Name type: Thealing
Tribe: Camelia
Order: Transtoeniaceae
Family: Cistiflorae
Know the Tea Plant.
The tea plant is derived from the Himalayas, especially in areas of Burma, India, China, and Tibet. Then in each country, the tea was given its own name. Tea area which is the subject of tea and was given the name assamica. From these countries, tea has been disseminated and of course vary with other types.Thus, it will be a lot of known names mentioned tea and where their respective regions. Tea from China were then grown in Japan, after being taken to Indonesia and planted in Java, its name will be changed to Java tea.
Tea kind in Indonesia.
Type the first entry into Indonesia is kind sinentis. Half a century later assamica types of tea are also included. With the two types of this tea, it often happens hybridization. His deep asssamica properties more profitable, then slowly pushed to the type assamica launsinensis. Thus, it is practically almost every tea plantation in Indonesia assamica plant types from different variations. Then, what is the difference between assamica and sinensis?This type can be trunked assamica as high as 12 meters, fast growing, branching initially somewhat high, the size of the leaves are rather large when compared to other types sinensis, and a long pointed tip. Assamica can produce a lot of leaves, but the production quality is less.
While this type of sinensis, a tree is only about 3 feet low, much branched, and branched near the soil surface. Sinensis tea leaves are smaller than the type assamica, approximately only about 9cm long and short pointy leaf tips. Slow growth with little production, but it has good production quality.
The tea plant has a long taproot. Plant roots into the soil layer. Branching roots too much. The roots of the tree would be good if it has a liberal movement, which can penetrate the soil easily and also move sideways. All that would be met if you have a physical structure and a good ground.For tea tree, rooting is very necessary because it will be a lot of experience from the above disturbances, ie in picking the leaves and shoots. To get a dilated root, then when the seedlings were transferred to the garden, riding crop should be cut slightly.
Tea grows with a straight stem and a lot, but this rod has a smaller size. Thus, the tea tree will grow up with a shape that resembles spruce. It happens if the tea plant is allowed to grow without any pruning. However, if the tea plant production needed to be taken, such a form is not beneficial because it will have difficulty in grapes and maintenance.To that end, in the tea garden, tea tree usually formed wide and shallow. All that for ease of maintenance and wine. For that, it is in the tea gardens, tea tree usually formed wide and shallow. Meanwhile, to get a short trees but lots of leaves and shoots produce what we need, it needs frequent pruning-pruning the tree so that the growth will not be widened and rising like pine trees. As a result of this arrangement is as follows.
Root growth will experience a delay.
Stem growth also will be delayed as well. The size of the center line of the tea plant which will produce more than 20cm never age even though the plant has dozens of years. Another case when the tea tree will be maintained and its nut, then the size will be bigger trunk.
Plants are experiencing thinning near the soil surface, over time will rearrange the branching that will be enlarged. The first branch of the future will give trangka on the tree.
Periodiciteit is successive shoot growth on the tea plant, which is at armpit armpit leaves or leaf scars, can move grow into shoots. The buds gradually elongated and accompanied by the preparation of the leaves. However, these shoots are not so engaged. Sometimes these shoots silent and not able to produce leaves.If so, it means the bud is resting. Actually, this is determined by the prolonged bud bud bud movement that lies at the end of the shoot. So if the rest period, which is located at the bud shoots, this tip too break anyway. This incident did not occur on plants that have old age, but also have seen the seeds of a new tea growing. At each shoot are:
1. leaf buds which cover the growing point.
2. leaves in a variety of growth, consisting of young children to the elderly.
Inactive buds.
The so-called inactive buds are young leaves, newly opened, and located at the end of the shoot. It was not a former long wrap shaped buds, but the buds wrap small and slightly rounded shape. The presence of inactive buds this is a sign that the bud will begin to break. At the time of such shoots, to temporarily stop growing and will not continue the formation of young leaves again.At such times, they will be called with the name of the bird and the bud stage itself will be called a bird bud. After this stage lasts bird, the bud is moving again and become active buds. When he had become active buds, extending the new shoots develop new leaves until the time of preparing a break anymore.
At the time of the shoot to grow and move into long, will be called Pecco stage, while the buds on this tuna is called "Pecco". When the buds have begun active again, then slowly following are stacked arrangement.
One or two leaves, the leaf scales; The scales are small and the length of no more than 2 cm and a fast fall.
There are times when the two strands, but usually only one piece, scales larger than the leaves, narrow elongated shape, smooth leaf edges, leaf is called Kepel ceuli or K1 and this was quickly killed.
Usually, only a leaf rather large size and approach the normal size, but leaves no jagged edges.
Normal leaf number between 3-8 pieces with a serrated leaf edge.
Leaves most tip of all, is still a bud dashed and wrap the bird.
Flowers and Fruit.
If we look at the color and shape of the leaves and the group leaves the crown of flowers, both are almost the same. The group leaves it will be between 4-5 strands and colored slightly green. If the flower petals totaling about 5-8 strands, while the number of stamens between 100-250 strands.At the top there is a flower crown pistil, anthers finned 3 strands. Sized pistil stalk length, but occasionally there are short measuring once. Meanwhile, fruit tea contains 3 seeds, but there are times when it contains only 1 or 2 seeds. If the fruit is rather large size, will contain about 4-5 seeds and white. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: October 09, 2014 at 18:16
Tag : Tea plants.
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