Showing posts with label About Bonsai.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Bonsai.. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 December 2015

About Bonsai.

Bonsai (盆栽) is a plant or tree that dwarfed in a shallow pot with the aim of making a miniature of the original shape of a big old tree in the wild. Planting (sai, 栽) performed in a shallow pot called bon (盆). The term bonsai are also used for traditional Japanese art in the maintenance of plants or trees in shallow pots, and appreciation of beauty of form branches, leaves, stems, and roots of trees, as well as a shallow pot into a container, or the overall shape of the plant or tree. Bonsai is the Japanese pronunciation for penzai (盆栽).
This art includes various techniques of cutting and pruning, wiring (the establishment of branches and tree limbs by wrapping wire or bend the wire bonding), as well as making the roots spread out on the rock. Bonsai-making takes a long time and involve a wide variety of jobs, such as fertilizer, pruning, plant establishment, watering, and replacement of the pot and soil. Plants or trees dwarfed by cutting the roots and branches. Tree formed with the help of wire on the twigs and shoots. The wire must have been taken before they could scratch the skin of the tree branches. Plants are living beings, and no bonsai that can be said is completed or finished. Changes that occur continuously at the plant according to the season or the state of nature is one of the charms of bonsai.


The most common tree bonsai are various species of pine. Types of plants and trees are used to classify the types of bonsai:
Bonsai pine and oak trees: pine, Chinese fir, spruce thorns, toothpick, and others.
Bonsai fruit trees to enjoy the beauty of the fruit (Ilex serrata, persimmon, Chaenomeles sinensis, apple mini, and others).
Bonsai flowering plants to enjoy the beauty of the flowers (Prunus mume, Chaenomeles speciosa, cherry, Satsuki azalea).
Bonsai trees to be enjoyed form of leaves (maple, Zelkova serrata, Rhus succedanea, bamboo).
There are so many tropical plants have been tested and found suitable for bonsai, including tamarind, banyan, fir shrimp, hibiscus, and guava.

Bonsai basic form.

* Perpendiculars (Chokkan)
* Vertical Winding (Moyogi)
* Gloves Wind / Wind Blown (Fukinagashi)
* Hang (Kengai)
* Half Hanging (Han Kengai)
* Trunk curl (Even a)
* Sweep Upright (Hōkidachi)
* Trunked Two (supply of)

Poets tree (Bunjinki)

Straight Upright (直 幹 Chokkan)

Straight Upright (直 幹 Chokkan)
The trunk upright vertically upwards. The tree is said to have the ideal stem when the tree has a trunk diameter growing up decreasing, starting from the stem close to the root. The tree is said to have branches that ideal when the limb is in the front-back or left-right intersect with each other. Distance antardahan growing up more and more narrow. Ideal shape of the root is a root which when viewed from above, spreading in all directions.

Upright Winding (模 様 木 Moyogi)

Upright Winding (模 様 木 Moyogi)
The trunk erect weaved to the left and to the right. Stem diameter progressively decreasing upward with the left and right balance of good. Dahan good is the branch that is in the top arch of the trunk. Branch located inside the arches cut. From the base of the stem to the top of the tree can be drawn a straight line, and those who look not feel worried about the balance of the tree.

Oblique (斜 幹 Shakan)

 Oblique (斜 幹 Shakan)
The trunk tilted to one side like a constant wind that direction. Just as there are objects blocking on one side, the trunk grows inclined to the other side. The distinctive feature of this shape in the form of branches that exist only at the peak of the arch rod, and criss-cross in the left-right and front-rear.

Wind sheath (吹 流 し Fukiganashi) / Blown wind.

Wind sheath (吹 流 し Fukiganashi) / Blown wind.
Compared Leaning bonsai shape, the tree grows while experiencing more violent coercion. Trunks and branches of trees leaning in one direction only. Trunks and branches of trees are leaning to one side is much longer than the height of the tree measured from the base of the stem to the top of the tree. The position of the stem and branches is similar to bonsai style Dangling half, but the stems and branches seemed to form parallel lines.

Hang (懸崖 Kengai)

Hang (懸崖 Kengai)
Likened to a tree growing on the surface of the steep wall that is in the seaside cliffs or steep valley walls. The trunk grows like hanging down the cliff. The tree tops hanging far to exceed the bottom of the pot. When the tree tops do not exceed basic bonsai pot then called Half Hanging (Han Kengai).

Coiled rod (蟠 幹 Even a)

Coiled rod (蟠 幹 Even a)
Looks very twisted tree trunks, or tree growing with a tendency to twist themselves. So visible trunk twisted like a snake that was coiled.

Sweep Upright (箒 立 ち Hōkidachi)

Sweep Upright (箒 立 ち Hōkidachi)
Perpendicular to the stem in the middle before the branches and twigs growing spread in all directions. Treetop difficult to determine from the peak number of existing branches so that the shape of this bonsai-like broom of bamboo. The beauty of this style bonsai branch branching assessed from neat, and the starting point of the spread of the branches and twigs in all directions, tall trees, and the balance of these elements.

Highlighting Root (根 上 り Neagari)

Highlighting Root (根 上 り Neagari)
Result in the preserved tree maintenance harsh environments, the base of root branching in the soil becomes exposed to the outside on the ground like due to wind and rain.

Trunked Many (多 幹 Takan)

Trunked Many (多 幹 Takan)
From the base of the roots grow erect more than one tree. When growing two trees, the bonsai is called Trunked Two (supply of). When there are three trees, then called Trunked Three (Sankan). Bonsai Trunked five or so-called stumps Upright (Kabudachi). Odd numbered rods are preferred. In addition to two trunked bonsai, bonsai with rods even number unpopular and not made.

Intertwined roots (根 連 な り Netsuranari)

Intertwined roots (根 連 な り Netsuranari)
The roots of some trees of one species (tree trunks or more) stick together and relate to each other. This form can also be derived from trees that had been straight, but collapsed and buried in the ground. Which was once part of a tree branch, changing roles and grow as a tree trunk. Out of the trunk of the tree roots, and the roots are intertwined with the roots of the tree of origin. Shape similar to Roots Entwined called rafts or Grown from Stem (Ikadabuki). Growing bonsai shape of the rod also comes from trees that had been straight, but collapsed and branch change roles into stems. The difference with Roots Entwined lies at the root of which only exist in one place. As well as Trunked Many bonsai, tree trunks even disliked.

Group (寄 せ 植 え Yoseue)

 Group (寄 せ 植 え Yoseue)
More than one tree planted together in a shallow pot or planted on the rock. Trees can be planted a few trees of one species, or a mixture of several different species. The value of creativity works can be elevated with a mix of objects placed as an additional decoration.

Poets tree (文人 木 Bunjinki) / Free.

Poets tree (文人 木 Bunjinki) / Free.
The origins of bonsai shape mimics the shape of a tree in nanga. Named bonsai tree shape Meiji era writer because writers are very fond of this form of bonsai. In the current era, thin rods, the number of branches a little, and shorter branches also called Tree writers.

Trees Not Unusual (代 わ り 木 Kawariki)

Trees Not Unusual (代 わ り 木 Kawariki)
This form is used to refer to bonsai that can not be classified into other forms of bonsai prevalent.


Bonsai art miniaturization comes from a plant called penjing (盆景) of the Tang Dynasty period. At the tomb of the son of Empress Wu Zetian there are frescoes depicting female waitress who brought a flowering tree in a shallow pot. Small shallow pots is a miniaturization of the natural landscape.
The nobility in Japan began to recognize penjing around the end of the Heian period. Kanji characters for penjing (盆景) pronounced the Japanese as bonkei. Similarly, in China, bonkei in Japan is also the miniaturization of the natural landscape. Art that is only enjoyed by the upper classes, especially among courtiers and samurai, and the new so-called bonsai in the Edo period
Is a bonsai plant odd jobs samurai Edo period, when the bonsai peaked. Since the Meiji era, regarded as a hobby bonsai style. But bonsai maintenance and watering takes a lot of time. In line with the environment they live in Japan are increasingly modern and does not have a page, bonsai fans finally limited to the elderly.


Bonsai are grouped into six groups based on plant height from the base of the stem to the top of the plant:
* Giant: tree height over 101 cm.
* Very large: between 76-100 cm tall tree.
* Large: between 46-75 cm tall tree
* Were: tree height between 31-45 cm
* Small: tree height between 16-30 cm
* Very small: tree height less than 15 cm.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: December 16, 2015 at 10:47
Tag : Bonsai.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:47