Brain tumor is a disease that attacks the brain. Due to the brain is one of the most important organs of the body, other organs may be disrupted, so that death may occur. Brain tumors can affect anyone, even children and teenagers, but in general the tumor invading the productive age or older.
Brain tumors do not always result in death. But in the case of benign brain tumors, as they grow, they can destroy and suppress normal brain tissue, which can result in paralysis or fatal. Because of this, doctors prefer to use the term "brain tumor" rather than "brain cancer." Nowadays medical science has developed rapidly, diagnostic techniques and treatment has been given hope of life for brain tumor patients.
Which becomes a major concern in patients with brain cancer and brain tumors this is how quickly they spread through the brain / spinal cord other and whether they can be removed and does not recur again.
Several factors affect prognosis (life expectancy) patients with brain tumors, among others: the ability of early detection; ability to know the exact location of the tumor in the brain; excellence diagnostic technologies and therapies (surgery) such as CT scan, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image), a microscope.
Symptoms of Brain Cancer.
Symptoms of brain cancer generally is not easily detected because the attack targets the cancer is in the brain, an organ that is not visible from the outside. Even so, there are some indications that could be considered to determine whether a person is experiencing symptoms of brain cancer or not.Some of the symptoms of brain cancer are easily found in them are;
- Easy to get headaches.
Prolonged headache and come over and over again can be a symptom of brain cancer.
- Easy nausea.
Frequent nausea can also be a symptom of brain cancer.
- The body limp.
Brain cancer patients typically experience a limp body. Therefore, if the body is weak, though not easy doing heavy work, it needs to watch out.
- It's hard to walk.
Brain cancer sufferers will also experience difficulty walking conditions. Each will run feels wobbly. Symptoms of brain cancer is caused by the body in controlling the activity of the brain is impaired by the presence of cancer cells.
- It's hard to hear and see.
There were changes also in the senses of hearing and vision. Patients will experience reduced hearing and vision. Symptoms of brain cancer is going to get worse as the increased severity of the cancer cells biting brain.
- Numbness in the feet and hands.
Symptoms of brain cancer is also characterized by the occurrence of numbness in the feet and hands. Both of these organs due to impaired central nervous also being plagued by cancer cells.
- It's hard to concentrate.
The attack on the brain makes patients also have difficulty concentrating. It will make people work hard to complete the well as a loss of concentration.
- Decreased memory and response
Automatic brain cancer patients will also experience memory loss as well as the body's response. This is problematic organ affected brain began "controlled"?? cancer cells.
- Decreased sense of smell
In addition to the sense of hearing and vision decline, brain cancer symptoms are also seen in the declining sense of smell. Patients with difficult to maintain a sense of smell as before.
- Paralyzed on the part of the face or body
In certain circumstances, the patient may also experience partial paralysis on the face or any part of his body. This indicates that one of the middle brain suffered the onslaught of cancer cells.
- Sleepiness prolonged
It could also be a symptom of brain cancer. People who experience prolonged sleepiness, despite having enough sleep, could be an indication that something is not normal in the brain.
- Cessation of menstruation is not normal
For women, the cessation of menstruation is not normal also need to watch out. It could be because it shows the symptoms of brain cancer or other cancers may be.
Maybe if it had happened only one of the above symptoms, it is yet to lead to the occurrence of brain cancer. But if it happens several symptoms at once, you should quickly check up because it's very likely a symptom of brain cancer.
As an alternative to medical treatment, herbal ant nest has been widely used as an alternative to to treat brain cancer. Please visit the overview page of the ants nest To obtain further information about this herb. Meanwhile, to see one of the testimonials we received about how ant nests can help cure brain cancer pain quickly.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 5, 2014 at 13:07

Tag ; Did You Know About Brain Tumors.
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