Showing posts with label Catch Child Predator 71 .. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catch Child Predator 71 .. Show all posts

Friday, 30 May 2014

Catch Child Predator 71 .

Department of Homeland Security United States in New York, United States, made a great catch. Working closely with the government of New York and the Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement United States, they managed to arrest 71 suspects child pornography.
The operation was done under the guise that involve various tissues . Astonishing is among the many suspects who have professions that should be near and could protect the child .
Among the suspects were there who works as a cop in New York , a paramedic at Fire Department of New York, rabbis ( Jewish priest ), architects, programmers, nurses for children with special needs and sister scoutmaster .
One of the suspects allegedly been traveling to the Dominican Republic just to have sex with children .
He even went to the country more than 50 times to perform deviant sexual activity .
" This is the biggest catch predators targeting owning, producing and distributing images of child pornography , " said special agent James Hayes .
According to him , the child pornography has become epidemic , and occur everywhere .
" Background profession suspects also very surprising , " he added .
Typically , the child predators identified with an unemployment with a sexual disorder , but apparently not so . Many of the suspects who have established employment , higher education and even religious leaders .
In addition to capturing the suspects , the police seized more than 600 equipment used to spread child pornography content , including laptops , tablets , smartphones , hard diks containing thousands of pornographic images and videos of children . So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno .
DatePublished : May 30, 2014 at 19:37
Tag : Catch Child Predator 71 .
Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:37