Showing posts with label Bulian trees.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bulian trees.. Show all posts

Monday 27 January 2014

Bulian trees.

Family: Lauraceae
Distribution: This tree species can be found in Indonesia, Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak and the Philippines.
Habitat: This tree can grow in primary and secondary forests, to a height of 500m.
Ecology: Bulian tree canopy tree species. Distribution can be scattered or in groups. Can grow well in dry soil and clay type. If the tree is logged, the regeneration process is very slow.
Threats: Bulian tree is one of the wood is very heavy and durable in the world, so this tree has been exploited excessively. This species is also threatened because of the difficulty to breed and low regeneration.
Ulin also called iron wood Bulian is a woody trees and plants typical of Borneo. Ironwood primarily used as building materials, such as construction of houses, bridges, power poles, and shipping. Ulin is one type of wet tropical forest wood which grows naturally in the southern part of Sumatra and Borneo.
Ulin including large trees that can reach 50 m in diameter and 120 cm. This tree grows in the lowlands to an altitude of 400 m. Ulin generally grows at an altitude of 5-400 m above sea level with flat to sloping terrain, grows scattered or clustered in mixed forests, but very rarely found in the marsh habitat. Ulin wood is also resistant to changes in temperature, humidity, and the influence of sea water so that the properties of the wood is very heavy and hard. Ironwood tree is somewhat separate from the other trees and surrounded by a circular trails of ironwood. At the bottom there is a section that ironwood tree hollow.
Natural breeding process in logged forest are generally less going well. Seed germination Ulin takes a long time about 6-12 months with a relatively low percentage of success, each tree fruit production is generally too little. The spread of natural regeneration in general tend to be clustered. Ulin grown in lowland primary and secondary forest up to an altitude of 500m. Ironwood seeds prefer well drained soil, sandy clay to clay, limestone sometimes. It is commonly found along the river and the adjacent hills. It requires an average annual rainfall of 2500-4000 mm.
In Borneo, ironwood already in use as the main material for making houses, especially among the Dayaks. Ironwood good to be used as housing material is old ironwood. The older age ironwood, the harder the wood.
Nowadays it is rare ironwood. This is caused by the slow growth, small germination success rate, as well as illegal logging. It is feared that if not preserved, ironwood will become extinct.
One characteristic of plants of Borneo is his Ulin Wood. Formerly natives and newcomers, whether they live in the woods and living in the suburb on the water with the stage, utilizing ironwood as the main part of the pole, flooring, fences, ground stakes, shingles, etc.. Ironwood has a unique feature that is in addition to hard, heavy, not too weathered it hit the water even more durable. Ulin wood among which is quite resistant to termite attack. Ulin also live in the forest portion of the island of Sumatra. Ranging in color from brown to blackish. In terms of its drawbacks is that it can crack when exposed to hot temperatures for long.
 Over time, the ironwood now it's been quite difficult in the can. Exploitation of poorly controlled logging in the past, and also due to forest fires, creating a population of ironwood trees shrink drastically. Most of ironwood in the wood shop building materials derived from the ironwood trees are relatively young age, but to sow s / d ironwood trees felled ready to take decades. I do not know if the plant breeding technology has advanced rapidly so it does not take long, like teak trees there are now several variants like super teak, teak etc. Salomon.
So far it seems not much progress in the cultivation of engineering ironwood trees grow so fast as high-value trees. Unlike teak trees which are now the Super Teak varieties that supposedly already be in use by the time of planting approximately 5-10 years. However, instead of the Department of Forestry was not initiated towards the cultivation Ulin. in most areas of Borneo has been no attempt to Ulin tree cultivation. One of the World's largest ironwood trees that are still alive are in Kutai National Park + / - 40 Km from Bontang, with a diameter of + / - 2.7 Meter. Unfortunately this tree had been broken and a hole in the middle. But the tree remains alive monument made of the existence of ironwood trees, especially in Borneo. With a reduced supply of ironwood in the market then it also shifts use or function of ironwood as building materials, towards which resulted in a higher sale value as for the manufacture of furniture and carvings and souvenirs typical Dayak motifs. One of the high and low benchmark furniture or works of carved ironwood is the complexity of motive, age and wide plank wood ironwood used. The wider the ironwood board as a whole, shows that the older the age of the wood and the more expensive automatic. The price range starts from about 4 million s / d Tens of millions of its goods depends. It was also turns 7 years began to demand by some enthusiasts of traditional patterned wooden furniture. Unlike the carvings from teak wood, the average thickness of ironwood boards thicker than teak wood, for example in terms of making carved chests, furniture, beds, mirror frames, etc.. The development needs of Ulin wood carving furniture making for its own livelihood seekers ironwood forest furniture workshop as our supplier. In small groups they go deep into the forest to cut down ironwood based orders. They also use the buffalo as a means to attract beam Ulin. Usually they also cut up the ironwood forest in order.
Previously they were cut into blocks of wood ironwood size 10x10, 5x10, and ironwood boards with an average length of 4 meters to the needs of the building, but now for the needs of craftsmen furniture / carving Ulin they seem selectively by looking for large ironwood tree and cut into board measures 2 feet wide X rods with a thickness of nearly 4 inches. You can imagine the whole ironwood boards with a length of 1.5 meters and a width of 1 meter and 4-inch thick require about 8 people to lift it. The ironwood logging activities could be illegal, but so far carved ironwood furniture workshop no one else of his material I heard was seized by authorities. Ulin is very hard, heavy and dense and tend to sink when inserted into the water. Now this is not just a local furniture craftsmen who are very interested in developing ironwood furniture, but the craftsmen of Bali had already started to put his interest to get the board ironwood or ironwood root tubers to be transformed into a high-quality art. When compared to teak, ironwood harder then when carved. Ulin carving motifs are not too concerned with the look of wood fiber, because fiber may be said to be motivated as well as teak. Ulin carved wood / wood carved upon it still contains enough water / wet for easier slicing. So about an ironwood sculptor who once told me. Furniture and carvings typical of Dayak average ironwood ironwood shaped coffin, typical Dayak shields, guest chairs, mirror frames, bed. Even carved frames and doors. Sometimes to complete the ark of carved ironwood 1 2 X 1 X 0.5 mtr takes many months, it includes waiting for the shipment of raw materials from suppliers. This is what makes one of the fans became increasingly curious.
One characteristic that distinguishes between the carved teak and ironwood Ulin is that the board is used as a base material having a thickness that is more than the average thick teak planks for the same needs. In place of carving workshop that I met, in part engraver actually imported from Jepara. If you are interested in carving of Ulin, just prepare to spend quite a lot of very hard wood products this. Normally goods using raw materials iron wood plank widths are not ready stock. More goods made by order. If you ordered the main size bed, should be considered carefully when will be placed on the second floor of your home. This is because the weights bed itself is quite heavy, despite mounting using knock-down system. When juxtaposed with Teak Furniture, obviously in terms of the look of wood fiber, Teak is superior. But if the terms of a characteristic, Ulin more exclusive because of limited natural raw materials especially later evolved to combine the jewels of amethyst violet. According to the craftsmen, there is little drawback ironwood made for furniture or artwork / engravings. At one time, it was among the ironwood like chapped / cracked. To overcome typically the garage / shop furniture ironwood ironwood willing to help repair chapped / rupture. Again, when compared with furniture made with teak base material, then each one has its advantages. Teak besides hard also show the beauty of natural wood fiber. Ulin more to the violence and to its typical late. Wood fibers are not visible, only wood / board used tend to be thick and dark brown long even when it would be black and shiny.
PLANTING TECHNIQUES ULIN (Eusideroxylon zwageri
Seed procurement
Ironwood tree changes every year, in the month of July to October. Fruit ironwood oval with a diameter 5-10 cm and a length of 10-20 cm. Young fruit is green and become brown after cooking. Meat pieces will be separated from the seed through a process of decay for ± 1-2 months. Ivory white seeds with a hard seed coat 1-2 mm thick.
To break the hard seed coat, scarification can be done by soaking in water for 2 hours, then dried in the sun for 2 days. How scarification using a sharp tool can damage kotilendon.
Ironwood Germination can be done directly or through a plastic bag to sow plots. Germination by sowing plot gives better results.
Sow plot
Sow plot made using a transparent plastic lid of a semicircular with a diameter of 70 cm. Lid made under the stand or shade.
The medium used for germination is sand that has been sterilized, by the way: solarization, fumigation fried or media partner with fungicide (Dithane M-45). Thick beds of sand in the sow at least 20 cm, considering the growth of roots and ironwood very long Sepat.
Sowing Seeds
Sowing is done after scarified seed. Seeds are sown deep as ¾ of the size of the seed with a horizontal position.
The seeds start to germinate at day 33 until ready to weaning at day 69 (age 8 weeks). In this way the results obtained percent germination above 95%.
Weaning to sow the seeds of sapling plots using plastic bag size 20 x 30 cm. The medium used was a mixture of soil, sand and compost with a ratio of 7: 2: 1. Weaning is done in the morning or in the afternoon shade.
Weaning beds made in the shade with the condition as plots sown. In weaning ironwood seeds, which need to be considered are the following:
Root tunjang not to bend or break, given the fairly long and large roots;
Seeds should not be disconnected / detached from the seed, because the separation of seeds from seed to plant seeds cause death.
Seedling sapling level takes 3-4 months and seedlings ready for planting in the food. Seed origin chum natural seedlings are often used for planting, growing less well in the field, as it may be due to the release of seeds from seed.
Maintenance of Seed
Watering and Fertilizing
Watering is done at least once a day. Fertilization given if weaning growth of seedlings in beds less well. Commonly used fertilizers are NPK (15:15:15) at a dose of 10 grams per plastic bag.
Pest and Disease Control
Control of pests and diseases do when seen any attack symptoms. Insecticides or fungicides are used according to the type of fungi or insects that attack it.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 27, 2014 at 17:33
Tag ; Bulian trees, ulin wood

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:33