Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The longest rosary.

Rosary which touted the largest and longest in the world is in Polewali Mandar (Polman), West Sulawesi.

Rosary along 38 meters and more than 350 years old or more precisely 352 years it was often used by people during Ramadan for dhikr together in Masjid Nur Hidayah, District Binuang. There are 33 thousand pieces manjakani attached using ropes.

According to information circulating on the residents, the first time the beads carried by Ustadz Abdul Kadir of Arab lands. Abdul Kadir was the first spread Islam in Mandar.

Formerly, the beads were also used for remembrance in the Koran Khataman event, birthday, and tahlilan. However, to keep the historic objects are not easily damaged, at this time the rosary is only used when Ramadan alone.

It is estimated, the rosary is the longest and largest in the world.

Officers Hall of History and Antiquities has several times asked for Ahar object is inserted into a museum. However, the sole heir of the rosary, the Muslims, are reluctant to comply with the request. The reason, it is more beneficial if the beads are in the society.

Unfortunately, some years Last post lots of beads that have been damaged with age. To replace the seeds beads were damaged and lost, the owner was forced to book a special timber that was imported from Egypt.

Rosary along 38 meters and contains 3,300 items treat seed has now become one of the cultural heritage in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi. Although he is estimated to have lived 352 years, until now the beads are still well preserved. In order for this historical object is not quickly broken, the beads are typically used at every ceremony from Khataman, the prophet's birthday, baby shower, circumcisions until the death of the party is now only issued in the month of Ramadan alone.

"To extend the life of the beads we just extract the month of Ramadan," said Muslim, one of the descendants of Abdul Kadir grandchildren who now bertangggungjawab care for and maintain it.

In this time of fasting, prayer beads relics Abdul Kadir, the Islamic missionaries on the ground Mandar is now removed again. Nurul Hidayah Mosque congregation Binuang the District will use them for remembrance after the five daily prayers and tarawih prayers in congregation during Ramadan.

Typically, while sitting in a circle, the pilgrims have to recite the phrase "la ilaha illa Allah" up to 3300 times or as many beads of this. Not only the parents, children and adolescents also participated in collective remembrance. It is said that if the remembrance of a congregation like this, Almighty God will bring down blessings and safety for the villagers.

Historically, cleric Abdul Kadir is known as a charismatic cleric. In addition to leaving thousands of followers, beads of seeds is also a legacy treat. That said, Abdul Kadir with a number of other prominent scholars, such as Imam Lapeo develop Islam to reach the West Sulawesi and surrounding areas.

According to Muslims, the beads are made by Abdul Kadir when first spread Islam in the Kingdom Binuang about 350 years ago.
After the death of Abdul Kadir, a rosary is now owned and maintained from generation to generation by his children and grandchildren. In the Dutch colonial era, continued Muslimin, this historical object once implanted in the ground for fear of being taken Dutch colonizers.

Officers Hall of History and Antiquities has actually been asking Muslims hand over his beads to be stored in the museum, but he turned it down because every year the rosary is always used by pilgrims in Ramadan.

Unfortunately, beads imported directly by Abdul Kadir from Mecca was now most have lost stolen. In order to keep its total 3,300, some beads that may be the longest in Indonesia has been replaced with beans from a special timber the same size as the original seed.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: February 24, 2016 at 10:40
Tag : The longest rosary.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:40

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