Chicken Pelung a pet chicken from Cianjur , Indonesian native chicken type with three genetic trait .
The first voice crowed long heave .
Both rapid growth .
The third big body posture .
The weight of an adult male chicken pelung can reach 5-6 kg with a height of between 40 to 50 cm .
Now this is getting famous Chicken Pelung and quite in demand by the general public, foreign and domestic tourists. A son of the Emperor of Japan to the Warungkondang to see the Pelung chicken farms . Even in Cianjur contest held each year , followed Pelung Chicken owners and keepers of chickens pelung - West Java and Jakarta . Chicken best Pelung who won the contest could reach millions of dollars .
The name is derived from the chicken pelung Sundanese language meaning Melung Mawelung or curved , due to the curved crowed also produce sounds as chicken pelung has a long neck in the end the voice with a curved position .
Pelung chicken is one of the local chicken Indonesia that have distinctive characteristics , which are generally characteristic traits pelung chicken can be described as follows :

Claw : Long and large , black , green , yellow or white .
Wattle : Large , round and red.
Comb : Big , bold and upright , partly sloping and sloping , red and singular .
Fur color : Does not have the typical pattern , but generally a mix of red and black ; yellow and white , and color or mix of shiny green .
Voice : rhythmically crowed, more tunable and longer than other types of chicken.
Raising Chickens Pelung .
Raising that aims to produce superior offspring pelung chicken and both continue to be carefully and precisely , which include among others : Parent Election , Electoral Stud , Techniques and health maintenance ( periodic cage sanitation and vaccination ) . With the development of technology these days, we all agree that the chicken pelung should be developed and cultivated to its full potential for the benefit of human welfare , but from the side to preserve and develop the pelung chicken should not damage or destroy existing pelung race and proved to have many advantages .What Makes a Good Chicken Pelung .
Although similar to ordinary chicken , when viewed at a glance indistinguishable pelung chicken with other chicken . Great body shape with large wattles and comb a special characteristic of chicken pelung . Moreover, if we could hear the crowing cock pelung , it is even easier to us to know whether the chicken or the chicken pelung not . Pelung rooster is the main characteristic that differentiates it from other chicken , although posture and appearance as if the crowing cock pelung but short , its value as a regular chicken .Recognize the characteristics of a good chicken pelung is not easy thing , especially if you have not or will not crowed crowed . Especially if we raise chickens pelung orientation for the contest . Pelung going to be good does not guarantee a winner , because chicken care pelung also has an important role .
In the race pelung criteria is not merely crowing are contested , but that is the most popular category pelung race . Therefore, for starters , before entering the world of cattle pelung important to know the characteristics of a good chicken pelung in theory . Arguably , in theory , as though it was memorizing the characteristics of chicken pelung good , if not directly be difficult to distinguish the practice , especially if there are several chicken pelung the quality is almost the same .
Traits - good - pelung.
Feature Pelung Only Good One Big Agency.Pelung good chicken breeds is likely to lower the tiller is also good , but if there is the possibility of more bad luck can also be ugly . Chicken pelung good descent is usually the price was exorbitant , if we could choose chicken pelung potential which is likely going to be good but it is not necessarily cheaper breed and profitable .
What Makes a Good Chicken Pelung.
Some characteristics of a good chicken pelung important to note are as follows :1 . Pelung posture chicken and strong , the chicken rooster pelung adults weighing over 5 pounds
2 . Both wings looks sturdy and has a shiny coat and neat .
3 . Large and long neck with heavy books whose color varies . At the bottom of the neck there is also a large cache with a position in the middle symmetrically .
4 . Round or oval head and a large , glowing look and appears to have the brave trait even violent .
5 . Broad chest and big and strong and seems sturdy .
6 . Large comb and thick towering upwards singular jagged red , red wattles are also great .
7 . Both long legs and big and strong , too strong claws , feet Blimbing Shape ( square ) foot with scales that is neat and clean and shiny . Pelung chicken leg color is bluish black , green , or grayish white . Color pelung chicken feet yellow , usually the result of crosses with chicken .
Contests And Stock Chicken Pelung .
Just as doves or other birds chirping , roosters pelung also contested the focus to the strains of his voice , and now almost all aspects of assessment have got in a contest : the contest for the special sound pelung rooster chicken , contest appearance , body weight , and also to pelung females which includes competitions locally, nationally and internationally that has been scheduled is organized every year .In addition to the Pelung Chicken contest held singing competitions and other market arena is also the sales of chicken chicks to adulthood, from age 0 s / d 1 month , 3 months of age ( denied ) , age 6 s / d 7 months , until the chicken pelung finished ( ready for the contest ) . Thus competitions / contests as well as a chicken pelung stock sales , promotions and special socialization pelung chicken . Through this kind of exchange buyers , sellers and enthusiasts feel satisfied because in general get the seeds and stem quality and additional knowledge on everything about chickens pelung satisfactory from fellow breeders and enthusiasts. So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 22, 2014 at 16:26
Tag ; About chicken pelung, Pelung Chicken.