Showing posts with label Animals Transparent Unique And Weird.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals Transparent Unique And Weird.. Show all posts

Thursday 26 December 2013

Animals Transparent Unique And Weird.

Transparent frogs.          

Transparent frogs.

Never see " glass frog " ? Derived from the tropical forests of Venezuela . The organs in the frog egg cups and can be seen easily .

Transparent Coral Shrimp.

Transparent Coral Shrimp.

Bottom of the cave is one of the darkest locations on the planet - even a good light source that did not mean anything here . In this condition creatures such as fish , spiders , insects , crayfish and transform itself into a transparent . Under certain conditions they do not need eyes or pigmentation .

Sea Cucumber transparent.

Sea Cucumber transparent.

Sea cucumber

Sea cucumber ( sea cucumber ) , these primeval creatures derivative moving with a slow , soft inhabit his body in the water , evolved in order to survive and breed . For some sea cucumber , became transparent to make them invisible to predators .

Ice fish Transparent.

Ice fish Transparent.

Found in the cold waters near Antarctica and southern South America , ice fishing crocodile ( Channichthyidae ) is prey of small shrimps , copepods , and other fish . Their blood is transparent because they have no hemoglobin and / or only the red blood cells do not function . Metabolism relies only on the oxygen dissolved in the blood , which is believed to be absorbed directly through the skin from the water . This happens because water can dissolve the most oxygen in the coldest temperatures .

Transparent amphipod.

Transparent amphipod.

Named Phronima , this unique animal is one of the many strange species recently found on an expedition in the mountains under the sea in the North Atlantic . In an ironic strategy for survival , this shrimp -like creature shows everything it has , inside and out , with the intention of hiding her figure .

Teuthowenia pellucida

Teuthowenia pellucida

Found in the southern hemisphere oceans , glass shrimp ( Teuthowenia pellucida ) has organ light in her eyes and can roll into a ball , resembling a sea urchin .

Siponopora ( siphonophores ).

Siponopora ( siphonophores ).

Siphonophores into the Cnidaria , a group of animals that includes the corals , hydroids , and jellyfish . Marrus orthocanna , type sphonophores in the ocean depths . The combination of the digestive system and blood circulation is red , while the other is transparent .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 26, 2013 at 20:33
Tag ; Animals Transparent Unique And Weird, transparent animals

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:33