The men are also now no longer help her awkward cooking, cleaning the house, even parenting. There is also the husband that his wife was willing to continue their education abroad or to the sincere search for his true identity to his wife elsewhere. All is to be grateful by the Indonesian Muslim women. Try to compare it to what happened in other parts of the world.
Islamic Women suffering in Africa and the Middle East.
Some idea of the suffering of Muslim women in Africa and the Middle East:Somalia.
Poverty and power struggles have made a Somali woman collapsed and buried in the mud suffering matchless. Rape happens everywhere. The rapist did not see how old the woman is. Important that they can lust demons.What's worse is the lack of legal certainty for victims of rape. Tragically, it is not uncommon that a woman who has been married to her rapist raped. Unimaginable married life like that.
Somali woman's body covered by clothing meetings but this was not also make the rapists attack. Hard life, freely circulating pornographic VCDs have made a careful eye rapists dark.
Somali Muslim was sometimes not just once a victim of rape. They can be a victim many times. Their husbands could not do much. Point of a machete and firearms have made the women and their families resigned.
Taliban rule makes a lot of women worse off in a world of severe illiteracy. Women should not go to school. Women should not get out of his house. Women only serve as a nanny and maid husband. If there is a rather intelligent woman and a little cleverness to try to teach other women, then death is at stake.The notion that a woman is genitalia. The woman is poison really does not make sense interpreted so that no fear when women are given a little freedom, then the women will make the world more perish. So women should be subject only to the men. It is not much different in those days of ignorance in which women baby killed simply because it will only give a sense of shame to the family.
The woman who has slept with (not necessarily the women enjoy it), then pregnant, gave birth to the struggle of life and death, then a newborn baby girl was killed. I believe the world against Islamic women. What's wrong with women? Are not men the most good is the man who most love to the women around him?
The fighters were imprisoned Palestinian women in Israel must have suffered not much different from women in Somalia and Afghanistan. Let alone a woman who was imprisoned, women workers in Saudi Arabia alone could be a victim of the atrocities of men shameless.The women who were imprisoned to face the rigors of prison life unbearable.When the Bosnian-Serbian war broke out, the women who suffer most. Murder, rape happens everywhere. The world must be safe for women to Islam live peacefully.
Islam Women discrimination in Europe.
As reported by the BBC on-line in 2012 stated that Amnesty International has confirmed that Muslims who live in Europe suffered tremendous pain. Both Muslims and Muslim women all have difficulties and distress when living in the blue continent. They do not have the right as citizens of other religions, especially the majority of the citizens of the Catholic and Protestant Christians.European Muslims feel the injustice in various fields such as education, jobs, social, judicial and other. Amnesty International has issued several suggestions related to the unfair treatment of Muslim women in the Netherlands, France, England, Spain and other European countries. Muslims in these countries experiencing alienation in their lives, every time they interact with the general public not only view and good treatment they received.
Some examples of cases of discrimination experienced by Muslim women in blue continent:
1. ban wearing the hijab and veil.
In France there are licenses to private companies and the state to impose a ban on use of Islamic symbols in economic activity. They give opinions which logically can not be accepted by the mind, which is wearing a headscarf and veil will interfere with the consumer and corporate relationships. This is contrary to what happened in the homeland, in some large companies homeland instead headscarf and veil were seen as providing a good image for the company. When the veil and the veil is not a problem in this country then why in the European countries are said to be developed into a major problem?2. ban wearing veils.
Still in the area of France, the government there strictly forbids Muslim women to leave the house by using a veil. Veil is considered something bad and ruin people's lives. As the Muslim veil is not just a symbol for some great scholars (such as priests As Shafi'i) have diligence that wearing the hijab, and the headgear is compulsory wearing of Muslim veils when out of the house. It should ban because it does not appear that Muslim women do not wear veils view in a public place will get a great sin. Where is the justice, when we see the heathen women in France are not prohibited from indulgence in private parts even naked in various activities, such as fashion shows.3. ban the construction of mosques.
In Switzerland, a few years ago the Swiss government has issued a ban on construction of mosques minarets. European Muslims also find it difficult to get permission to build a new mosque, at other times the growth of Muslims in Europe the day increased. The ban makes many of them who pray in public places, such as the courtyard, garden and others. In contrast to the homeland government very easily give a new church building permit when Christians in the region are still accommodated in the old church.Discrimination causes of Islamic Women.
One of the reasons why Muslims, especially Muslim women experience discrimination in Europe is a negative opinion of Islam are called by the government, the media and organizations. They give a negative opinion that there is no real basis in fact, such as whether the hijab and veil can make the learning process and learning to be stopped? So far, there are no facts to prove it. Hatred and envy unbelievers who do not like the growth of Islam that makes damage the livelihood of the people in Europe.The spread and growth of Muslims in the world, especially in continental Europe is not really a daunting problem for the citizens of Europe. Islam is a very upholding fairness and doing good to unbelievers who are not hostile to Islam, it is described in the Qur'an and al Hadith, namely:
"God does not forbid you to do good and to be fair to people who no fight you because of religion and not (also) expel you from your land. Truly Allah loves those who act justly." (TQS. Al-Mumtahanah: 8).
"And let not the hatred of something, encourage you to apply unfair. Be fair, just because it is closer to piety. "(TQS. Al-Maidah: 8)
Words of the Prophet.,
The "Love people who are on the earth thou shalt find mercy who is in heaven." (HR. Ath-Thabrani and Al-Hakim.)
"Whoever hurts a dhimmi infidels, then I became his opponent on the Day of Resurrection", (HR. Muslims)
That is Islam's treatment of unbelievers who are not hostile to Islam. When they do good to the Muslims, Islam would give the same thing to them. Recorded in the history of gold in Andalusia (Spain) when under the rule indicates that the Islamic caliphate was able to give justice to the non-Muslim citizens of the Christians and Jews. Them as infidel dhimmis living with equal rights in matters of justice, the economy, jobs, education and others.
Similarly overview of Islamic women in the world, they are currently experiencing a variety of pain. As a Muslim brother then it is obligatory for us to think about their problems and seek appropriate solutions in accordance with the command of Allah.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: August 13, 2014 at 23:18

Tag : Islamic Women Suffer Some Hemisphere.
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