Monday, 23 March 2015

Glasses Free.

Residents in northern Continental Europe and the UK had the privilege to see the full solar eclipse. The eclipse was claimed to be the prettiest ever appeared in recent years. In the UK's largest solar eclipse last occurred in 1999.
"We could see the circle of the moon (which cover the sun completely. This is one show that astronomy is extraordinary," said Alfred Rosenberg, an astrophysicist at the Canaries Astrophysics Institute.
A few days earlier, scientists warned not see the eclipse directly because it will damage the eyesight, therefore yesterday preparing people with special glasses to see the eclipse, whether it be bought in stores or make your own out of the box are coated with a special plastic.
Police in London even specifically handing out free glasses to see the eclipse.
The eclipse enthusiasts flocked deliberately looking for the best location to see the natural phenomenon that occurs in less than 3 minutes.
They came from all corners of the world to the Faroe Islands, Denmark and Svalbard, Norway in order to see, observe and get the best eclipse photos. In two locations that people can see the full solar eclipse.
Even in the Faroe Islands is estimated there are 8 thousand people gathered to see the phenomenon. Meanwhile, in Svalbard there are approximately 1500-2000 people. Unfortunately stargazers in the Faroe should be a little disappointed, they could not see the eclipse with a perfect, one reason is the presence of clouds that drifted so make eclipse closed.
The first solar eclipse can be seen in the northern region of the European continent. Canari Islands, Spain is the initial location of the emergence of the eclipse yesterday. In these places eclipses occur when still early. In Stockholm, Sweden, a full solar eclipse was not visible. Partially covered sun moon and leaves like a crescent shape. People stop doing activities and take pictures eclipse with each gadget.
Social media accounts in the UK and Europe is filled with pictures of the eclipse which is amazing. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno
DatePublished: March 23, 2015 at 09:57
Tags : Glasses Free.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:57

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