Showing posts with label Bung Karno wife.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bung Karno wife.. Show all posts

Saturday 1 March 2014

Bung Karno wife.

Written By on Thursday, March 1st, 2014 | 22:16.

Ir. Soekarno

Not many people know , the name of the wife 9 Ir . Sukarno .
Ir . Sukarno , Indonesia 's first president renowned as a charismatic man nan flamboyant , so it is not surprising that he has nine wives , ranging from kostnya mother while still in school until high school when he was 65 years old . Ninth Bung Karno wife who accompanied him in the ups and downs of life is ;

1 . Oetari Tjokroaminoto.

Daughter of national hero SI leader , HOS Tjokroaminoto who is also a teacher 's Sukarno , Sukarno married when he was 16 years old while Sukarno was only 20 years old . His second marriage lasted only whole corn , because Oetari still childish while Ir . Sukarno had plunged into the movement.

2 . Inggit Garnasih.

The second woman to be wife is Inggit Garnasih Soekarno , in 1921 when Soekarno boarding in Bandung , Sukarno was 20 years while the 31 -year -old Inggit . At that time Inggit already has a husband , namely , Haji Sanusi but since the beginning of Sukarno had admired Inggit mature and beautiful , and finally in 1923 Sukarno could seize Inggit love and marry . 20 years the ship sailed without a childless marriage , divorce Sukarno in 1943 for refusing to co-wife Inggit .

3 . Fatmawati.

Dumped in Bengkulu , Sukarno met with the music director, three hearts , our first First Lady , Fatmawati or Fatima . Relationship with Fatmawati marriage with Inggit should end , Inggit who refuse polygamy chose to return to Bandung . Dated June 1, 1943 , Sukarno, who was then 41 years old Fatmawati newly married 20 -year -old . The pair was endowed 5 children , one of whom was Megawati Sukarnoputri we know as the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia .

4 . Hartini.

In 1953 , 8 years after the independence of Indonesia , Sukarno Hartini woo a widow with five . There are two versions of the beginning of their love story , there is mention they met at Prambanan temple there is also a mention of them met for the first time at the official residence of the Mayor of Salatiga . Hartini still existed as Soekarno 's wife until his death the Son of the Dawn . Hartinilah lap , Sukarno last breath .

5 . Kartini Manoppo.

Manoppo Kartini married in 1959 , Kartini was a woman of Bolang Mongondow a former Garuda Indonesia flight attendants , first Bung Karno know Kartini Basuki Abdullah Manoppo of painting . When looking at the painting , Bung Karno was fascinated and from there on started the relationship between them , initially Bung Karno ask for chorus Kartini fly every time the president visits abroad. Finally at the end of 1959 the couple were married , and in 1967 the two have a son named Totok Suryawan Sukarno .

6 . Ratna Sari Dewi.

Women from Japan whose real name is Naoko Nemoto was 19 years old when the groom by Sukarno . When married with Sukarno in 1962 , changed its name Naoko Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno . From this marriage he had a child named Kartika Sari Dewi Sukarno . After Sukarno fell from his throne , Ratna Sari Dewi settled in various countries such as Switzerland , France and the United States . There was some controversy caused by Ratna Sari Dewi as a fight with Minnie Osmena granddaughter of former Philippine President Sergio Osmena but the direct impact on Indonesian society is launching in the Japanese photography book featuring photos Ratna Sari Dewi half naked and tattoos on his body . It is considered by many Indonesian people as harassment against Sukarno name and legacy .

7 . Haryati.

Haryati is a palace dancer who was only 23 years old when the groom to be the wife of Sukarno , Sukarno himself as 62 years old at the time. Sukarno and Haryati love story was brief , 3 years of age without producing a child of their marriage , divorce Soekarno reasoned Haryati because there is no compatibility between the two.

8 . Yurike Sanger.

The first meeting with Yurike Bung Karno , who was still in junior high school when Yurike follow Barisan Unity in Diversity . Along with meeting intensintas both, the seeds of love began to grow , ranging from sitting next to each other to deliver Yurike go off home . Once a relationship for some time , in 1964 , Bung Karno was to be a wife to marry Yurike , a teenager who just turned 2 in high school classes became wife of a president . But their relationship is not always clear skies in shaded , faded Sukarno , a year after the 1968 peak impeachment Bung Karno , the uncertain financial situation , Bung Karno ask Yurike to file for divorce , because Yurike itself is still young and Bung Karno considered better as it than they were together .

9 . Heldy Djafar.

Heldy Djafar , girl from Kutai , East Kalimantan marriage to Bung Karno when he was 18 years old , the age when it's time Bung Karno already stepping 65 years. The two were married in 1966 when Soekarno power has begun to sink , it turns out his second marriage only lasted for 2 years , Sukarno was exiled in Wisma Yaso , so that communication between the two was more inhibited and existing relationships are increasingly stretched . Finally, in mid- 1968 Heldy remarried to a man named Gusti Suriansyah Noor .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 22:16
Tag : Bung Karno wife.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 22:16