Showing posts with label Bones name (Latin) Human Body.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bones name (Latin) Human Body.. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Bones name (Latin) Human Body.

Latin name of the bones in the skull.

Latin name of the bones in the skull.

Brow bone: Frontal 
Fontanel bones: parietal 
Back of the skull: osipital 
Orbital fracture: temporal 
Cheek bones: zygomatic 
Wedge bones: the sphenoid 
Mandibular bones: mandible 
Maxillary bone: maxillary 
Bone tears: lacrimal 
Nasal bones: nasal 
Palatine: pallatum 
Bones filter: ethmoidale 
Bone tongue: hyodeus 

Bone Latin name on Board.

Bone Latin name on Board.

Cervical vertebrae: cervical vertebrae 
Sternum: manubrium 
                                         Backbone: vertebrae limbalis 
Lumbar spine: lumbar spine 
Sacrum: sacrum 
Coccyx: vert coccigis 
True ribs: costae vera 
False ribs: costa spuria 
The ribs float: Costa Flunctua 
Scapula: skapikula 
Collarbone: the clavicle 
Bone intestine: Ilium 
Bones sat: iscium 
Pubic bones : the pubis 

Latin Name Member bone in the body 

Latin Name Member bone in the body

Upper limbs.
Bone of the upper arm: the humerus 
Bone lever: radius 
Ulna: ulna 
The bones of the wrist: carpus 
Bone palms: metakarpus 
Bone fingers: falanges 

Lower limbs.

Lower limbs.

Thigh bones: the femur 
Bone patella: patellar 
Dry bones: the tibia 
Calf bones: the fibula 
Ankle bones: tarsus 
Foot bones: metatarsus 
Bone toes: falanges (same with fingers on the hand) 
Heel bones: the calcaneus 

Forms of Human Bone Frame.

Based on the shape , the bone can be divided into three groups by the shape functions of the human skeleton there are three , namely pipe bones , short bones and flat bones .

Bone Pipe.

Bone Pipe.

 Pipe bone is bone that has a shape like a pipe . Cavity in the bone marrow contains a yellow pipe . The yellow marrow contains a lot of fat . Yellow marrow can serve as a food reserve . At the ends of the bones were inflated pipe , in which there are small cavities that contain red marrow . The red marrow function as blood -forming cells .

Short bones.

Short bones.

Short bone short bone size . In it there is only a small cavities containing red marrow . The bones are short bones , including , among others, spine, wrist , and ankle bones .

Flat Bones.

Flat Bones.

This bone -shaped flat . Similarly, short bones , flat bones serve as the formation of blood cells . This is due to the flat bones are small cavities that contain red marrow . The bones are included in the flat bones , among other ribs , sternum , skull and bones .

Bone Function ( Frame ).

Bone is a locomotor which has an important role for humans because human bones in addition to preparing the framework , also has several functions such as:
Gives the body shape
Protect tool ( the organs ) vital body
Restraining and straightened up , Supporting the establishment of the body
The place of attachment of skeletal muscle ( skeletal )
Red bone marrow to form red blood cells , place the formation of red blood cells
As a backup ( hoarding ) of minerals , especially calcium and phosphate
A place to store energy , which deposits fat in yellow marrow
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 26, 2014 at 15:41
Tag : Bones name (Latin) Human Body.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:41