Fill MUI Fatwa On Mandatory to Vote.
(MUI: Abstentions Including Deeds Sin).Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa that was already obliges Muslims in Indonesia to use their right to vote in the Legislative and Presidential Elections. The fatwa was decided in 2009, ago.
MUI chairman KH Amidhan also states that Muslims who do not go to the polls was as good as committing sin. According to Amidhan, the election also will indirectly determine the fate of Muslims in Indonesia.
Fatwa on compulsory to vote in the election were decided through astral conjunction 'Ulama Fatwa Commission Third Se-Indonesia 2009. A copy of the fatwa has also been published in a book titled "MUI Fatwa Association Since 1975" published by McGraw.
The following contents shall select a fatwa on the election made by the MUI, as quoted from
Using Voting Rights in the General Election.
1. General Election in the Islamic view is an attempt to choose a leader or representative who meets the conditions ideal for the realization of our goals in accordance with the aspirations of the people and the interests of the nation.2. Choosing a leader in Islam is an obligation to uphold the Imamate and Imarah in life together.
3. Imamate and the Islamic Emirate really require in accordance with the terms of the provisions in order to realize the benefit of society.
4. Choose leaders who believe and fear Allah, to be honest (siddiq), reliable (trustworthy), active and aspirational (sermons), has the ability (fathonah), and the interests of Muslim law is mandatory.
5. Choosing a leader who does not fulfill the requirements as mentioned in point 4 (four) or did not vote at all when there is a qualified candidate law is illegitimate.
a. Muslims are encouraged to choose their leaders and their representatives that the task of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil.b. Government and election organizers need to improve socialization election in order to increase community participation, so that the rights of the community are met.
Fatwa on compulsory to vote in the election set out in Padang Panjang, West Sumatra, January 26, 2009, ago. Therefore, MUI was again reminded that Muslims in Indonesia not Abstentions.
MUI: Abstentions Including Deeds Sin??????
Ahead of the general election (election) legislative and presidential elections in 2014, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) again reminded that Muslims want to exercise their voting rights. This was disclosed by the Chairman of the MUI KH Amidhan Shaberah.Amidhan said that MUI had issued a fatwa that obliges the Muslims to follow the election. For those who do not go to the polls or Abstentions (white group), then they have committed a sin.
"Abstentions including sin because existing MUI fatwa mandating use their right to vote in elections. Who does not work on the case shall mean innocent, "said Amidhan, as quoted from, Friday (02/28/2014).
Amidhan explained that the election is a program to improve the lot of the nation and also the fate of Muslims. Therefore, according to Amidhan, Muslims are obliged to follow the election is made for goodness.
"For Muslims who do not move or do anything to fight for the interests of Muslims, then it includes a sin," said Amidhan.
MUI fatwa that obliges the Muslims to follow the election was actually the result ijtima 'Ulama Fatwa Commission in Indonesia third in Padang Panjang, Padang, West Sumatra. Fatwa mandatory election was set in the year 2009.
Because the purpose of the election is made for good purposes, then the MUI suggested that all Muslims want to give their voting rights. MUI hope that the Muslim community could choose good leaders for the future of Indonesia.
Just info, plans the General Election Commission (KPU) will implement the legislative elections on 9 April 2014, next. As for the selection of candidates for president and vice president will be held on July 9, 2014.
The opponents of the MUI fatwa speeches.
Based on Democracy, Elections Following Haram.
Contrary to Islamic law, Muslims should not follow the democratic party in the event of a general election (election). This was conveyed by Ustadz Abu Sifa 'Mustaqim. The MA in Islamic Leadership Training at Meeting House Markaz Al Islam Foundation Ausath Blora, Blora, Central Java, on Tuesday (25/03/2014)."As an election system which is based at the Democratic creed Haram follow the election contrary to Islamic law," said the cleric who also works as motifator this.
According to him, the democratic system that exalts the popular vote was part of a form of disobedience to God. "Haram follow something adulterous in God," he said.
On the occasion, the alumni of al-Azhar Ustadz explains about the importance of leadership in Islam. "Laws voted in the Islamic compulsory and obligatory Muslim obedient and submissive to the leader who has been in the lift and in his allegiance, because the leadership issue is a very important issue in Islam," he said.
Thus, according to him, it is obligatory to choose a leader, as long as the means used are not contrary to Islamic law. "Because it is part of the follow us proved to be a concern for people they do not conflict with Islamic Law!."
No doubt that there is a difference of opinion among Muslims on the participation of giving voting rights in the election arena. There are some mandatory as a fatwa stating Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).
"Abstentions including sin because existing MUI fatwa mandating exercise their voting rights in the election. Who does not work on the case shall mean innocent, "said MUI Chairman KH Amidhan, Thursday (02/27/2014).
There are also some components of Indonesian Muslims argue, participate permissible uses of the voting rights law alone.
"In principle, the election is a right of every citizen who has the right to vote, it is Mubah. That is, using the right to vote in the elections is compulsory, and avoid them (not to vote) is not Haram, "according to a decree of the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI) related parliamentary elections and received editorial, Sunday (3/23/2014) ago .
MMI is based view of reality that until now, "yet the emergence of Islamic political party that openly and firmly make Islam the principles of his party, with the primary objective and the only is to enforce Islamic law in the country and government agencies," he wrote in the release signed Drs. Muhammad Talib as chairman and Drs. Nashruddin Salim, SH, MH as the Secretary General.
Decisions that do not require the use of his voice Indonesian Muslims are also based on the fact, the participation of the majority of political parties in the election system intends to establish shirk, namely a secular democratic system that separates state and religion, or who do not care about the religious law and moral law. [PurWD /] Wednesday, 2 Jumada End 1435 H / March 26, 2014 16:45 pm.
HTI SOLO "non-voters as the best political option"
Akhad (03/02/2014) HTI Solo Raya halaqoh and civilization held with the theme "Abstentions, Between Fatwas and political interests" in the Meeting House kliwon Al Ershad Market 08:00 - 11 :: 30. In the event, presenting Fendy E. Wahyudi, SIP (Lecturer Undip Semarang) as the first speaker in which he stated facts and political realities that exist in Indonesia.John Zaller said "democracy was actually the sound of your voice instead of your real, and desires societies is determined by the ruling political elite. There are three types of people do Abstentions:
1. Not choosing is one of the choices.
2. Choosing will not bring change.
3. Abstentions as the best political option.
Of the many people who abstentions and growing year increasing numbers abstentions in Indonesia, most of them feel the disappointment of those who have been because there was no change at all after they are elected.
I was confused with that country adopts democracy, especially in Indonesia, according to the Democracy that is actually Fatwa Fatwa Haram because it is contrary to democracy itself, it makes democracy a majority vote is a decision to be taken, while the fatwa was only taken by a few people.
If anyone says that the caliphate is an ancient system that is not compatible with the present age, then democracy is a very ancient system that far because there have been around 6000 BC Year. A character who is very well known that Plato says:
In a democratic society causes:
1. People instigator, because most people are there, they are ignorant of the clever, while the stupid easy once instigated and exploited people who have an interest.2. There is no iota of good value in democracy itself.
KH AHMAD FAIZ "MUST legal abstentions".
As the second speaker, Drs KH Ahmad Faiz (Special Standing Committee Chairman Ulema HTI Solo Raya). MUI fatwa in 2009 as follows:1. General Election In view of Islam is an attempt to choose a leader or representative who meets the conditions ideal for the realization of our goals in accordance with the aspirations of the people and the interests of the nation.
2. Choosing a leader in Islam is an obligation to uphold the Imamate and Imaroh in life together.
3. Imamat and Islam really require Imaroh in accordance with the terms of the provisions of the religion in order to realize the benefit of society.
4. Choose leaders who believe and fear Allah, to be honest (Siddeeq), reliable (trustworthy), active and spiratif (sermons), has the ability (fathonah) and fight for the interests of Muslims law is mandatory.
5. Choosing a leader who does not meet the requirements as stated in item one or none at all when there is a qualified candidate law is illegitimate.
MUI is very ambiguous and contains multiple interpretations, in one hand some to mean that the fatwa implies that Abstentions is Haram but on the other hand some to mean that Abstentions are mandatory.
A layman can deduce from the MUI issued a fatwa, if the candidate does not meet the requirements then Abstentions are Mandatory legal, as they were now happening in Indonesia many candidates who do not qualify the legal abstentions Mandatory he said.
The system of democracy and Islam itself contrary to 180 degrees because democracy does give the right to express opinions to change the democratic system itself with a caliphate system but democracy will not allow implementing a caliphate that we offer.
We can take ibroh of what is happening in Palestine, Egypt and others, when the Muslims managed to seize power over the course of democracy but all were thwarted because the system is still in conflict with the organization itself.
According to a written democratic system whether or not the law say that it is permissible to pray is not mandatory, because in a democratic system of Islam and although she does not pray it is their right - each, if in Islam if there are children over the age of 10 years then it must be struck or just given tahdzir to give a sense of a deterrent to children not to leave the prayer again.
Democracy can not be separated from secularism, liberalism because ultimately democracy is only lust, yesterday - yesterday MUI has memfatwa-it illegitimate secularism and liberalism and hopefully soon MUI also issued illegitimate democracy. Ust as caretakers cottage which also ABA (Abdurrohman Bin Auf) Klaten tell when he silaturrohim to one klaten scholars, he said, "If there are people of Islam who was elected to the legislature as part of the plenary session would enter the room should be read prayers when about went into the bathroom because of the same - the same dirty bathroom and living room plenary session.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished : April 05, 2014 at 14.12

Tag : Fatwa Council of Ulama Indonesia.
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