Saturday, 21 March 2015

Yazidi woman was raped ISIS.

Jana was 19 years old and is in the final year high school. The Yazidi girl dreams of becoming a doctor. But suddenly ISIS raided his village last August. Her world came crashing down.

He explained in detail to the CNN reporter Ivan Watson, about the horrible experience, about how militant ISIS first requires members of the minority Yazidi religious community to convert to Islam. The militants were then disarmed jewelry, money and mobile phones villagers. They separated the men from the women.

A UN report describes what happened next. ISIS "gather all men aged 10 years and over in the local school, take them out of the village with a number of pick-up trucks, and shoot them."

Among those believed killed was the father and oldest sister Jana.

Different fate of the women. Jana describe how girls like herself separated from older women, then taken by bus to the city of Mosul. There they were placed in a large three-story house with hundreds of other young women. The men ISIS come regularly, and choose three to four girls to take home with them.

"The women were treated like cattle," said Nazand Begikhani, an adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government on gender issues. "They have experienced physical and sexual violence, including systematic rape and sexual slavery. They are on display at the market in Mosul and in Raqqa, Syria, and given the price tag."

According to field research and testimony from Begikhani team, who is a researcher at the Center for Research on Gender and Violence Bristol University based in the UK, ISIS has abducted more than 2,500 women Yazidis.

While Narin Shiekh Shamo, Yazidi activists based in Iraqi Kurdistan, has compiled the names of at least 4601 Yazidi woman who is currently missing. In the first month after the mass kidnapping, Shamo said he received a call and a message from nearly 70 different hostages in a day.

Ivan Watson said, after more than a decade covering the conflict in the Middle East, he was still not ready to hear about the scale of the kidnapping and modern slavery. However, the testimony of a 19-year-old militant who ISIS diwawancaranya last week in a prison in northern Syria Kurds make everything sound reasonable for Watson. The young man, who suffered a terrible disability from a gunshot wound in the abdomen and arms that happened during the battle on the front lines, describe how ISIS attract new members to the lure of cash and "a wife."

ISIS has to justify the enslavement of people Yazidi online magazine terror group. "People should know that the family enslave infidels and make their women as concubines is very clear in the sharia, or Islamic law," ISIS said in a magazine named "Dabiq."

Kurdish authorities say, they have saved around 100 women Yazidis, in part through the payment of ransom to a number of Arab tribes who act as intermediaries.

Thousands of women are still being held hostage.

Because ISIS successfully defend its territory from the onslaught of a loose coalition consisting of the Iraqi army, Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces, the Syrian Kurdish militants and US-led air strikes, the poor women who are still captive can not be saved in the near future.

Begikhani say, all 100 Yazidi woman rescued from ISIS seems to have been systematically raped, possibly by more than one person.

Jana who has spoken with Watson in Iraqi Kurdistan is very traumatic. The girl, Watson said, not able to demonstrate any sense of joy or humor. His mother and two brothers still held hostage ISIS.

Watson when asked what he would say if he met with Arab men aged 70 years who had taken him and ordered him to convert to Islam at gunpoint, Jana said, "I do not want to say anything. I just wanted to kill him."
The girl said she no longer dreamed of becoming a doctor.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 21, 2015 at 20:05
Tags : Yazidi woman was raped ISIS.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:05

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