Gigantism is a condition of a person that excess growth, with a large high above normal. Gigantism caused by the excessive amount of growth hormone. No reference high-definition as a "giant". Adults with high gigantism could reach 2.25 to 2.40 meters.Dwarfism.
Dwarfism is a condition of a person that lacks growth, with a low and a little below normal. Dwarfism caused by a shortage of growth hormone. There is a low definition refer as "tiny". Adults with dwarfism high can be as high as about 1.25 to 1.40 meters.Gigantism is a medical condition characterized by excessive growth in children before the bone growth stops due to excessive production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland which is usually the result of a tumor in the pituitary gland.
It is the same with acromegaly are also characterized by excessive growth due to excessive production of growth hormone. However, acromegaly occurs in people who are already covered discs bone (bone growth has stopped) and usually occurs in adults.
Children suffering from gigantism it shows excessive bone growth and causes their abnormally high for their age and have hands, toes and fingers and a very large head.
Also occur in patients with enlargement of internal organs such as the kidneys, brain and heart.
Early treatment is needed because these conditions could potentially be life-threatening conditions such as heart failure and diabetes.
The symptoms of gigantism.
* Irregular menstruation.* Muscle weakness.
* Excessive sweating.
* Having trouble with peripheral vision (side).
* Suffering from headaches.
* The release of breast milk.
Thickening of facial features.
* Double vision (diplopia).
* Tall stature.
* Jaw prominent.
* Hands and feet with fingers and a foot thick.
The cause of gigantism is the production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland that is excessive.
Which can increase the risk of gigantism.
The risk increases if you are infected with gigantism;
* Have been diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis.
* Have been diagnosed with pituitary tumors.
Complications that can be the caused by gigantism.
* Can lead to the development of hypertension.* It may have a higher risk for heart failure Kongesif.
* May suffer delayed puberty.
Prevention and treatment of gigantism.
To date there is no specific prevention and treatment for gigantism was until now there is no available for gigantism.Dwarfism - What is dwarfism?
Dwarfism is short stature due to certain medical conditions. Is sometimes defined as an adult height of less than 4 feet 10 inches (147 cm), although this definition is problematic because short stature in itself is not impaired.Dwarfism can be caused by about 200 distinct medical conditions.
'' No'' dwarfism is characterized by one or more parts of the body are relatively large or small compared with those of normal adult, with growth abnormalities in specific areas clear.
In cases'' proportional'' dwarfism, the body appears normally proportioned, but very small.
Historically, the term midget was used to describe "proportionate dwarfs"; However, this term has now become offensive and demeaning.
Hypotonia, or lack of muscle, is common to say, but intelligence and lifespan are usually normal.
Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth that is responsible for 70% of dwarfism cases.
There is no single treatment for dwarfism. Individual abnormalities, such as impaired bone growth, can sometimes be treated through surgery, and some hormone disorders can be treated through medication, but it is usually not possible to treat the symptoms of dwarfism.
Often lifestyle changes necessary to overcome the effects of dwarfism. Such devices as specialized furniture often help people with dwarfism to function normally.
Many support groups help people with dwarfism cope with the challenges they face and to develop and maintain their independence.
Dwarfism is a highly visible condition and often carries a negative connotation in society. They are unusual heights, people with dwarfism are often used as spectacles in entertainment and portrayed with stereotypes.
For people with dwarfism, heightism can lead to taunt in childhood and discrimination in adulthood.
Short stature can be inherited without any other disease. Short stature in the absence of an abnormal medical condition is not generally considered dwarfism. For example, a short man and a short woman who was in normal health will tend to produce children who are also short and in normal health.
While short parents tend to produce short children, people with dwarfism may produce children of normal height, if they are not the cause of dwarfism is a genetic disease, or if the individual does not pass on genetic mutations.
Many types of dwarfism impossible to prevent because they are genetically caused. Genetic conditions that cause dwarfism may be identified by genetic, by screening for certain disorders that lead to the condition. However, due to a number of causes of dwarfism, it may be impossible to determine definitively if a child will be born with dwarfism.
Dwarfism caused by malnutrition or hormonal abnormalities can be treated with proper diet or hormonal therapy. Growth hormone deficiency can be improved by injection of human growth hormone (HGH) during the period.
Genetic defects of most forms of dwarfism caused by bone dysplasia can not be repaired, so the usual therapeutic interventions aimed at preventing or reducing pain or physical disability, increasing adult height, or reduce psychosocial stress and enhancing social adaptation.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 5, 2014 at 11:24

Tag ; About gigantism.
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