Pompeii city located underlined the Mediterranean Sea, near the city of Naples (Neapolis) in South Italias. Pompeii is a large and bustling city during the reign of the Roman Emperor Neron. The city includes colonies of the Romans, inhabited by 20,000 people, 40% of them are among the slaves. Pompeii became a prosperous town of place in the summer cruise equipped villas, shrines or temples, theaters or performances, baths and arena matches (colisium / colesseum).
Now, there is nothing left of this town in addition to file an ancient relic. Pompeii is located under Vasuvius volcano with an elevation of 1,200 m above sea level. Pompeii city destroyed by a huge explosion Vasuvius mountain, super-powerful explosion that buried the city of Pompeii and Herkulaneum.
Eruption began spewing hot lava at noon , August 24, 79 AD ( 491 years before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ) , which causes a cloud of smoke in layers like tree Shanbir that shut out the sun , turning day into a prolonged dark . Residents of Pompeii tried to run and shut himself inside the house to save
himself , but to no avail. Today it is the feast day of the Roman god of fire in confidence .
Pompeii hot lava buried the town and the mountain material for 1668 years until it was discovered in the year 1748 AD, which is concurrent finding of town Herkulaneum (Herculaneum). The discovery of the victims were found dead in one piece without any damage to their teeth even (still intact). Facial expression that unites all of the victims were fear and stared. At one point found the bodies hard. Because the dust is toxic lava that might be regarded as a natural-enter the body gets wet, so keep the shape and form of man and beast as it is.
From this discovery revealed how the characteristics of the city's rich and the prosperity of his people at that time . Many rich people live in luxury proud of their wealth . In this city there are network ( installation ) of water in the home , public bathrooms and the streets are neatly arranged with stones , there is also a sophisticated sea ports , as well as the stage - a stage play , and markets . Residual and trace their heritage show their attention to the art and carving ( sculpture ) , and city dwellers are ancient Roman citizens with all levels and social status , including slaves .
Immorality rampant in its history, the population of the city of Pompeii liked and most number one in terms of sin. They often hold adultery at home - their home, on the road - the road, almost every house is a house of prostitution. Many migrants from Greece and Venice are 'enjoying' women - women there, since the city was also a safe harbor by sailors.
Prior to this ruined city buried, people then ignored the signs of impending eruption. They did not bother with any small bumps of strong shocks, nor for the white cloud above the crater clot. Humans learn from when it was not the earthquake that destroyed the city once their 17 years earlier. They do not cry mengubris Roman emperor, neurons that leave the city. Perhaps the reason they are they look volcanic eruption brought much good. Dust is taken very rich with minerals that can be fertilizer for their crops so that fruitful. Rain water to irrigate their crops, and that due to the volcanic cloud that always brings. Many signs and will address a great eruption. A few days earlier severe shocks (earthquakes) are terrible most wells, also turn off the sources of spring water, while the dogs barking saddened by the silence of the birds.
All the signs were not in town to take heed by residents in the morning , while they were busy trade and laughter , amid the date of August 24, 79 AD , the human hearing frenzied horrendous , large rocks split , followed by hot lava , smoke , dust high flying lead the next half hour later the sky falling on the heads of all city residents Pompeii . Most of them managed to escape to the port , and the others hiding in homes and buildings . After that they all turn out to be the petrified corpse . In excavations trace the city found approximately 2000 corpses . Many of them squeezed the rocks that fell override the roofs of houses and buildings .
A few hours later, an abundant hot lava buried the town and scorched earth all forms of signs of life there. The city eventually buried up to 3 feet by hot ash and dust. After the incident bursts of hot rock from Mount Vesuvius, many found the bodies - dead bodies, and many of them died doing immoral (zina), some are doing it with similar and even known there were still a young age.
Similar is with the people of Lut event - ' alayhis - salaam ( the
inhabitants of Sodom ) is devastated by hail .
"If the people of the country in case of faith and piety, certainly we would be bestowed upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they belied (Our signs) it, then We seized them due to his actions.
So if the population of these countries feel secure from the coming of Our wrath to them at night when they are sleeping on?
Or do they feel safe population of the Wrath of Allah (unexpected) / no feel safe from the punishment of Allah except the people who lose. "* (Surat al-A'raf :96-99)
God destroyed the Roman city dwellers, Pompeii, because they transgress in the earth and destroy many lives in every line. Among them happy performing fight between man and man or beast, which lasted until the death of one of the participants of the game.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 2, 2014 at 18:33

Tag : The city of Pompeii.
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