7 March 2014

Controversy sex Swingers style.

Swingers Club.

Everything could be considered positive can also be considered a negative , depending on which angle we look at it . So also with the sexual behavior of these swingers . Some say that this is one way to strengthen the relationship with the partner , on the other hand is magnified says otherwise . We do not have to talk about sin , we talk from the point of view of others , yes !
Swingers is a group of several couples who exchanged sex couples in this group . They should have sex with anyone they like and wish for being in this group . Of course, to be part of the criteria they exist , there are also requirements .
The main reason often put forward by those who want to do it is to keep sexual desire in a long time become husband and wife . They have already passed the exam about love as shown to have been with for so long. They do purely for sex only, so no need to involve the emotions at all other than lust .
" Our children are teenagers and we 've been together a dozen years . We are equally convinced of the love that we have, does not need to be in doubt. We did so because of a sense of trust between each other . We know its limits . This is purely just to satisfy our sexual fantasies alone . "
Okay !
There is another couple swingers I've ever interviewed admitted that they do so because they have a passion to make again . They became more frequent sexual intercourse and much more fervent than ever .
" We used to do that very rarely . Really stale ! In the end we invited friends and both agreed to join the group . Now we become more frequent and certainly made ​​us much happier . "
Oh yes ? !
In fact there are other couples who say that it is better so that they do not necessarily have an affair without their knowledge .
" At this rate , it , I came to know with whom he had sex . No need to lie , and I also know for sure the extent to which they relate . "
" Not jealous ? "
"No , tuh ! "
That was the reason for the swingers who want to do it and until now still do it . Other Other desert locust . I had interviewed several people who had joined the swingers then regret and no longer want to do .
As one man who later divorced his wife . He regretted having agreed to call his ex-wife and best friend was .
" At first , I admit it 's been like a dream come true . My sexual fantasies over the years is to be able to do it with a lot of women and this way I can do it without feeling guilty . Until after a long time I felt disgusted himself saw how my wife have sex with other men . I was so disgusted with the women who want to do it . I stopped but my wife does not want to . Finally we decided to split up . "
Risk !
So is the expression of a woman who finally feel jealous of another woman in the group . He can not stand to see her husband having sex with her, there was always jealous of his heart .
" I feel they do not just have sex alone . They were very affectionate all. In fact, my husband is much more affectionate to him than to my own wife . I split up with him and women and even then eventually divorced her husband . True means that during this time they had been in love . "
Gosh !
There was also a man who eventually wake up from a dream . He was once delighted and even asked his wife to have sex with other men to get her excited , it then felt that she was so outrageous because quite enjoyed it .
" I'm always excited to watch my wife have sex with other men . I once asked him to want to do it for me . At first he did not want to until we finally joined a swingers group whose members actually selected . Uh , actually keeps him like a crazy person . Addicted to continue , and not just with the group . He was also determined to do it with other men . I got scared myself. "
Well , you know!
Personally , I still can not accept the reasons given by these swingers . They want to do it just for me it was a symptom that is not right . Everyone can have a fantasy and even be as wild as possible , only , when it is not able to control themselves , of course there is a problem . Even if then the reason is to solve the problem of passion , of course, all of this is too risky to be used as problem solving .
Love does not have and love the members but also should be able to make love the passion is still there without any reason whatsoever . In my opinion , the reason the love they give is simply a justification alone . Many couples who are already familiar with his partner so that no entanglement between the one and the other and becomes a necessity . Routines make us become accustomed to , and this is what often makes the two can not be separated .
On the other hand , the routine also makes both saturated and wanted to do something different . It makes sense if all it can make them closer to each other , it's just whether they were in love ? Is not there another factor that makes them " forced " should remain together , such as the values ​​and views of the outside community and to their families when separated ? ! Financial reasons are also likely , right? !
The jealousy is natural and should be controlled . I myself really do not like the taste of jealousy or envy , but there are still limits that must be observed to remember we are human . Maybe we could control it but we do not necessarily mate . Why spoil all that exists and will impose only to satisfy lust so that there was no love just disappear ? !
This does not include disease risk factors , although the swingers was selected previously . After all the names have been swapped couples especially rotating back and forth , it becomes a greater risk . Okay no snack , but the mouth can carry disease . Is it ready to face all the risks? !
Swingers it was very tight and closed once . But what is hidden can be open when it is in God desired to be opened . Now just imagine what would happen if their children know all of this ? I can not imagine the impact . Yes if the child was ready , what if not ? ! Do children have to be sacrificed for the sake of the name of lust ? !
The most I can not accept is as into modern couples are swingers and " classy " . It requires extra budget to be able to join this group . Not less costly , but the class whose name has the dignity of a high, rather than in groups. That , anyway , his name only exclusive . Exclusive does not mean classy and elite because anyone who distinguish themselves with groups and others are exclusive .
While modern , not for me at all . In fact, very primitive . Modern man is a man who has a broad view and could see far ahead . Not just for a moment or just now but all our actions and thoughts are for the future . When only a matter of trend and looks alone , what's so modern ? ! Already disorientation indeed .
When you are doing this all is the leader , leader , and role model for society , of course, very sad. How they can be a leader , considered leaders and role models when their actions reflect that how miserable they are . Where there are mentally ill people who can lead ? ! Where can people with problems can solve the problem ? !
Where there are dishonest people can bring truth and give truth itself ? ! What could possibly bring all the leads and that they can imitate to have a better life ? !
Back again all of this is an option . I do not have the right to prohibit because all have rights . I also do not have the ability to stop because every man is different . If it is true already harming or harassing the other party in the new law I could do something legally . If indeed it is the desire of yourself and not force or no force , yes , there is nothing unlawful . My obligation is to provide another point of view so that it becomes more and more choices and to not pick just one . Whatever be the choice of risk and consequences . Which is responsible for yourself as well .
I think that it needs to be addressed is the mindset and outlook as well as the definition and understanding of sex itself . The root causes of all this , where else is the same . Mindset and perspective . Everything can be seen from the top of what 's going on , but all that happens always has a common thread . What is the common thread , that's the point. From there we can start to fix it .
No need to be far away from the others and start pointing the finger or tell and ask others to do so , but the start of yourself first . If we are able to see things from all different angles , honest , and know what and who we really are , it really means for the future and a better life . Want ? !
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 07, 2014 at 19:19
Tag ; Controversy sex Swingers style.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:19