Incomplete Croatia headquarters.
State of Bahia became one favorite camp site for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil contestants. Bahia is a state that chose Germany, Croatia and Switzerland. They spread in the region of the state has a population of 14 million people. Croatia's own choosing Praia do Forte is located in Mata de Sao Joao. The location is ideal, because the distance is not too far from Salvador, which is about 55 kilometers. The journey from the capital city of Bahia Praia do Forte was leading could be in use within two hours by bus .Distances are close to making the players Salvador Croatia does not need a long road trip to get to the airport. They can save time on the road and immediately after the game to rest, because the distance and location of the match venues will be very influential in this World Cup held in the country since the fifth largest in the world. Right at the entrance to the west side of Praia do Forte, there are two large boards lettered Construção do Centro de Treinamento de Selecoes. That is more or less: the construction of national team training center. The location is actually closed to the public. Many local residents who do not know how to progress the development of the project, because the training center surrounded by shady trees. "What we know, Croatia will train there," said Edinilson, a hotel clerk. Behind the large trees that surround it, it turns out that the location of the exercise has not been completed. Who had completed only primary field that includes one stands. Field around the wire fence built as high as 5 feet. The Tribune is still not equipped facilities such as locker rooms for players and bathing. Some workers said that the project still has responsibility for one another as a headquarters building exercise. "If it were just for practice, this place is ready when the next World Cup., But, I do not know for other facilities, such as locker rooms and offices are completed later," said Jose Antonio, one of the workers. In fact, projects worth BRL 2.6 million (Rp 13 billion) was scheduled to be completed May 28 or 17 days. At Praia do Forte, Croatian national team will stay at the Tivoli Hotel, the best lodging in the area that charge to reach BRL 1,000 million (Rp 5 billion) per night. It rates at normal time, not later when the World Cup next month, but all reservations are full until next June. "There is no room for three months," said the receptionist named Jessica. Praia do Forte is really a seaside tourist area elite. As the name suggests, means praia beach and forte means fortress. Praia do Forte is a coastal fort once stood in the former castle Portugal Castelo Garcia D'Avila. So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name; Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 17, 2014 at 22:17

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