Saturday, 1 March 2014

Japanese war crimes (Documentation).

Written By on Saturday , March 1, 2014 | 21:41

1 . Comfort Women.

Comfort women ( Comfort Women )

Comfort women is the Japanese term comfort women against the Japanese imperial army war future Asia Pacific , other foreign terms are Comfort Women . In fact Comfort women is not a prostitute but a brutal sexual slavery , planned , as well as the international community regarded as a war crime . An estimated 200 to 400 thousand Asian women aged 13 to 25 years old are forced into sexual slavery the Japanese army .

* Why Comfort women created ?

- Perform invasive of another country which resulted in the battle to make mental fatigue Japanese soldiers . These conditions resulted in the Japanese army 's brutal conduct sexual outlet by means of mass rape that resulted in the spread of venereal disease which affects the Japanese army . This is certainly weaken the strength of the Japanese imperial army . This situation gave rise to the idea to recruit local women , the health select and insert them into Ianjo - Ianjo as Japanese military brothels .

* How are they recruited ?

- They were recruited by means smooth as promised free school , work as a performer, domestic workers , restaurant waiters and rude manner accompanied with violence terrorizing , kidnapping and even raped in front of family .

* Who do they recruit ?

- Military Japan , Japanese civilians , local officials a case of regents , district , village heads and RT

* Where did comfort women ?

- They are from South Korea , North Korea , China , Philippines , Taiwan , East Timor , Malaysia , and Indonesia . A small portion of them from the Netherlands and Japan. They were taken to the battlefield area to serve the sexual needs of Japanese civilian and military both at the forefront of the battle and in the area behind the battle lines .

* Who is the Indonesian comfort women ?

- Most of the women who came from the island of Java, which is used as comfort women as Mardiyem , Sumirah , Emah Kastimah , Sri Sukanti , only a small part of Indonesian comfort women could be identified . There are still many Indonesian comfort women living and deceased who have tracked his existence .

* How are they treated ?

- They are raped and tortured mercilessly . Forced to service the sexual needs of Japanese soldiers as much as 10 to 20 people day and night and left to starve . Later in the forced abortion when pregnant . Many women died in Ianjo due to illness , suicide or tortured to death .

* When and where ?

- Ianjo world's first built in Shanghai , China in 1932. Ianjo development in China serve as a model for development Ianjo - Ianjo throughout the Asia Pacific region including Indonesia since the Japanese occupation in 1942-1945 has been built Ianjo in various areas such as Kalimantan , Sulawesi , Maluku , Java , Nusa Tenggara , Sumatra , Papua .

* What happens after the war ?

- After the war the Asia Pacific after surviving comfort women suffered embarrassment to return home . They chose to live in another place and lock dark past in silence and solitude . Living in economic poverty and excluded communities . Physical suffering , bear the shame and feelings of worthlessness until the end of his life .

* Who is responsible for the planned system of slavery ?

- Emperor Hirohito is a blessing giver comfort women system was implemented in all of Asia Pacific . The executor is the field of military officials who gave the command of the war . So today's parties are held accountable for crimes against humanity is the Japanese government .

* How does the attitude of the Japanese government today ?

- The Japanese government today does not admit to being involved in sexual slavery in wartime Asia Pacific . The Japanese government argues comfort women maintained and operated by the private sector . The Japanese government officially refused to apologize to the comfort women . Nevertheless July 1995 Prime Minister Murayama Tomiichi never imply personal apology , but does not represent the country of Japan . Yohei Kono 1993 represent the Japanese cabinet secretary gave a statement to the victim empathy comfort women . But in March 2007 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe issued a controversial statement to refute the involvement of the Japanese military sexual slavery system in practice .

* How can the Indonesian government political stance ?

- The Indonesian government considers comfort women issue has been completed , and even strengthen bilateral and economic ties with Japan's post- war Asia Pacific . However, until now many non- governmental organizations continue to fight for the comfort women and continue to lobby the international level to pressure the Japanese government to resolve the case of sexual slavery . Later research efforts are still ongoing to clarify the history opaque Indonesian comfort women , a race against time because the victims are elderly .

* What is the attitude of Indonesian society ?

- Many people are degrading , and to free the victims from social interaction . Comfort women is considered a case of " accidents " war by using the term " Japanese diet " . Labeling the victims as prostitutes commercial . Many parties also opportunists masquerading as comfort women and defend the interests of the project on behalf of humanity , yet they are corrupt brokers who should receive the funds directly benefit the victims .

* Is AWF ?

- July 1995 Asian Women 's Fund ( AWF ) was established by the Japanese private sector organizations . The organization accused of being " an agent briber " to drown out the protests of the international community and does not represent the Japanese government official . In the Soeharto era of 1997 the Minister of Social inten Suweno receive compensation fund for victims of 380 million yen is paid over 10 years . However, many victims never receive compensation declare it.

* What is required of the victims ?

- 1 . The Japanese government today should formally acknowledge and apologize that the deliberate sexual slavery by the Japanese state during the Asia Pacific War 1931-1945 .
2 . The victims were given compensation as a victim of war for the lives that have been destroyed by the Japanese military .
3 . Demanding inclusion of the dark history of comfort women in the school curriculum in Japan so that Japanese young people know the truth of the history of Japan .

* What is the attitude of the international community ?

- In 1992 , for the first time Kim Hak Soon South Korean casualties opening voice over Japanese military atrocities against himself to the public . After that the comfort women issue uncovered and one by one the victims of various countries spoke up . Then in 2000 the Tokyo Tribunal has held that demands accountability Emperor Hirohito and Japan's top military sexual slavery during the war of the Asia Pacific . 2001 issued a final decision in the Tribunal of The Hague . After the international pressure on the Japanese government continues Forum . October 2007 the U.S. Congress passed a resolution is not binding on the government to press Japan fulfill the political responsibility for these problems . Still to this day the Japanese government has yet to recognize what has been done to hundreds of thousands of women in Asia and the Netherlands during the Asia Pacific War .

This situation gave rise to the idea to recruit local women, and incorporate them into Ianjo - Ianjo as Japanese military brothels.

2. Romusha


" The others died HUNGER or beheaded , or death from being hit or buried alive or nailed to the ground AND LEFT TO DIE "

Romusha is calling for the Indonesian people forcibly employed during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia from 1942 to 1945 . Most romusha are farmers , and since October 1943 the Japanese oblige farmers became romusha . They were sent to work in various places in Indonesia and Southeast Asia . The number of people who become romusha not known for sure - estimates have varied from 4 to 10 million .

3. Nanjing Massacre (Dec. 1937 - February 1938).

Mass murder Nanjing ( Rape of Nanjing / Nanjing Massacre ) conducted by the Japanese military in Nanjing , it started after China fell to the Japanese and ended around the end of 1938. More than 300,000 of thousands of Chinese were killed , raped , tortured .
Japan is constantly reject this genocide , and try to change history by claiming Japan is a unifying Asia .

 More than 300,000 of thousands of Chinese were killed , raped , tortured .

A Chinese folk killed by bayonet.

A Chinese folk killed by bayonet.

The corpses of victims of the massacre in Gulou.
The prisoners of war , amounting to approximately 57,000 people incarcerated in Mount Mufu , approximately 10,000 soldiers and the rest civilians . They were all taken to CaoXieXia and killed all ( 57,000 people ) .
In November 1894 , Japan killed 30,000 people in China's cities Luushun
A Chinese folk would be beheaded with a katana , a Japanese soldier appears smiling .
 Japanese soldier appears smiling .

AFTER beheaded an American pilot imperial Japan announced the surrender to the Americans .

The bodies of babies killed , beheaded , chopped .

The bodies of babies killed , beheaded , chopped .

The heads beheading victims .

The heads beheading victims .
In the city the terrain , there is the history of the nation's five brothers org Indonesian-Chinese against Japanese atrocities during World War II , the five men were eventually captured and beheaded , their heads hung in the center of town , to honor the services of 5 people , then founded a temple called " Pekong Five " ( street Sutomo , Medan ) .

A woman was raped and killed

A woman was raped and killed , women are raped her belly cut open so that all the organs out , their breasts cut off .
Citation testimony of someone who survived :
" On December 16th , I went to the streets , smoke and fire flames had not yet been extinguished . The number of the dead bodies of my countrymen was terrifyingly large , especially there were many corpses of women ... Eight of ten of them had being their abdomens cut open , intestines squeezed out . laid There were several mothers died together with their fetuses covered by blood ... the breasts of these female bodies were either cut off or bayoneted into a mixture of flesh and blood ... "

 women are raped her belly cut open so that all the organs out , their breasts cut off .

4. Kill the competition.

Japanese military commanders killed use competition to improve the morale of the soldiers

Japanese military commanders killed use competition to improve the morale of the soldiers , they invite the authors to publish the winner in news papers.
One killed in Zijin competition published in newspapers around the world .
Lt. two ( Second Lieutenant ) Mukai and Noda killing 105 and 106 people of China , which is more severe than those in the previous competition was Captain Tanaka Gunkhici , killing 300 Chinese people with his own hands . ( Some Japanese newspapers carried this as a competition )

5. UNIT 731 : 

Experimental biology and chemistry to humans ( Prisoners of War )
UNIT 731 is a Japanese chemical and biological experiments secret , prisoners of war used in this experiment .

The experiments include:

- Hang the man up and down to see how long it will last before choking to death .
- Inject air into the arteries of people to see how long it occurred embolism .
- Injecting horse urine into human kidney.
- Do not provide food to the prisoners to see how long they will survive until death .
- Putting humans in high -pressure chambers to see how long it will survive until death .
- Putting humans in extreme temperatures to see how temperature can damage the human body and see how long they will survive man to death .
- Using a prisoner of war as an experiment examining the relationship between temperature , combustion , and survival .
- Putting humans in centrifuges to see how long it will survive until death .
- Inject animal blood into humans to study its effect .
- Using high x-ray radiation to the prisoners to study its effect .
- Placing man in the room to study the effects of toxic gases .
- Injecting sea water to see if it can replace the salt levels in the human body .

 Captain Tanaka Gunkhic

Injecting horse urine into human kidney.

Do not provide food to the prisoners to see how long they will survive until death .

doctor vivisecting a pregnant girl who had his baby after being rapet.

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 21:41
Tag ; Japanese war crimes (Documentation), ianfu, romusha, kill, head.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:41

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