Wednesday, 3 December 2014

American inventor.

For thousands of years, have always felt that the discoverer of America was Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492. According to this version, when the first set foot on land, he thought it landed on the peninsula of India, so that the natives called "India".But according to another version, repeated studies conducted by several researchers West, or the study of written sources from Muslims, Muslim scientists, discovered new data that the Americas has been discovered by Muslim explorers 603 years before Columbus set foot on the American continent.
Literature stating that Muslim explorers had come to America before Columbus, among other historians and geographers Abul Hassan Ali Ibn al-Hussain al-Masudi (871-957M). In his book Muruj Adh-Dhahabwa Maad al-Jawhar (The Meadows of Gold and Quarries of Jewels / Overlay Gold and gem mines), al-Masudi had written that Khaskhas Sa'ied Ibn Ibn Aswad, a Muslim explorers of Cordova, Spain, successfully reached the American continent at 889M.

Al-Masudi explained, during the reign of Caliph Abdullah Ibn Muhammad (888-912M) in Andalusia, Khaskhas sail from Port Delbra (Palos) in 889, crossed the Atlantic to reach a foreign country (al-ard majhul). Upon returning from a foreign continent, he took home the amazing stuff, which probably derived from the new continent then berama America.

Since then, the cruise penetrate the Atlantic Ocean when it was known as the "sea of dark and foggy", are increasingly being carried out by Muslim traders and explorers. Literature is the most popular essay Dr. Yossef Mroueh in Prepatory Committee for International Festivals to Celebrate the Millennium of the Muslims Arrival to the America in 1996. In the essay entitled Precolumbian Muslims in America (Muslims in America Pre-Columbus), Dr. Mroueh shows a number of facts that Muslims from West Africa Anadalusia and arrived in America at least five centuries before Columbus.

In the mid 10th century, during the reign of the Umayyad Andalusia: Caliph Abd-ar-Rahman III (929-961M), Muslims from Africa sailed west from the port Delbra (Palos) in Spain penetrate "dark and foggy ocean". After disappearing for some time, they returned with a treasure of the country "unknown and strange". In the cruise, there are a number of Muslims who live settle in the new country. They are the first wave of Muslim immigrants who arrived in America.

Still according to Dr. Mroueh, based on notes historian Abu Bakr Ibn Umar al-Gutiyya, who lived during the reign of Caliph Hisham II (976-1009) in Andalusia, explorer of Granada named Muhammad Ibn Farrukh left the port of Kadesh, in February 999. M.Farrukh across the Atlantic Ocean, landed at Gando (canary Islands) and a visit to the King Guanariga. He continued his voyage to the west, to see two islands and named by Cpraria and Pluitana. He returned to Andalusia in May 999 AD

Al-Sharif al-Idrisi (1099-1166), an expert in Geography and expert making of the map, in his book Nuzhat al-Musytaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq (Excursion of the missed approach towards Ufuk) writes, a group of Muslims from North Africa sailors sailing approach towards ocean dark and foggy. The expedition set out from Lisbon (Portugal), was supposed to get answers to what lies behind the ocean?, What extent and where the limit ?, So they find a land where people are farming.

Sailing across the Atlantic from Morocco also noted by explorers Sayn-eddin Shaikh Ali bin Fadhel al-Mazandarani. The ship took off from the port anchor Tarfay in Morocco during the Sultan Sidi Abu Yacoob Yossef (1286-1307M), the sixth ruler Marinid Caliphate. This expedition entourage landed in Green Island in the Caribbean Sea in 1291. according to Dr. Mroueh, travel records sailors Morocco is widely used as a reference by Muslim scientists in the upcoming era.

Sultans of the Kingdom of Mali in West Africa, with its capital Timbuktu, is also conducting exploration until it landed in the Americas. Chihab historian Abul Abbas Addin Ahmad ibn Fadl al-Murai (1300-1384), wrote a note about the geography of Timbuktu, which is the time that it has been a center of civilization and the city is quite advanced in West Africa.

Sea expedition started from Timbuktu, among others, performed by Sultan Abu Bakari I (1285-1312M) who is the brother of the Sultan Mansa Kankan Musa (1312-1337M0. Sultan Abu Bakar I made two expeditions to penetrate the Atlantic Ocean and landed in America. Even , the ruler of West Africa had a chance down the Mississippi River, and reached the interior of Central Africa between the years 1309-1312. During his time in this new continent, the explorer is still communicate in Arabic with the locals. Two centuries later, precisely in 1513, the discovery of America this is enshrined in the color map called Piri Re'isi. this map is dedicated to the Ottoman Caliph, Sultan Selim I, in 1517 in Turkey. this map berii accurate information about Courant western hemisphere, South America, and the coast of Brazil. Piri was actually is the official name of the sea as well cartographer Ottoman empire, which serve the Turkish empire Utsmanimasa reign of Sultan Salim (1512-1520) until the reign of Sultan Suleiman al-Qanuny (1520-1566). Mat "Reis" (derived from the Arabic Raais, which means chief or head), is given in the relevant Piri after winning the sea battle against Bendeqia.

Piri Reis who bertarikh 1513 AD was recorded in Tobco Serai / Top Coffee, and then in 1929, subject to review by a German orientalkis Prof. Paul Kalhe which spread in the Congress of Oriental Studies at Leiden in 1931. To honor his work, the Turkish government to preserve it becomes stamps Piri Reis map was

Muslims As inventor of the Americas (Sources and Western Perspective)  :


In his book Saga America (New York, 1980), Dr. Barry Fell, archaeologists and linguists New Zealand nationals graduated from Harvard University showed evidence of detail that centuries before Columbus, had settled the Muslims of North Africa and West in beua America. No wonder the public language and Algonquain Pima Indians have some vocabulary from Arabic.

In Inyo Courant state and California, Dr. Barry found some Islamic calligraphy written in Arabic, one of which read "Jesus, son of Mary" which means "Jesus, son of Mary". Calligraphy can certainly come from the teachings of Islam which only recognizes the prophet Jesus as the son of man and not a child of God. Dr Barry stated that the age of this calligraphy several centuries older than the United States. Even further, Dr. Barry found the ruins, the remains of equipment, paper, diagram, and some of the illustrations on the rocks for education in Islamic schools. Writings, diagrams and illustrations of this are the subjects of mathematics, history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. Everything is written in Arabic Kufi of North Africa.

The discovery of the remains of Islamic schools is found in several locations such as the Valley of Fire, Allan Springs, Logomarsino, Keyhole, Canyon Washoe, Hickison Summit Pas (Nevada), Mesa Verde (Colorado), Mimbres Valley (New Mexico) and Tipper Canoe (Indiana ). Islamic schools is expected to function in 700-800 AD The same description written olh Donald Cyr in his book Exploring the Rock Art.


In his book Africa and the Discovery of America (1920), an expert in the history of Harvard University, Loe Weiner, wrote that Columbus was actually well aware of the presence of the Muslims were scattered in the Caribbean, North America, Central and South America, including Canada. But unlike Columbus who want to dominate and enslave the Native Americans, Muslims come to trade, assimilation and intermarriage with people Iroquis and Algonquin Indian tribe. Columbus also admitted, in a voyage between Gibara and Beaches Cuba, October 21, 1492, he saw the mosque stands on a hill with beautiful. Today, the ruins of mosques that have been discovered in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.


John Boyd Thacher in, Christopher Colombus book published in New York, in 1950, showed that Columbus had written that on Monday, October 21, 1492, while sailing near Cibara, Courant southeast coast of Cuba, he saw a mosque on top of hill beautiful. Meanwhile, in a series of anthropological research, anthropologists and archaeologists did find the ruins of several mosques and minarets and the verses of the Koran in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.


Clyde Ahmad Winters in his early Islam in North and South America, which published the publisher of Al-Ittihad, July 1977, page 60 countries, an anthropologist who conducted a study has found an inscription in Arabic in the Mississippi Valley and Arizona. Inscription explains that the first Muslim immigrants also brought elephants from Africa.

While Ivan Van Sertima, known for his work They Came Before Columbus, find common ground to build the architecture of a Native American with African Muslims. Being in another book African presence in early America, Muslims have also underlined their settlement in Africa before the arrival of Columbus in America.


German historian, Alexander Von Wuthenan also provide evidence that the Muslims were in America in 300-900 AD That is, Muslims already in Amertika, at least half a century before Columbus was born. Evidence in the form of a human head shaped wooden carvings similar to the Arabs expected chiseled 300 and 900 AD Some other wood carvings were photographed and researched, it has similarities with the Egyptians.


One book by Gavin Menzies, a former sailor who published the results of its search, find maps of four islands in the Caribbean that were made in 1424 and signed by Zuanne Pissigano, cartographers from Venezia, which has been translated into Indonesian. This map means made 68 years before Columbus landed in America. Two of the island on the map is then identified as Puertorico and Guadalupe.

Henry Ford in his book The Complete International Jew, there is footage that explains how the real condition of the Muslims at the end of Muslim rule in Spain, which suffered tremendous torture, and how of the torture eventually there is no escaping the entourage of Columbus to America. In the book can be summarized as follows:

Colombus journey begins August 3, 1492, a day after the fall of Granada, the last stronghold of Muslims in Spain. In a fight to the death, 300 thousand Jews were expelled from Spain by Ferdinand Christian king. In addition, this book tells how the struggle of Jewish fundraising to support Columbus's voyage and the nature of the voyage to escape the Spanish Jews to America. But there are some who deliberately unpublished information, namely that Columbus brought the two ships, the Pinta and the Nina. Both ships are assisted by Muslim brother captain. Pinta ship captain Martin Alonso Pinzon with, and Nina ships with skipper Yanex Vicente Pinzon. Both use Spanish but they really still family Moroccan Sultan Abu Zayan Muhammad III (1362-1366) that controls the Caliphate Mariniyyah (1196-1465). Such information is also found in the book by John Boyd Thacher, Christopher Columbus, New York, 1950.

Field Observations and Perspectives of Indigenous CHEROKEE.

When we opened the most advanced US-made map Rand McNally and examine the names of places. Almost in all parts of the continent will find traces of the Muslims long before Columbus. In the middle of the city of Los Angeles for example, there is the Alhambra area, El-Morro bay and al-Amitos and names such as Andalusia region, Attilla, Alla, Aladdin, Albany, Al-Cazar, Alameda, Alomar, Al-Mansor, Almar, Alva , Amber, Azuredan La Habra.

In the middle of America, from the south to Illinois are the names of the city of Albany, Andalusia, Attalla, Lebanon and Tullahoma. In Washington state there is the city of Salem. In the Caribbean (derived from the Arabic Qariiban) and the Central American region are named Jamaica, the island of Cuba (from the Quba) with its capital Havana (from La-Habana). Also the names of the island of Grenada, Barbados, the Bahamas and Nassau.

In South America there are names like Cordova city (in Argentinma), Al-Cantara (in Brazil), Bahia (Brazil and Argentina). Furthermore, there are names such as the Appalachian mountains (Afala-che) on the east coast and the mountains Absarooka (Abshaaruka) on the west coast. Major cities in the state of Ohio, located at the mouth of the river Wabash long and meandering named Toledo, the name of the famous Islamic University in the heyday of Islam in Andalusia.

According to Dr. Youssef Mroueh, in North America there are 565 place names, both states, cities, rivers, mountains, lakes and villages are named after the name of Islam or the root word of Arabic. The rest, as many as 484 names are in the United States and 81 in Canada. The names given by the natives who have been there before Columbus set in America.

Dr. A. Zahoor also wrote that the name of this part of the country such as Alabama is derived from the word of God Bamya. The name comes from the state of Arkansas says Arkan-Sah and Tenesse of Tanasuh. Also the name of a big city like Tallahassee, Florida, is derived from an Arabic word which means "God will give you something in the future".

Dr Mroueh also wrote, some of the names on record is the name of the holy city of Mecca as in Indiana. Medina is the most popular name in America. Medina found in Idaho, Medina in New York, Medina and Hazen in North Dakota. Medina, Ohio, Medina in Tenesse. Medina in Texas with a population of 26 thousand inhabitants. Medina in Ontario Canada, city of Mahomet in Illinois, Moda in Utah and Arva in Ontario Canada.

When Columbus landed in the Bahamas, October 12, 1492, the island was already named Guanahani by its inhabitants. Guanahani is derived from the Arabic word ikhwana (brother), then taken to the language Mandika (Islamic empire in western Africa) which means "brothers Hani family place". But then Colombus be "arbitrarily" gave him the name of San Salvador, and depriving the island from the original owners.

Today, if we visited Washington, and had visited the Library of Congress (Library of Congress), and asked the US government archives treaty with the Cherokee Indian tribe, one of the leading Indian tribes, 1787. In the archives in fact be found signatures Chieftains Cherokee at the time, named Abdel-Khak and Muhammad Ibn Abdullah. Cherokee tribal name itself is thought to originate from the Arabic Sharkee

The contents of the agreement include the right to establish its presence in the field of trading the Cherokee tribe and tribal government that turns based on Islamic law. Furthermore, you will find women dressed in the habit of Cherokees who closes the genitals, while wearing his turban (turban) and the garment off at the knees.

This dress code can be found in the photo or painting Cherokees who were photographed prior to the year 1832. The last Cherokee chief before slowly disappeared or was removed from the US mainland is a Muslim named Ramadhan Ibn Wati.

Regarding the Cherokee script is then examined, explored and revived by a figure of modern Cherokee named Sequoyah, is that there are similarities between the Cherokee alphabet called Syllabari with Arabic script. Even some old relic sculptural Cherokee in Nevada, it has some similarities with Arabic script.

Even more surprising is, it turns linkages Islamic / Arabic not only with the Tribe Cherokke, but also with other Indian tribes, such as the Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin Cree, Makkah, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Mahigan, Mohawk, Nazca , Zulu and Zuni. Some Indian chiefs reassure also typical corang Islamic headgear. For example, the head of the Chippewa tribe, Creek, Iowa, Kansas, Miami, Potawatomi, Sauk, Fox, Seminole, Shawnee, Sioux, Winnebago and Yuchi. This is evidenced in the photographs between 1835 to 1870.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 3, 2014 at 18:02
Tag : American inventor.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:02

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