Tuesday 4 March 2014

Do You Know About Aspirin.


Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin ) is a drug derived from salicylate compounds are often used as an analgesic ( pain killers or minor aches ) , antipyretic ( against fever ) , and anti - inflammatory ( inflammation ) . Aspirin also has an anticoagulant effect and can be used in low doses in a long time to prevent heart attacks . The use of aspirin as a drug popularity began in 1918 when the flu pandemic in various regions of the world .
The beginning of the use of aspirin as a medication that was initiated by Hippocrates using willow plant extracts to cure various diseases . Then the compound was developed by Bayer company into acetylsalicylic acid compounds known today .
Aspirin was the first drug marketed in tablet form . Previously , the drug trade in powder form ( powder ) . In welcoming the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany , a replica of a giant aspirin tablets on display in Berlin as part of the exhibition is open Deutschland , Land der Ideen ( " Germany , the land of ideas " ) .

Beginnings .

History of discovery .

Natural compounds from plants used as medicine has been around since the beginning of human civilization . Began in ancient Egypt , the nation has used a compound derived from willow leaves to suppress pain . In the same era , the Sumerians also been using similar compounds to treat various types of diseases . It is recorded in the carvings on the rocks in the area. It was only in the year 400 BC, Hippocrates philosophy used as a medicinal plant which then spread far and wide.

Modern times .

Reverend Edward Stone of Chipping Norton , England , was the first to publish the medical use of aspirin . In 1763 , he had managed to take medication against various diseases using the compounds . In 1826 , the Italian researchers , Brugnatelli and Fontana , carried out tests on the use of a compound from the leaves of the willow as a medical agent . Two years later , in 1828 , a German pharmacist , Buchner , managed to isolate the compound and named salicin derived from the Latin willow , Salix ie . This compound has antipyretic activity that can cure fever . Research on these compounds continued until in 1830 when a French scientist named Leroux successfully crystallized salicin . This study was followed by a German pharmacist named Merck in 1833 . As a result of his research , he managed to get a crystalline compound salicin in very pristine condition .
Salicylic acid compound itself was discovered in 1839 by Raffaele Piria with the empirical formula C7H6O3 .

Bayer .

Bayer Brazilians is the first company to successfully creating a compound aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid ) . The idea to modify the salicylic acid compound is motivated by the many negative effects of these compounds . In 1945 , Arthur Eichengrun from Bayer company suggested the idea to add the acetyl group of compound salicylic acid to reduce the negative effects while improving the efficiency and tolerance . In 1897 , Felix Hoffmann managed to continue the idea and created the compound acetylsalicylic acid which was then commonly known as aspirin .

Aspirin is an acronym for :

A : Cluster acetyl
spir : the name of the flower in Latin
Spiraea : extra syllables that are often used
in: for the substance at that time .
Aspirin is a synthetic substance first in the world and the leading cause of industrial development farmateutikal . Bayer aspirin as a trademark registered on March 6, 1899 . Felix Hoffmann is not the first person who tried to create the aspirin compounds . Previously in 1853 , a French scientist named Frederick Gerhardt has been trying to create a new compound from a combination of acetyl chloride and sodium salicylate . Aspirin is sold as a medicine in 1899 after Felix Hoffmann successfully modified Salicylic acid, a compound found in willow bark.
Bayer lost the trademark rights after allied forces seize and sell assets outside the company after the First World War . In the United States ( U.S. ) , the right to use the name of aspirin has been purchased by the U.S. through the Sterling Drug Inc., In 1918 . Although the patent period has not expired , Bayer did not successfully deter rival of impersonation and using the name of the chemical formula of aspirin. As a result , Sterling failed to block the " aspirin " of the use of a generic word . In other countries such as Canada , " Aspirin " is still considered a protected trademark .

Aspirin working .

According to the study of John Vane , aspirin inhibits the formation of a hormone in the body known as prostaglandins . Cyclooxygenase , an enzyme involved in the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxane , not halted when aspirin turned - clicking the acetyl enzyme .
Prostaglandins are hormones produced in the body and has various effects on the body including the delivery of pain stimuli to the brain and make modulat hypothalamic thermostat . Thromboxane also responsible lawyer agregatan platelets . Heart attacks are caused by blood clots and pain stimuli to the brain . Thus , reduction of blood clots and pain stimuli is due to the consumption of aspirin at a lower rate is considered both in terms of treatment .
However , the effect is slow blood clot causing excessive bleeding can occur . Therefore , those who are about to undergo surgery or have bleeding problems are not allowed to take aspirin .

Facts about Aspirin.

The main ingredient of aspirin were found in extracts of plants such as willow bark , has been used for centuries as a pain reliever . In the late 1800s , a chemist synthesizes a form of a compound called acetylsalicylic acid . This compound contained in aspirin . In addition to pain relief , aspirin can also have a number of other effects on the body . Here are five facts about aspirin , as quoted by Live Science , Tuesday, June 25, 2013 .

Reduce the risk of heart attack.

Eating a low dose of aspirin every day can reduce the risk of heart attack . Aspirin prevents the clumping of cells in the blood . The American Heart Association ( AHA ) to recommend low-dose aspirin every day , especially for people at high risk of heart attack and those who survived a heart attack . But this should be consulted with a doctor beforehand . Because aspirin has side effects that can increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding

Increase the risk of tinnitus .

Aspirin can increase the risk of tinnitus , or buzzing in the ears . This risk occurs in someone who take aspirin in high doses ( 8-12 tablets a day ) . Universityas California , USA , estimates that salicylic acid , which is a breakdown product of the main ingredient in aspirin , can damage the inner ear .

Reducing the risk of cancer .

Research has found a link between taking aspirin on a regular basis and reduce the risk of cancer , especially colon cancer . One study published in 2011 found that , taking two aspirin tablets per day can lower the rate of colon cancer by 63 percent among people who are at high risk for colon cancer . Another study published last year found that , taking aspirin every day can reduce the risk of death from cancer .

Increase the risk of Reye's syndrome .

Children who take aspirin might have a higher risk of Reye's syndrome . This syndrome is a rare condition characterized by sudden brain damage and heart problems . Symptoms may include prolonged vomiting , confusion , and seizures . This condition occurs in children who were given aspirin when recovering from the flu or chicken pox . According to the Mayo Clinic , although aspirin is safe to use for children 2 years of age , but aspirin should not be given to children who are recovering from the flu or chicken pox .

Cause problems in pregnancy .

Aspirin and non - steroidal anti - inflammatory ( NAIDS ) is not recommended for pregnant women , especially in the last three months , because aspirin affects blood clotting . This can increase the risk of bleeding in the mother or fetus . In addition , aspirin consumption during pregnancy can also affect the ability of blood vessels in the heart to close the baby .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 14:13
Tag : Do You Know About Aspirin.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 14:13

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