Idhul feast of Fitr is a day of victory for a month awaited by Muslims through physical and mental examinations.
It is natural that when the day arrived to be greeted with great fanfare simple though. On this day Muslims meet each other to stay in touch, sorry-forgive each other.
It would be nice if the guests were welcomed by the excitement of the festive atmosphere of the house with some special flower arrangements designed for the happy event.
Young coconut leaves or leaf is commonly called a material that is already familiar with the layout Indonesiadalam community interest. Since the pre-Islam in Indonesia, with woven coconut culture and unique designs have been created to kepentngan traditional ceremonies.
In Borneo, woven diamond shaped like a cone used to baby-repellent reinforcements for newborns or children.
In Bali until the coconut is a staple material to order flowers for offerings.
For the Javanese, wedding ceremony without twins Virgin is woven from coconut not complete. Even welcomes guests with a coconut at the entrance as a sign of welcome is already a habit.
It was all caused by the leaf has great symbolic significance, as a symbol of happiness, victory and prosperity.
In welcoming Lebaran 2014, the author presents to your flower arrangements with diamond and diamond-leaf as a support.
Subject matter is the orchid. Created a garnish of green coconut material prepared for the corner of the terrace where the guests who come chat.
Selamat Hari Raya Idhul Fitri 1453 H, spiritual and physical apologize.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: June 02, 2014 at 12:31
Tag : Welcome Idul Fitri.
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