Whether you are interested in seeing a video of your marriage that have such a nice screen animation rolled painting , frames , and so on .
If interested , this article is an absolute must read .
Create animated screen for video editing purposes a few years ago it was virtually impossible to do individually.
Besides the price is very expensive equipment and manner of operation was very difficult to learn, so many people who regard the work as it is impossible to be done as " home industry " . But that was then , now thanks to advances in science and technology, particularly in the development of increasingly fast processors and cheap , the job is not too impossible , provided you have the right equipment and a bit of talent and ability to learn .
Digital Studio you will be able to be used for the purposes of either of the source video editing VCD , VHS , Beta and camcorders better than the usual format to Digital - 8 ( depending on his handycam ) . Anything that has a video out output can be used .
Computer Required.
You need a proper and efficient computer to make your digital video studio .Keep in mind the total price of the equipment to build the digital video studio can be quite costly or even really expensive , but the more expensive your equipment and the right combination , you will get a really a studio that can be used as a production house that produces rupiah disbursement not least as a sign of your services .
You need at least a computer with a fast processor , for investment at this time, at least you wear with a processor speed of 700-1000 MHz .
Processor price will quickly drop in , you should often look at technology news website on the internet to monitor the " good days " before shopping processors .
Processor with a speed of about 800 MHz is sufficient in terms of price and performance.
Processor with a speed of 500-600 MHz is still usable , but it would be much harm in terms of investment .
The current processor options can be just 2 ( stable ) is AMD and Intel . AMD's superior in terms of price , Intel is superior in terms of big names , even though they offer the same performance . Price AMD processor can output up to 50 percent cheaper than the Intel processor for the same performance . It is necessary to consider in terms of your initial investment .
You also need a hard drive that is super - super great . The options with SCSI and EIDE interfaces. SCSI has advantages in terms of speed super ( almost realtime ), while having a large capacity EIDE .
The disadvantage, SCSI is expensive and must purchase additional interface cards, while EIDE rather slow . The current highest capacity hard drive for the EIDE has reached 70 GB and can be obtained at a price of about USD $ 500 .
The ideal suggestion is that you buy a SCSI hard drive that was (say 20 GB ) for the process of capturing and about 30 GB EIDE hard drive type for editing and data storage .
You may also provide tape drive for backup , which is one type of the drive is quite expensive but cheap tape ( disc ) .
The capacity is already above 20 GB range , suitable only for backup because the speed is quite slow .
You also need a large enough memory , a lot of video editing programs requested at least 128 MB RAM , 256 MB even hinted to optimal .
Therefore, you must provide at least 128 MB to your computer . In addition, you also need to monitor , 15 inch is the minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz . With a minimum of 85 Hz refresh , your eyes will not get tired and the greater the resolution will expand the screen of your work .
Larger monitors are 17 or 19 inches you should consider if you do a lot of editing are quite complex .
The resolution on the monitor of that size can reach 1600 x 1200 which has a working screen almost 2 times the resolution of 1024 x 768 .
Other equipment such as video cards, which look like a fairly recent chipset nVidia Riva TNT2 or Voodoo3 up with at least 16 MB of memory.
Sound card, CD-ROM and speakers should also be provided although not very vital role.
In addition it may also provide a UPS so that your work does not suddenly disappear when the lights off.
Finally you will need a CD-RW with a variety of speeds, brands and interface (EIDE or SCSI). Buy a brand that has been widely used and proven reliability considering the CD-RW is a vital role in your studio.
Its speed varies, to write has reached 12x, rewrite (RW) achieve reading speeds up to 10x and 32x.
The faster the more expensive of course, and for those of you who are concerned with the interface speed, should you choose SCSI.
Editing studio equipment.
For your editing studio, special equipment will be required.
First: first determine whether your video source, if of course you have to have a Betacam video player Beta, VHS course if the VHS player and if the tape would have to have a handycam camcorders.
Some of Sony's latest camcorders have been there supporting bands ranging from pretty "old-fashioned" to which the latest Digital-8. You may consider to take a movie of this type handycam camcorders wear. Make sure all the players have the output jack that is compatible with video editing card.
Some inexpensive video editing usually just pack the RCA jacks, which is rather expensive usually complement well with the S-Videodan port IEEE1394 (FireWire).
FireWire connector itself came into use in digital camcorders because the cable is secured through the transfer as smooth as the original, without defect.
Once everything is ready, which should be the last tool you have is editing card itself.
The cheapest around USD $ 300 and the most expensive USD $ 10,000.
Examine when buying the card does support FireWire connector , usually marked with a DV ( Digital Video ) . If your handycam support , you should buy a card that uses this connector , because the process of transfer from and to handycam ( back and forth ) will be exactly the same no loss of quality .
One moment you will be asked about what the advantages of an expensive card ? .
The surplus, which is quite expensive cards are usually packed almost every type of connector for input from various types of source video.
In addition, the type of card for USD $ 900 upwards supports adding transitions or effects in real-time without having to re-render (Just so you know, the rendering process can be time consuming 1:15, meaning that 1 hour = 15 hours of video rendering).
These facilities are usually limited to the effects of the already built-in in the card.
Have you ever seen a football game no score below the screen and the appearance of the particular animation?.
That is one example of the effect that is placed in real-time and of course real-time editing tools for broadcasting purposes such cost tens of thousands of dollars.
After you install everything (video and audio out connector of your device is connected to the input video and audio in the editing of your card), try to capture live from your source (LD, VHS, Beta or camcorders).
Usually supplied editing program on your card. Difficulties that may arise is to learn how to use software. Remember the rest of the capacity of your hard drive, 1-minute movie can take 60 MB of disk space.
Frequently practiced add effects and cut the parts that are not needed from your movie.
The more often you practice, then you will be more proficient in managing your movie.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: June 01, 2014 at 13:43
Tag : Creating Digital Video Studio.
Suggestions .
According to the authors , the card options range from USD $ 700 - USD $ 10,000 is sufficient , whereas too low which would complicate the use and the results are sometimes not as much ( between sound and video out of sync at times ) and the results are low resolution , only adequate for the web and presentation .Examine when buying the card does support FireWire connector , usually marked with a DV ( Digital Video ) . If your handycam support , you should buy a card that uses this connector , because the process of transfer from and to handycam ( back and forth ) will be exactly the same no loss of quality .
One moment you will be asked about what the advantages of an expensive card ? .
The surplus, which is quite expensive cards are usually packed almost every type of connector for input from various types of source video.
In addition, the type of card for USD $ 900 upwards supports adding transitions or effects in real-time without having to re-render (Just so you know, the rendering process can be time consuming 1:15, meaning that 1 hour = 15 hours of video rendering).
These facilities are usually limited to the effects of the already built-in in the card.
Have you ever seen a football game no score below the screen and the appearance of the particular animation?.
That is one example of the effect that is placed in real-time and of course real-time editing tools for broadcasting purposes such cost tens of thousands of dollars.
After you install everything (video and audio out connector of your device is connected to the input video and audio in the editing of your card), try to capture live from your source (LD, VHS, Beta or camcorders).
Usually supplied editing program on your card. Difficulties that may arise is to learn how to use software. Remember the rest of the capacity of your hard drive, 1-minute movie can take 60 MB of disk space.
Frequently practiced add effects and cut the parts that are not needed from your movie.
The more often you practice, then you will be more proficient in managing your movie.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: June 01, 2014 at 13:43

Tag : Creating Digital Video Studio.
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