Friday, 20 March 2015

International Voluntary army.

Eight former British soldiers prepare to leave for Syria to fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The former soldiers, some of whom had joined in the special forces, calling themselves the International Voluntary Army and will fight alongside the Syrian Kurdish forces.

In the country, eight former British army will join 100 other Western volunteers who have joined the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and YPG in Iraq or Syria.

The photos were uploaded to your Facebook account with the name "Sgt Tom" which displays the Kurdish flag and disguise all the faces of the volunteers who were photographed.

The photos that show the former soldier wearing military fatigues and combat clothing used in the desert. They are also seen carrying various types of weapons.

"I am not a right-wing or fascist. I'm also not an anti-Islam or any other religion. I am a free man of a free country fighting for freedom and democracy," the introduction photos Sgt Tom's account.

"The crime you (ISIS) knocked my morals. I'm not going to fight against peaceful Muslims, but I am disgusted with what you are doing so that I dedicate my abilities to the people of Kurdistan," continued the account.

Although this group refer to themselves as International Volunteer Force (IVFOr), but they also have another nickname that is pinned at their tattoos, namely, "ISIS Hunters Club".

In a few weeks, they will join forces with the Syrian Kurdish YPG or who bravely defend the northern region of Syria, in particular the city Kobani, from the onslaught of ISIS during the past few months.

Speaking to the Evening Standard, one of the former soldiers say, they buy uniforms and practice every day. This group even managed to raise funds amounting to 13,000 pounds to finance their trip. One member of this team even sells his sports car to add to their stock.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 20, 2015 at 15:36
Tags : International Voluntary army.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:36

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