Do not be fooled by the PMPO.
PMPO word we often hear, especially when we want to buy a powered speaker or amplifier.The manufacturer also compete as a closeout clearance sale-digit number PMPO inherent in the speaker unit.
The author never heard a complaint stating the reader will wonder Compo her.
Compo PMPO figure is larger (600 Watt) of his Compo (300 Watt), which is another brand with a slightly more expensive price.
But when he compared the awesomeness of his voice, his compo-less nimble. He also questioned what the meaning of that PMPO figures?.
PMPO is short for Peak Music Power Output and measured in units of Watts. So one thing here, we will talk about the power output, ie how much firmness came out.
In terms of its number Watt, sometimes difficult to distinguish people with his Watts RMS (Root Mean Square) would especially be true when it comes to speakers.
In fact, speakers are usually listed in the specification of the RMS value with the value of PMPO. For example, the speaker 120 Watt PMPO 3-dimensional noiseless, 7 RMS. If there is another regard, there are trying to associate, for example, 600 Watt PMPO how when converted to RMS size.
Watts PMPO is the value of capacity that can be handled by the speakers after some period of time. For example, 300 Watt PMPO means that these speakers can hold 300 Watt. While RMS is a number that is forwarded Watt speakers.If you play music too loud, it's better if you have air-RMS speakers high. For a 300 Watt RMS speaker that voice twice as loud, you need to add power by 10 times to be able to download the drive (amplified). Here we will find another unit like Decibel (dB) for example.
For amplifiers in particular, PMPO is actually leading to the "music power" because by looking at the PMPO figure we can find out exactly how large the maximum power that can be supplied by the amplifier under certain conditions.
As for the speaker, usually the manufacturer prefers PMPO expose this because it makes the speakers look as if becoming prime.
But we should remember that the higher the value of the RMS or PMPO does not mean that the speaker will speak louder or loud or anything like that.
Rating PMPO figure or legitimate heralded high value by mashing the speakers, but actually less so significant, because until now there has been no standard way to measure the exact power PMPO.
Then why PMPO is worth mentioning in the device?
The reason relates to the info power rating.
Power rating describes the maximum capabilities of the devices in the reset noise power merepro musical instruments like kettle drums, piano and so on.
PMPO is indeed an example of how to measure the amount of watts that are less good.
This rating combines all of the output peak exaggerated.
So once again, we do not need to be fooled by what the ad said word about peak power or other terms that use the word "power" because it actually has not been standardized and can not we use to compare one with the other devices.
We better look at the "continuous RMS Power" or other power rating that is standard like DIN power.
Some say because we are talking two separate things , we can not change the PMPO to RMS form .And because there is no standard way of testing to get a peak power of music , then some manufacturers have their own way to give the impression of great sound in their homemade models .
We can only get a rough estimate of the numbers of the RMS value by taking PMPO and dividing by a factor of 10 to 20 .
For example, 600W PMPO = 60 - 30W RMS , but there is another opinion in a matter pengkonversiannya .
PMPO to RMS conversion is dividing it by the number 10 and the result is further divided by two . Example , 2000 Watt PMPO equal in value to 2000:10 = 200:2 = 100 Watts RMS .
Because it is still contrary to the main concepts , the above figure is not yet an exact figure .
How Should Watt ?
The question is now , how much power is needed for an active speaker or amplifier ?He replied ----- > of course depends on many factors , ranging from the size of the room, the size and characteristics of the speakers we sac size (how big the purse).
1000 Watt PMPO power should be sufficient for most homes such as those in cities like Jakarta , Bandung , and so on .
While saying the higher wattage will be increasingly good quality sound at lower volume , but an amplifier that is designed at 1000 Watt PMPO will speak better than poorly designed amplifiers although its capacity of 1500 Watts PMPO say . The quality and weight of sound ultimately depends on the quality of its own amplifier .
Small portable systems in the range of 100-150 watts PMPO can speak good in a small bedroom space .
Moreover, there is now Dolby Prologic Surround system makes a good effect in Dolby stereo at some great cinema .
Dolby Prologic system is designed to project the dialogue directly from the front while the music and sound effects coming from the back and sides to create realistic and dramatic effect .
So , thank you for reading this article . Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno .
DatePublished : May 28, 2014 at 20.24

Tag : Measuring Greatness In Sound.
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