Friday 21 February 2014

The human genetic code.

" Is God in Our Genes ? " An article in Time magazine October 2004 issue addresses this question by exploring the link between God and spirituality through the human genetic code .

A molecular biologist and Chief of Gene Structure at the National Cancer Institute , which objectively examines the views of other scientists on this topic . The author states , " Hamer not only claims that human spirituality is an adaptable nature , but also said that he had found one of the genes responsible , a gene that happens to also code for production of nerve transmitters ( neurotransmitters ) that regulate our moods . "

Is God in Our Genes

Hamer's work on the "God gene " began in 1998 , where he was doing research for the National Cancer Institute on smoking and addiction . A thousand smokers selected to perform a test " temperament and character " in psychology , which includes a measure of three aspects of " spirituality " : the level of self-forgetfulness participants ( the ability to get lost in an experience ) , the level of transpersonal identification ( feeling connected with a larger universe ) and mysticism (openness to something that one can not really prove it ) . After carrying out the test , Hamer rank participants in terms of their spirituality , and then analyze their genes to look for a correlation between spirituality and the genetic code .
After entering all the data , Hamer found that variations in a specific gene related to how the volunteers scored on a spiritual test . Those who have a particular nucleic acid in a point on the gene ranked high statistically , and those who have a different nucleic acid at the same point it has a lower rank . Thus , a link between biology and spirituality seems to have been found .
Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about how we should overcome our genetic predisposition through daily meditation to achieve a successful spiritual evolution . He also teaches about reincarnation and how do we bring the past trends into our lives now . This might explain why some people are born with a genetic structure that is more " spiritual " than others . Individuals who have been practicing diligently in their lives that previously have innate memories of the bliss they experienced . They are more open to being uplifted by the spiritual information . This trend can now be measured at least in part by examining a person's genes .
Supreme Master also said that the Quan Yin Method of making us feel lighter , happier and smarter . It is very suitable with the research discussed above . Teachers may be the best scientist !
In his study , Hamer quickly showed that the gene he discovered not to be the only governing a person's spirituality , there may be many . He gave the impression that his work is just a preview of the upcoming research .
God's Message In Our Genes.
Of the differences I observed how great God created man , even a child would not be conjoined twins have in common . You try to remember how many people you will ever meet in your life . A hundred , a thousand , or a million , now try to compare all of those people .
Humans are complex beings , not as simple and easy as that , even science can not reveal the man 's other hand , we call it a mistery .
Some psychologists and scientists say that humans are different large due to the value and the genes embedded in him since he was born until she was an adult . That value can be regarded as a form of emotion, habit or experience can affect our subconscious. 
Thus I began to better understand the value of it when I read the book dr . Kazuo Murakami ' the Divine Message of DNA ' in Indonesia with the title of the book translates God's messages in our DNA . There Wao God's message contained in our DNA .
Messages like what it is , some people think that our mind that determines everything . But I think personally , the genes that regulate everything good behavior are seen or unseen ( feeling or emotion ) . I believe humans are able to achieve all that he wants , that's the message of God within us .
More in again , dr . Kazuo Murakami says in his book that the gene is influenced by three things :
The first is by itself genes ( heredity ) , the second is the environment factor , and the third is a factor Mind .
Now that I know all of it - as are you - can make us understand that there is no reason for us to be afraid to do what we want with the reason I do not have that talent , there are two factors that are more important than heredity . That is hard work ( Environment ) and positive thinking ( Mind ) . Remember there is a message of God in our genes . Whatever we want we will get it with confidence .
This is owned by people in the world like Bill Gates , Steve Jobs , Donald Trump , BJ Habibie , Chairul and all the great people in the world . Remember that value is the experience and habits .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 21, 2014 at 11:26
Tag ; The human genetic code.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:26

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