Showing posts with label Careful Opinion on Social Media.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Careful Opinion on Social Media.. Show all posts

Monday, 13 October 2014

Careful Opinion on Social Media.

"Considering he had to clarify an apology through his personal account, the detention of Florence was too excessive."

A number of NGOs demanding that Florence SIH were accused of insulting and defaming the people of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta released from police custody, because it was considered too excessive detention.
This statement was delivered by NGOs: Contrast, LBH Jakarta, ICT Watch, and SafeNet in Jakarta.
"Considering he had to clarify an apology through his personal account, the detention of Florence was too much," said Division Chief fulfillment of civil and political rights NGOs Contrast, Alex Argohernowo, the BBC Indonesia, Heyder Affan.
They also requested that the police solve the case through mediation between the complainant and Florence Saulina SIH following the apology from the concerned.
"So, we hope that the legal process (to Florence) does not exist," said Alex.
Yogyakarta Yogyakarta police have arrested Florence on Saturday (30/8) yesterday. He allegedly insulting or libelous top Yogyakarta residents through social media.
This made ​​the local police detention since 26-year-old woman who was deemed "uncooperative follow the investigation".
So far Florence sought legal counsel that his client may be suspended imprisonment. They also considered the detention was too hasty.

Insulting the citizens of Yogyakarta 

S-2 student at a public university in Yogyakarta was charged under Law No. 2 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions.
He considered the words deemed offensive or libelous Yogyakarta residents through social media path.
In social media, Wednesday (27/8), women from Medan, North Sumatra was writing words that later deemed insulting people of Yogyakarta.
Among Florence writes: "Jogja poor, stupid, and uncultured. Friends from Jakarta to Bandung do not want to stay in Jogja."
This paper is then disseminated to users of social media Facebook, Twitter and social media, as well as cause a negative reaction that hit Florence.
As reported several mass media publications Jakarta, Yogyakarta several institutions in Florence and then reported to the police DIY Yogyakarta.
Some media reports, Florence wrote those words after he refused to line up in rows of two-wheeled vehicle at a gas station in Yogyakarta, as requested officers.
At that time, he mentioned being at the forefront of four-wheeled vehicles. He then left the gas station after the clerk refused to serve him.

'Should be careful' 

Meanwhile, social media observer, Abrams said, the case of Florence SIH can be used as a kind of self-criticism for the users of social media in order to "be more cautious in expressing an opinion."
He also warned that social media users are more careful in "spreading one's opinion through social media."
According to him, the case of Florence may "not be great", when what he wrote remains in the path of social media and social media are not propagated to the other and to the mass media.
"It makes all the people who are not using social media, which made ​​Florence argues, it became know," Abrams told the BBC's Indonesian, Heyder Affan.
Florence was then fished posts sharp polemic, such analysis Abrams, because of social media users in Indonesia today tend to "exaggerate", "Want to know the affairs of others" and "likes to provoke" on an issue.
"Well, three things make social media users should be careful, because they are able to trigger an issue into a wild ball which will harm anyone," he explained.
However, Abrams said he does not agree when Florence then criminalized and arrested by police DIY Yogyakarta.
"I think the arrest was excessive, because it is not clear who loses in this defamation case. He 'do not call people per person. So the use of Act No. 2 of 2008 on information and electronic transactions too much," he said.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. 
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 13, 2014 at 20:31
Tag : Careful Opinion on Social Media.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:31