Saturday, 8 March 2014

Great Mosque of Demak.

Great Mosque of Demak.

Demak Great Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia. The mosque is located in the village of Kauman, Demak, Central Java.


The mosque is believed to have ever become a gathering place for scholars (guardian) who spread Islam in Java called Walisongo. The founder of this mosque is estimated Raden Patah, the first king of the Sultanate of Demak around the 15th century AD.
Raden Patah with Wali Songo establish the mosque's charismatic fleeced by giving a similar picture. This is sengkala memet moon, with the meaning Sarira Silent Kiblating meaningful Gusti in 1401 Saka. Figure machinations comprising heads of the number represented by 1 (one), 4 feet means the number 4 (four), the machinations means the number 0 (zero), means the tail struck the number 1 (one). The symbol of the Great Mosque of Demak stood predicted in 1401 Saka.


This mosque has a parent buildings and porches. The main building has four main pillars called pillars.

This mosque has a parent buildings and porches. The main building has four main pillars called pillars. One of the main mast is said to come from pieces of wood, so named saka shavings. Building foyer is an open building. Pyramid-shaped roof supported eight columns called Saka Majapahit. Mosque pyramid roof consists of three sections that describe: (1) Faith, (2) Islam, and (3) Ihsan. In this mosque there is also a "Door Bledeg", containing sengkala moon, which can be read Dragon Mulat salira Wani, the meaning in 1388 Saka or 1466 AD, or 887 H.

At the location of the Great Mosque of Demak complex, there are several tombs of the kings of the Sultanate of Demak and his servants.
At the location of the Great Mosque of Demak complex, there are several tombs of the kings of the Sultanate of Demak and his servants. In this complex there is also a Museum of the Great Mosque of Demak, which contains various things about the history of the Great Mosque of Demak.
Great Mosque of Demak nominated to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.
Mosque founded by Wali Songo together within 1 (one) night, the mosque was founded in 1399 Saka (1447 AD) which is characterized by candrasangkala (Lawang Then Gunaningjami) was struck on the picture that was in the mosque mihrab there emblem saka 1401 that shows this mosque was established in 1479 AD the building of teak wood, measuring 31 mx 31 m premises of the porch measuring 31 mx 15 m center roof supported by four (4) pieces of a giant wooden pillars (pillars) made four guardian yamg among the nine trustees, saka southeast is made in Sunan Ampel, saka southwest Sunan Gunung artificial teak, artificial northwest Sunan Bonang and while the northeast is not made of a single piece of wood but rather composed of several pieces of beams that held together (saka chips), the contribution of the Sunan Kalidjaga. Porches with eight poles boyongan an additional building at the time of the Duke of Jonah (Pati Unus or prince Sabrang Lor), sultan of Demak 2nd (1518-1521 AD) in 1520
In the development process, Sunan Kalidjaga holds a very important role. Guardian who contributed to this fix Qiblah direction. According to history, Sunan Kalidjaga antakusuma will also gain, which is a package that supposedly contains clothing gift of the Prophet Muhammad, which falls from the sky in front of the trustees who were consulted in the mosque. By the mid-seventeenth century, when the kingdom of Mataram stand, the rebellion was also enliven history of the kings of Mataram that time.
The same history also plagued the kingdom of Demak. The new powers are derived from the introduction of Islam to Java. A son of Brawijaya Regent Moslems around the year 1500 and named Raden Patah of Demak domiciled, publicly sever ties from Majapahit who have no power anymore, and the help of other areas that have Islam (such as Gresik, Tuban and Jepara), he founded the Islamic empire centered in Demak. But the existence of the kingdom of Demak never deserted from undermining the insurgency. Trenggono the reign of the king, and even managed to conquer Singasari Mataram. But the resistance war and insurgency still occur in some areas with a strong base of Hindu beliefs. So the Pasuruan area and can survive and Blambangan Panarukan remain part of Bali which remained Hindu. In 1548 AD, the king Trenggono died due to the war with Pasuruan.
Death Trenggono cause a power struggle between his brother and his son named prince who holds Sunan Prawoto Prawoto (1549 AD). The prince's sister nicknamed Lepen Seda killed by the river and Prawoto and his family killed by the son of a prince named Seda Lepen Arya Panangsang. Demak throne controlled Arya Penangsang notorious and unpopular people, causing rebellion and the chaos that comes from-duchy duchy. Moreover, when the duke of Jepara which have a major impact killed anyway, which resulted in the brother of the Duke of Jepara nicknamed Queen Kalinyamat with other duke duke-rebellion in the form of movements against Arya Panangsang. One of the rebel duke named Hadiwijoyo Tingkir nicknamed Jake, the son of a once-in-law Kebokenongo Trenggono who still have blood relations with the king. Jake Tingkir, Boyolali Pajang ruling, the war had killed Arya Penangsang. And therefore he moved to the Palace of Demak Pajang and he became the first king in the Display. Thus, the Islamic kingdom of Demak finished history.
Demak Great Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia. This mosque has a historical value is very important for the development of Islam in this country, precisely in the Sultanate of Demak Bintoro. Many people believe this mosque as a place of gathering of the guardians propagator of Islam, which is better known as Walisongo (Guardian Nine). The trustee is often gathered for worship, discussion about the spread of Islam, and teach Islamic sciences to the surrounding population. Therefore, this mosque can be considered as a living monument to the spread of Islam in Indonesia and the Sultanate of Demak Bintoro evidence grandeur.
Great Mosque of Demak established in three stages. The first phase of construction was in 1466 AD when it was still a building of this mosque Glagahwangi Boarding School under the tutelage of Sunan Ampel. In 1477 AD, the mosque was rebuilt as a mosque Duchy Glagahwangi Demak. In the year 1478 AD, when Raden Patah of Demak was appointed as the first Sultan, the mosque was renovated with the addition of three traps. Raden Fatah together Walisongo lead the development process of this mosque with the help of the local community. The guardian sharing their respective duties. In general, the trustees work became a cornerstone of the main pillars supporting the mosque. However, there are four guardians that specifically led the other pillar of manufacture, are: Sunan Bonang make the cornerstone of lead in the northwestern part; Sunan Kalidjaga make fundamental pillars in the northeast; Sunan Ampel make fundamental pillars in the southeast, and Sunan Gunungjati make cornerstone of the southwest.
Overall area of ​​the main building of the Great Mosque of Demak is 31 x 31 m2. In addition to the main building, there is also a mosque porch measuring 31 x 15 m long x 2.35 m circumference 35; drum with a size of 3.5 x 2.5 m, and propagation tatak with size 25 x 3 m. The porch of the mosque shaped building open. The mosque is supported by 128 pillar, the four of them is a main pillar of the buffer. Pillars of the mosque building totaling 50 pieces, porch pillars numbered 28 pieces, and the pole circumference totaling 16 pieces.
The mosque has a distinctive architectural style typical of the archipelago . The mosque is using a three- tiered pyramid roof in the form of an isosceles triangle . The pyramid roof is generally different from the roof of the mosque in the Middle East are more familiar with the shape of a dome . It turns out that the model of this three- tiered pyramid roof has meaning , namely that a believer needs to climb three important levels in the ber - religion : faith , Islam , and ihsan . In addition , this mosque has a five- door that connects one part to another part , which has the meaning of the pillars of Islam, the creed, prayer, fasting , charity, and pilgrimage . This mosque has six windows , which also has the meaning of the pillars of faith , which believes in Allah , His angels , His messengers , His books , Day of Resurrection , and His qadha - Qadr .
The shape of the building of the mosque many uses of wood materials. With these materials, the manufacture of spherical shape with a curved-arch will be easier. The interior part of the mosque also uses materials from wood with carvings are so beautiful. And there is one feature of the pole pieces are not made of a single piece of wood but rather composed of several pieces of beams tied together (saka shavings). The unique shape of the building of the mosque is apparently the result of the creativity of the community at that time.
Besides adopting many local architectural developments at the time, tropical climate conditions (of which concern the availability of wood) also affect the process of construction of the mosque. Local building architecture developed at that time, such as joglo, maximizing pyramid shape with wide variations.
Demak Great Mosque is located in the city center and overlooking the vast plaza. In general, the development of cities in Java many similarities, which is a form of the unity between the building mosques, palaces, and the square in the middle. Development of this model begins by Bintoro Demak Dynasty. It is estimated, the former Sultan of Demak is located in the south of the Great Mosque and the plaza.
Great Mosque is located in the village Demaki Kauman, Demak, Central Java. Location mosque located in the district capital, is ± 26 km from the city, ± 25 km from the Holy District, and ± 35 km from Jepara. This mosque is believed to been a gathering place for scholars (guardian) propagator of Islam, also called Walisongo, to discuss the spread of Islam in Java in particular and Indonesia in general. The founder of this mosque is estimated Raden Patah, the first king of the Sultanate of Demak. At the location of the Great Mosque of Demak complex, there are several tombs of the kings of the Sultanate of Demak and his servants. There is also a museum, which contains various things about the history of the founding of the Great Mosque of Demak.
This mosque is the forerunner to the establishment of the kingdom of Demak Glagahwangi Bintoro. The structure of the mosque building has historical value of art wake Indonesian traditional architecture. His form is majestic, graceful, beautiful, charismatic, fascinating and authoritative. Now the Great Mosque of Demak functioned as a place of worship and pilgrimage. Appearance pyramid pyramid roof of the mosque shows Aqidah Islamiyah which consists of three parts: (1) Faith, (2) Islam, and (3) Ihsan. In this mosque there is also a "Door Bledeg", read "Condro Sengkolo", which reads Nogo Mulat Saliro Wani, the meaning in 1388 Saka or 1466 AD, or 887 H.

Achievement Bulus. 

Raden Patah founded the mosque with Wali Songo timeless masterpiece that is by giving the charismatic achievement fleeced picture, this is sengkolo Condro memet, with the meaning (seriro silent kiblating kaulo gusti) means that in 1401 Saka. blouse image that consists of head which means the number 1 (one) foot four significant figures 4 (four) and the machinations of the body means the number 0 (zero) means that struck the tail number 1 (one), it can be concluded that the Demak mosque stood in 1401 Saka

Saka Majapahit .

Saka Majapahit numbering eight Mosque which is located in the foyer of archaeological objects perabu gift of Brawijaya V ( five ) raden Kertabumi raden is given to be broken when Adi Pati diocesan noto in glagah fragrance Bintoro Demak in 1475 AD

Maja solar Bitter. 

This is an ornate octagonal image
very popular during the bitter maja
interpret archaeological experts, this image as a symbol
maja maja solar empire bitter bitter reply was in the Great Mosque of Demak made in 1401 Saka or 1479 AD


An artifact building buildings carved in the past
which has a value astetika a very unique and beautiful . This artwork dominate the beauty of the room , an artifact inscribed therein maksurah Arabic - noble - that is to say it to the Oneness of Allah
Maksurah inscriptions are carved figures in the year 1287 H or 1886 AD during which the Adi Pati Demak held by KRMA (Aryo Purbaningrat ) .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 08, 2014 at 11:08
Tag : Great Mosque of Demak.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:08

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