Virologist at the same time emcee 'Bite Me' on National Geographic, Dr. Mike Leahy reveal 8 animals that could endanger your adventure activities even ruin your life after that, reported by CNNGo.
Loa worm - loa.
An insect in Africa could bite you and leave the worms bacteria that will be in the human eyeball. Although the action sounds creepy, these animals are not classified as dangerous. Loa - not potentially kill loa and the effect will not be to make you blind.
Worm is in the eye can be removed without damaging the existing system in patients eyeballs. But it is better if you do not get bitten loa - loa. So, if you are planning a vacation to the interior of Africa, used clothing covered. Do not forget to always use lotion and mosquito repellents.
Assassin Beetle.
Assassin bug or beetle killer will come to the adventurers who were sleeping. Shaped like a black beetle. They came to humans by detecting carbon dioxide released by the body. This insect bite without being detected, there was no pain.
He will spread the parasite through your lips and eyelids. Afterwards, there are parasites that enter the bloodstream and damage the human muscular system. This insect-borne diseases are called chagas and can kill slowly. Most died of heart failure. These animals are in Central America and South America.
Flies Botflies.
Botflies is deceitful harmful insects. He does not come to you and leave the larvae, but he pressed on the larvae of other insects that you might consider harmless. If the insects that have been 'equipped' perch larvae in your body, ready - ready to run to the doctor.
The larvae enter into the pores - pores and slowly destroy the meat. Although not lethal, the effect is very painful. Most doctors immediately amputate parts that have been tampered with larvae. This insect is in South America and how best to avoid wearing clothes botflies is closed.
Jellyfish - irukandji jellyfish.
Careful - careful if swimming on the east coast of Australia such as Queensland, as there are jellyfish - jellyfish dangerous. Jellyfish - The jellyfish are small and tend to be transparent so hard to see while swimming. You may not feel the pinch because it does not hurt.
But the danger is pain that will be suffered after being stung. Jellyfish - Jellyfish is capable of causing unbearable pain shortly after being stung. Most of the victims were rushed to the hospital shortly after contact with irukandji stings.
Banana Spider.
Profit - big profits and this hairy deserve to be feared. Animals that live in Brazil has another name banana spider or profit - profit bananas. Dangerous, of course, bite.
This animal bites can cause death due to a dangerous poison. Once bitten, the wound will be even bigger and worse as the onset of pus and destruction of muscular system in the body. Rarely does a doctor or hospital that is able to restore the shape of the part that has been bitten profit - profit is.
Animals such as leeches is quite dangerous and deadly. Bloodworm is red leeches that live in the clear river in the interior of Africa and South America. This beast will automatically go to warm-blooded creatures like humans when they swim in the waters there.
Without realizing it, it will leech into the skin and spread into the body. Most people die from these leeches are bred in the body and damage organs in it. There are more than 200 million people are already affected by bloodworm and most of them ended tragically.
Sand flies.
Sand flies are in some places and result in several diseases. In New Zealand, the sand flies will cause painful itching. In South America, the sand flies can make your nose and eyes ravaged by bacteria carried by them.
Similarly, the Indian tribes lived in the area, sand flies have the same effect, even deadly. This flies really small, it could pass without difficulty netting and he was not noisy. It is most likely done to avoid this insect is enclosed sleeping with clothes and avoid sleeping in the sand.
Candiru fish.
This is why Amazon is very exotic, too dangerous. In the waters of the Amazon, Brazil, lived a deadly fish will suck your blood. He will enter the body of people who bathe, urinate or do other activities in the Amazon River.
The animal was attracted to urine and will go through the release of urine. Before sucking blood depleted in the human body, this fish is very small and that's what makes this fish could enter freely. Once inside, he would be the equivalent of growing blood is aspirated. Most people affected could not be saved because of this very malignant eating fish meat in the human body.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 18:41
Tag : Animal deadly.