Meaning of Bipolar Disorder.
Like what the disorder bipolar disorder? As is known, that Bipolar disorder is a type of psychological disease, characterized by changes in mood (mood) are very extreme, in the form of depression and mania. Making reference to the term bipolar disorder sufferer's mood can change abruptly between two poles (bipolar) opposite which is happiness (mania) and sadness (depression) are extreme.Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder.
The symptoms of bipolar disorder mania stage is as follows :
Excessive excited.Easily offended so easily upset.
Felt very important.
Feel rich or have more ability than others.
Full of ideas and a new spirit.
Quickly move from one idea to another.
Such as hearing voices that other people can not hear.
Increased sexual appetite.
Develop a plan that does not make sense.
Very active and moving very fast.
Speaking very quickly that it is difficult to understand what was being said.
Waste of money.
Making the decision strange and sudden, but tend to be harmful.
Feel very familiar to others.
Easy to throw criticism of others.
Difficult restraint in everyday behavior.
Difficulty sleeping.
Feel very excited, as if one day is not enough 24 hours.
Types of Bipolar Disorder.
Bipolar Disorder I.
Defined by manic or mixed episode lasting at least seven days, or the manic symptoms were so severe that the person is in need of hospital treatment immediately. Typically, episodes of depression occur as well, usually lasting at least 2 weeks.Bipolar Disorder II.
Determined by the pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes, but no manic or mixed episodes of full-blown.Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP-NOS).
Diagnosed when no disease symptoms but do not meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar I or II either. However, a clear symptom of a person's normal range of behavior.Cyclothymic disorder.
Or cyclothymia-mild form of bipolar disorder. People with cyclothymia have episodes of hypomania and mild depression for at least 2 years. However, the symptoms do not meet the diagnostic requirements for all other types of bipolar disorder.Factors Trigger Bipolar Disorder.
The stress of life events can trigger bipolar disorder in a person with a genetic susceptibility. These events tend to involve drastic changes or sudden-good or bad-as will be getting married, going to college, loss of loved ones, fired.Substance Abuse.
Although substance abuse does not cause bipolar disorder, it can bring on an episode and worsen the course of the disease. Drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines can trigger mania, while alcohol and tranquilizers can trigger depression.Drugs - certain medications.
Particularly antidepressant drugs, can trigger mania. Other drugs that can cause mania include flu drug over-the-counter, appetite suppressants, caffeine, corticosteroids, and thyroid medication.Seasonal changes.
Episodes of mania and depression often follows a seasonal pattern. Manic episodes are more common during the summer, and depressive episodes are more common during the winter, fall, and spring (for countries with 4 seasons).Sleep Deprivation.
Loss of sleep even a little skip a few hours of rest-can trigger episodes of maniaSelf Help.
While dealing with bipolar disorder is not always easy, do not have to run your life. But to successfully manage bipolar disorder, you need to make smart choices. your lifestyle and daily habits have a significant impact on your mood.Some things are ways to help yourself :
Get an education about how to overcome interference.
Learn as much as you can about bipolar. The more you know, the better you will be in helping the recovery of your own.Keep stress.
Avoid high stress situations by maintaining a balance between work and healthy life, and try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.Looking for support
It's important to have people who can you turn to for help and encouragement. Try joining a support group or talking with a trusted friend.Make healthy choices.
Healthy sleeping, eating, and exercise habits can help stabilize your mood. Maintain a regular sleep schedule is very important.Monitor your mood.
Keep track of your symptoms and watch for signs that your mood swinging out of control so that you can stop the problem before it starts.Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 30 November 2014 at 14:18
Tag : What is Bipolar Disorder.
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