Showing posts with label About Etawa.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Etawa.. Show all posts

Friday, 13 February 2015

About Etawa.

Benefits of Milk Milk Etawa Etawa believed to have tremendous benefits for a variety of health. It is based on research that Etawa milk contains nutrients and minerals are fairly complete. Among them, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and fluorine. Therefore, milk Etawa claimed to have benefits that almost equivalent to breastmilk.

By looking at the nutritional content is very diverse and complete, it is not surprising that the benefits of milk Etawa also quite numerous and varied. What are the benefits of milk Etawa? Some of the reviews about the health benefits of milk for Etawa.

Benefits and Uses Milk Etawa are :

It has a natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Milk is naturally homogenized Etawa. Fat globules contained in milk Etawa can solve themselves into smaller parts when compared to cow's milk. It is beneficial to facilitate digestion and absorption of food by the body.

For people who suffer from bowel problems or gastrointestinal disorders caused by inflammation, milk Etawa very good to eat. Probiotic properties found in milk Etawa can encourage the development of the digestive system better.

Contains essential fatty acids.

Etawa milk contains about 35% higher fatty acids when compared to cow's milk only has 17%. In addition, milk Etawa more pronounced efficacy when taken in a raw state. Even for those who are lactose intolerant. Milk Etawa also beneficial for lowering high cholesterol. Antimicrobial fatty acids such as caprylic and capric acid found in milk Etawa also useful for improving the digestive system.

Improve the digestive system.

As mentioned earlier, milk Etawa very good for digestive health. This milk has the ability to soothe your digestive tract and suppress hunger effectively making it very suitable for weight loss. Moreover, the absence of protein complexes in milk Etawa make less milk allergy compared with cow's milk.

Does not cause allergies.

Many people complain that turns cow's milk can make them prone to allergies and respiratory diseases. But you do not worry, milk Etawa is an alternative that is very potent and efficacious to resolve the issue. High fat content in cow's milk is the cause of the accumulation of mucus that trigger allergies. Fat globules contained in milk Etawa only one ninth of the fat present in cow's milk. Therefore, irritation of your intestines due to consumption of milk can be avoided.

Acting as a metabolic agent.

Research and studies conducted on milk Etawa concluded that milk is closely related Etawa increased ability to absorb iron and copper, especially in people who have impaired digestive system.

Rich in calcium.

Although people consume cow's milk to increase calcium intake and prevent osteoporosis, you should also try Etawa milk because milk Etawa very rich in calcium and amino acid tryptophan.

As good nutrition and natural.

Goats are known as bio-organic sodium animals because efficacious to improve morale, flexibility and vitality for those who like to consume goat milk. Sodium bio-organic elements that keep joints supple and healthy. In addition, milk Etawa also widely used as a drug to maintain and regenerate the nervous system.

Can treat tuberculosis and asthma.

Milk Etawa it can be used as a medicine to cure tuberculosis and asthma because it contains Fluorine and Betakasein. In addition, milk Etawa also beneficial for those who have problems with breathing.

Good for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Another benefit of milk Etawa named as additional nutrition for pregnant women. In addition, the impact of milk consumption in pregnant women Etawa will nourish the fetus as well. As for nursing mothers, milk Etawa good to facilitate breastfeeding.

Can nourish the skin.

Did you know that milk Etawa it can be used as face masks and scrubs. This method is useful for smoothing the skin and tightens pores so free from various skin problems such as acne.

Benefits of Milk Etawa For Body And Skin.

Like any other milks, milk Etawa also very well taken by all ages because it is very beneficial for health. Of the value of the nutrients, milk Etawa not inferior to other milks, milk even Etawa has several advantages which are very striking. Milk Etawa also recommended consumed for the growth of the baby, pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers, the elderly, and also for healing various diseases as well as for skin beauty. Etawa milk can also be processed into milk powder, cheese, and other dairy products using.

Regarding Milk Mistaken assumption Etawa.

The myth that assumes that goat's milk should not be consumed by people with hypertension (high blood pressure) is not true. The content of "Potassium (Potassium)" contained in the milk Etawa it serves to control blood pressure and may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Content of Milk Etawa.

Results of research conducted by the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows dairy nutrition Etawa approaching perfect composition of breast milk. Every 100 grams of goat milk contains 3-4% protein, 4-7% fat, 4.5% carbohydrates, 134 grams of calcium and 111 g of phosphorus. The chemical composition Etawa milk contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamin A, B1 (IU), B2 (mg), B6, B12, C, D, E, Niacin , V, Pantotenant Acid, Choline and Inositol. Children who consume goat milk has good bone density, increased hemoglobin levels, as well as the adequacy of vitamin A, B1, B2 and B3 are essential for the growth and development of brain and nerve cells. Amino acids containing sulfur element methionine, cystine and cysteine essential for building healthy brain and nervous system, as well as play a role in the formation of blood cells antidote (detoxification) of hazardous chemicals into the body.

Excess Milk Etawa.

- In terms of nutrition, composition, and the nature, Milk Etawa composition and chemical properties of natural breast milk contains close.
- Have antiseptic properties, natural and can help reduce the breeding of bacteria in the body. This is caused the presence of Fluorine are 10-100 times greater than in cow's milk.
- Is wet (Alkaline Food) that is safe for the body.
- Protein lactase its effect soft and lightweight, so it does not cause diarrhea.
- Protein content contained better than eggs.
- Fat is easily digested because it has a soft and smooth texture is smaller than the grain fat cow's milk or other milk. Homogeneous and also be experienced.
- This makes it easier to digest so that suppress the onset of allergic reactions.
- Milk Etawa can be ingested by humans 20 minutes faster than the other milk.
- Efficacy for the Health of Dairy Ingredients Etawa
- Etawa milk contains sodium (Na), fluorine (F), Calcium (C), and phosphorus (P) as the dominant chemical elements and other nutritional content.

Milk Etawa has a property :

- Helps digestion and neutralize stomach acid.
- As a healing therapy of asthma, tuberculosis and acute lung infection chronic.
- Helps to treat allergic skin and other organs.
- Increase stamina and endurance.
- Addressing the problem of impotence / frigidity and increase the vitality of adult men and women.
- Efficacious for patients with abnormal renal function or in the medical world called neprotic syndrome.
- Efficacious as a healing therapy uric acid.
- Efficacious for bone formation, is highly recommended for those who suffer from rheumatism and prevent bone loss / OSTEOPHOROSIS.
- Helping to provide nutrition and other metabolic disorders.
- Helps smooth the skin because it has no milk Etawa in the form of soap.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 13 February 2015 at 18:58
Tags : Etawa milk.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:58