It is not known precisely its origin, these plants spread from India and China, passing through Southeast Asia and the archipelago, to Polynesia and New Zealand. In Indonesia, the pecan is known by many names. Among them, kembiri, gambiri, hambiri (Bat.); Kemili (Gayo); Kemiling (Lamp.); kareh fruit (fruit hard, Mink .; Nias); keminting (Day.). Also muncang (Sd.); dèrèkan, pidekan, miri (Jw.); kamere, komèrè, Mere (Md.); and others.
The pecan is now widespread in tropical regions. This plant is a plant official state of Hawaii.
Large pecan trees; with a height of 40 m and a circumference of up to 1.5 m. Bark gray, slightly rough with lenticels. Young leaves, twigs, and wreaths decorated with dense star hair, short, and a silver-colored butter; as if sprinkled with flour. From a distance the tree canopy is visible whitish or silvery.Single leaves, alternate, dark green, long-stemmed up to 30 cm, with a pair of glands at the end of the shaft. Leaves almost circular, round eggs, egg round oval or triangular, up to 30 cm in diameter, with the base of the heart shape, leaf-shaped bony finger only at first, titled 3-5 triangular shape at the end.
Panicle inflorescence thyrsoid located in the terminal or in the armpit ends, 10-20 cm long. The flowers are unisexual, white, short-stemmed. Female flowers are on the tip of the panicle additional umbrella; male flowers are smaller and first bloom around him, were more numerous. Titled petals 2-3; crown shape lanceolate, titled-5, 6-7 mm long in male flowers, and 9-10 mm in female flowers. Stone fruit slightly flattened ovoid, 5-6 cm × 4-7 cm, olive green outside with velvet hair, fleshy whitish, not break, drupe-2 or 1. Seeds of hard shell and thick, slightly flattened, up to 3 cm × 3 cm; with pieces of whitish seeds, rich in oil.
Hazelnut mainly grown for its seeds; which after being processed are often used in Indonesian cuisine and Malaysian cuisine. In Java, pecan also be used as a thick sauce eaten with vegetables and rice. The pecan is similar in taste and texture with macadamia oil which also contains almost the same. Hazelnut also burnt and mixed with salt to make a paste and seasoning typical Hawaiian called inamona. Inamona is the main seasoning to make a traditional Hawaiian poke.Core hazelnut seed contains 60-66% oil. In Hawaii, in ancient times, hazelnut (here called kukui) is burned to produce light. Hazelnut arranged lined lengthwise on a palm leaf, lit one end, and will burn one after another every 15 minutes or more. It is also useful as a measure of time. For example, someone could ask others to return home before the second hazelnut burned. In Tonga, until now, pecan ripe (named tuitui) made pasta (tukilamulamu), and used as soap and shampoo.
Planting modern pecan mostly just to obtain oil. In each planting, each tree will produce 30-80 kg of pecan nuts, and about 15 to 20% of the weight of the oil obtained. Most of the oil produced is used locally, not traded internationally.
Hazelnut oil especially oleostearat acid. The oil that dries quickly is commonly used to preserve wood, as varnish or paint, coating the paper so that the anti-water, soap ingredients, mix insulation materials, rubber substitutes, and others. Hazelnut oil is of lower quality than tung oil, similar oils produced by Vernicia fordii (sin. Aleurites fordii) from China.
Although it can produce large-sized timber, pecan wood is considered too light and not durable as wood building. Wood is whitish and very light (BJ 0.35), and is very easily attacked by fungi or insects. Pecan wood decaying often overgrown mushroom (Auricularia).Pecan wood can be used to make furniture, small appliances, lighters, and also to the pulp. In Jakarta, first, pecan wood is often also used to make furniture. In Hawaii, pecan wood is sometimes used to make a simple canoe; or at most for low-quality firewood. In Lombok, pecan wood is also processed into boards and crafts.
Some parts of this plant has been used in traditional medicine in the hinterlands. The oil is used as an ingredient in hair care (to nourish hair). The seeds can be used as a laxative. In Japan, the bark has been used for tumor. In Sumatra, the seeds are burned with charcoal, then smeared around the navel to cure diarrhea. In Java, the bark is used to treat diarrhea or dysentery.The pecan tree is often planted as a versatile, for greening the land, as a shade in the yard, and also for ornamental trees. In Java, hazelnut seeds commonly used as the material for the game pitted shell hardness.
In writing palm, pecan seeds that have been burned used to blacken the writing on sheets of papyrus.
Health issues.
Hazelnut seeds contain toxic ingredients with a light force. Because it is not recommended to consume beans are raw hazelnut. The use must begin with roast hazelnut (heat without oil or water) to warm seed. Heating will outline toxin.Pecan Benefits for Hair
It has long been known as the pecan natural ingredients that can be used as hair growth and strengthen hair. The content of protein and other minerals contained in hazelnut seeds believed to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss.While the oil content can be used to make hair to look more healthy and shiny.
As for how to use pecans to maintain the health and beauty of hair are as follows:
Take six pecans, finely crushed.
Add enough water and cooked to remove the oil.
Rub the oil into the scalp and hair evenly.
Do it 3 times a week.
Yan See also other articles related to hair care, namely how to make a hair mask with natural ingredients.
Pecan Benefits for Health
Besides beneficial for hair, hazelnut also nutritious for health. Especially for traditional medicine. Some diseases that can be treated by pecan concoction including hemorrhoids, dysentery, diarrhea, constipation and fever.Treat Bowel Bleeding
Bleeding that occurs when bowel movements can be caused by many factors. Among the lack of fiber to the stool comes out dry and hard that causes injury to the anal wall. You can use pecan tree bark to overcome. How to use it as follows:Take 20 grams of bark hazelnut
Boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc
Strain and drink the water warm.
Treat Abdominal Pain, dysentery, diarrhea
Pecan bark can also be used to treat stomach problems such as diarrhea or dysentery. Do the following:Take 10 grams of bark hazelnut
Boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc
Strain and drink the water warm
Treating Constipation
Constipation or bowel obstruction is an indication of the digestive tract is not smooth. try using the following pecan concoction to overcome them:Take a hazelnut, 2 cloves red bottom, 30 g of leaves urang aring, 10 grams of cinnamon, 5 g pulosari, plus 6 grams of fennel, half a teaspoon of salt, puree
Then boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc
Filter and water is taken 2 times a day
Treat Fever
But can be used to maintain healthy hair, hazelnut oil can also be used as a drug fever. Consider the following way:Take a taste of hazelnut oil, add 15 g of root pulutan
Boiled with water until boiling
Drink the potion while still warm
It is better to do this treatment regularly.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 1, 2014 at 20:01
Tag : Do you already know pecan.
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