Unfortunately bird Angel (Semioptera wallacii) are endemic to North Maluku is increasingly scarce. Although the IUCN Redlist only categorized as Least Concern, but on the ground like an angel beautiful feathered bird is increasingly rare.
This rare bird is a family member Paradisaeidae (Cendrawasih) and is the only member of the genus Semioptera. Was first discovered in 1858 by Alfred Russel Wallace. By the local community of this bird is also known as weak-weka, while in English this bird is referred to as Standardwing, Standard-wing Bird-of-paradise, or Wallace's Standardwing.
Angel Bird Characteristics and Behavior. Angel Bird of medium size, about 28 cm. Olive greenish brown. Angel male bird has a crown of purple and purple-pale and shiny emerald green color on his chest. Angel Bird smaller females with olive and brown colors and have longer tails than males.
Characteristic of bird Angel (Semioptera wallacii) is are two pairs of long white feathers coming out of the bend wings. These feathers can be enforced or lowered according to the wishes of these birds.
Flirty birds of North Maluku, also known as weak-weka these insects, arthropods, and fruits. Male birds are polygamous.
Coquetry beautiful feathered bird is seen especially during the breeding season. Male birds will show off the beauty of feathers and wings span and flirtation in dancing to seduce and attract the attention of females. Angel Bird females will come and pick one stud which is considered the most beautiful dance and stretch their wings.
Distribution, habitat, and population. Angel Bird is a species endemic to North Maluku and be kind Cendrawasih spread over most western region. This bird can be found on the island of Halmahera and Bacan in North Maluku.
Some locations that habitat Angel nan beautiful flirty again this is the Land of the White forest, mountain Gamkonora, and forest Domato (Halmahera Barat), labi-labi forest area and forest national park Aketajawe Lolobata (East Halmahera). Bird named locally weak-weka is also found on the island of Bacan.
Angel bird populations (Semioptera wallacii) is not known with certainty but certainly has decreased when compared with the 1980s because the number of forest bird habitat angel deforested. Population decline was also caused by the illegal hunting of birds to capture Angel male has beautiful feathers.
Although increasingly hard to find in their habitat, but by IUCN Redlist, the conservation status of this bird is still considered safe sheingga still classified as Least Concern. Whereas by CITES, birds standardwing listed as Appendix II.
The Government of Indonesia, although no specific mention of bird species in appendix PP Angel 7 of 1999, but the bird is still included as one of the protected animals. This is because all family members Paradisaeidae or various types of Paradise, a protected species.
What is certain birds behave in a flirtatious and beautiful fluffy angel like this are increasingly rare and hard to find. And oddly enough, many of us who are not familiar with this bird, including North Maluku society itself. Therefore, can not; Recognize and protect "Angel Coquette" is.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: July 11, 2015 at 14:34
Tags : Bird angel Maluku.