Showing posts with label Batik Papua Not Lost.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batik Papua Not Lost.. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Batik Papua Not Lost.

Papuan batik.

Batik as we know it might just sakaang from around Java . The most popular is from Yogyakarta and Solo . Began to develop Batik Madura , Pekalongan or Banyumasan . There is also a modern batik popular demand young children . Motive and warnaya pastel abstract model really modern . Not wrong , those who struggle with Batik , got very good appreciation , because it can lead youngsters to start love Batik Batik - batik through modern and abstract patterned and pastel colors with a cute dress models and attractive.

Papuan batik motif

Papuan batik motif

Motif Papuan batik.

Motif Papuan batik.

Traditional fabrics in Indonesia is very diverse . From the start of Batik , which already carry the name of Indonesia , which also began developing Weaving , and Songket , the more similar Weaving has a characteristic , colorful and more towards the ' official ' . All beautiful . See Ulos Batak writing : One Fabric Traditional Indonesian Batik addition , which also Sarat Meanings
Especially in Indonesia, West and East . Indonesian West and East always produce through traditional cloth weaving , batik instead . There may be also , but not ' booming ' . So when some of this year I sent from my friend who lives in Timika , a special gift for me , I ter - directional with amazement ! Several pieces of fine batik cloth with a pattern of birds of paradise and the typical Honai Papua .
Motive is typical of Papua . Dominated by Bird of Paradise and Home Honai . Or also animals such as Papua Gecko ( lizard lizards and crocodiles ) , butterflies and also other musical instruments drums ( called Tifa ) typical of Papua . The color is also varied . Such as Batik of Java, Batik Papua in there that ' batik ' and there is also Batik . Atun fabric , silk spring up full silk , made ​​more beautiful Batik Papua .
Javanese traditional batik of land is unique . Such as Solo , traditional Batik , of the classic , always a classic brown color combined with black . Batik Yogyakarta is the classic white black brown color blends well , which makes eyes bulging foreign travelers . Especially with Batik she wrote ! Wow ... so beautiful !
But Batik Papua , more ' modern ' . They instead chose colorful fabrics , such as bright red , green , blue , purple , pink , orange or a combination . It is not clear , why Papua prefer colors that ' good ' , but when viewed from the life there , it can suck a lot Papua foreign tourists even to live there , including citizens of the western world who work in Freeport , they most likely combines all the cultural influences with bright colors , combined with natural colors .

Apparently there is also a motive ' boomerang ' , as the fabric of Australia .

And it turns out to batik fabric made ​​in Papua is also , very good quality , the price is quite expensive .
Papuan batik as Indonesia began getting assistance from UNDP ( The United Nations Development Programme ) for the empowerment of local culture eastern Indonesia in 1985. To train batik , batik provincial government brought directly from the land of Java , with local cultural influences . And the culture of Papua , Papuan batik making exotic look and very ethnic .
Papuan batik also come from several areas . For example , Kamoro motive , the motive wooden statues or motifs Asmat Sentani , is distinctively groove logs . They also know the ' prada ' . Called demiian is gold colored lines . For Batik Papua her traditional or classic, they are more batik motif paintings on cave
walls , as there often are in accordance with findings from archeology, in the Biak and Jayapura . Motives that use sacred symbols containing elements of history .

Sentani Papua batik motifs .

Like the traditional fabric of Indonesia. Batik Papua has quite the philosophical meaning . Tifa and Honai motifs that symbolize the happiness of a house which contained a happy family .
Papuan batik motifs and Honai Tifa , which symbolizes ' happy home ' , with a gold stripe grooves , make batik luxury . Tosca blue color , which is brown silk and cotton fabrics , though equally luxurious .
There for batik is divided in the process . For Batik , which is working on the women but for batik cap , his men who do it . Coloring matter is of natural ingredients , but the accompanying change of time and production costs are getting more expensive , the colors start to be made of synthetic colors .
And although the history of Papua are not familiar with the culture and technology in batik as in Java , but Papuans still able to adopt the culture of Indonesia in addition to Papua , Papua blend in with the local culture itself, into the people and the land of Papua began to develop to empower and preserve traditional Indonesian fabrics .
And with young people , Batik Papua will be able to ' grab ' the world's eyes glance through the diversity of traditional Indonesian fabrics on certain events .
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 08, 2014 at 18:32
Tag ; ' Batik Papua ' : Not Lost Land of Batik of Java is already global, batik papua

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:32