Monday, 10 February 2014

Stuck in sex exploitation.

Human trafficking is a multibillion dollar trading businesses targeting the vulnerable , the poor economy , for slavery , forced labor , prostitution , forced marriage , sexual exploitation , including child exploitation . Human trafficking is the second largest organized crime in the world , after illegal drugs .
United Nations report in 2012 noted that 2.4 million people , while the U.S. government estimates that 12.3 million people are victims of human trafficking around the world . As many as 80 percent of them being the object of sexual exploitation or slavery . Approximately 17 percent of the victims of human trafficking into forced labor at home , mine , or factory .

A 9 year old girl working in the hot sun

A 9 year old girl working in the hot sun , making bricks from morning to night , seven days a week . He became a victim of human trafficking with his family from Bihar , India , and can not run away , isolated from society . [photo by Kay Chernush for the U.S. State Department ]
United Nations ( UN ) estimates that U.S. $ 32 billion is generated each year from human trafficking . Meanwhile , the business of sex trafficking is the largest with an estimated U.S. $ 27.8 billion is generated each year .
The largest sex trafficking , especially involving children to become sex slaves object . The UN agency for children ( UNICEF ) reported that about 2 million children under 18 years of trafficked every year , most of them are women
who become sex objects in the commercial sex industry is worth millions of dollars . Ironically , about 50-60 percent of children trafficked into sex slaves under the age of 16 years . They are recruited , kidnapped , transferred , for purposes of commercial sex . The children become sex workers being forced, tricked , tortured , and threatened .
Child sex tourism has even become a tourist attraction in a number of countries . Thailand , Cambodia , India , Brazil and Russia are identified as a place of entertainment or a source of transportation for sexual exploitation of children . Although the countries included in the
UN red list or supervision related to human trafficking, the state government authorities do not take action to remove a maximum of child sex trafficking . Many tourists , especially adult men to travel , pay for the sexual services of children in these countries .


Thailand has long been the most popular sex tourism destination in the world . Thailand 's Health System Research Institute reported that 40 percent of the Thai prostitution involving children . There are no data on the number of prostitutes under 18 years old Thailand but the Thai government estimates about 40,000 children .
Trafficking of women in Thailand mainly from poorer areas of Thailand , Myanmar , Cambodia , Laos and China . Thai women are generally sold to Japan for forced into sexual slavery by the low paid .
Although Thailand has legislation states prostitution is illegal . In practice , the behavior is tolerable society . Very open prostitution throughout Thailand , even local officials tend to protect the business.
In Cambodia is estimated at about one-third of all prostitutes are under 18 years old , or about 33,000 children . In 1996 , Cambodia passed legislation combating kidnapping , human trafficking and human exploitation , including prostitution discussed . However , the law does not specifically define or prohibit child prostitution in Cambodia , which sets the age of consent is 15
years .
In India , the federal police reported 1.2 million children are believed to be involved in prostitution . There were three million prostitutes in India , an estimated 40 percent are children . Sex tourism has become a serious concern of government of India , the authority estimates that 90 percent of human trafficking in India take place at home .
Brazil has the record as the worst in the world of sex trafficking . Brazil has become the world's most popular destination for sex tourism , after Thailand . UNICEF estimates that about 250,000 children become prostitutes . Most of the sex workers come from slum children who need money to live . The latest trend is more surprising that a number of expeditions " fishing " was organized to conduct child sex tourism for tourists from the U.S. and Europe .
Legal age prostitutes in Brazil 18 years old , but many female sex workers in Brazil are under 18 years old . A 13-year -old girl sold for sex only U.S. $ 6 to sex tourists in Brazil .
The good news , in recent years to prepare Brazil to host the World Cup , local authorities , such as the city of Ceara state that sex tourism is prohibited . Every week , dozens of military vehicles and federal police forces conducting searches on the streets in the red district , raided motels , hotels and brothels , and arrest the perpetrators , as well as bringing women into the shelter . Unfortunately the action was not followed by the cities throughout Brazil .
In Europe , Russia became the center , source , destination and transit point for human trafficking in Europe and shipped to various countries in Asia , and other parts of the world . Not just women , men too are victims of Russian modern slavery . The UN says about 800,000 women are trafficked each year outside Russia . Moscow Government has little attempt to stop it because the judge as a form of slavery instead . Russia has long been suppressed by the European Union to tighten its borders to prevent trafficking .

Resistance .

Various advocacy and the fight against human trafficking , especially the elimination of sexual exploitation of children has been running for more than two decades all over the world by international and local humanitarian agencies . Politics and state policy initiatives to be key in the fight against human trafficking . Australia is the first country to introduce legislation punishing citizens engage in sexual activity with children outside the country , in 1994 . Subject to a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison when engaging in sex with a child under the age of 12 years .
Currently there are at least 38 countries have extraterritorial laws are used to punish their citizens for crimes committed during child sex tourism trip . The World Tourism Organization create a task force to combat sex tourism .
In 2005 , a total of 200 travel companies from 21 countries have signed a global code of conduct for the protection of children from sexual exploitation in travel and tourism.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ( ICE ) to investigate and arrest child sex tourists . In 2003, ICE successfully captured more than 11,000 child sex exploitation offenders , including 1,100 outside the U.S. . The U.S. government itself reported 25 percent of child sex tourists are U.S. citizens .

One Percent .

However , the resistance of child sex trafficking is still very small . UNICEF notes that sexual activity is often regarded as a private matter , making communities reluctant to act and intervene in cases of sexual exploitation . Such attitudes make children far more vulnerable to sexual exploitation .
Globalization is also becoming increasingly difficult resistance factor because the Internet provides an efficient global networking tool for individuals to share information on destinations and procurement of child sex tourism . As a result , the tourism industry of child pornography , sex and human trafficking still growing rapidly .
Globally , the absence of strong regulatory and police training to combat trafficking . Many state governments are not doing enough measures to reduce the demand for forced labor , commercial sexual behavior , and child sex tourism . In fact , in the U.S. only 10 percent of police stations have a protocol for dealing with trafficking .
Tragically , only one to two percent of human trafficking victims rescued . Only 1 in 100,000 Europeans involved in trafficking punished . Many people are not aware of the practice of human rights violations in their city .
Cherif Bassiouni , a professor from DePaul University , Chicago , strongly insinuating that human trafficking is a human rights issue in which the government has said so much , but so little is done to address it .
" Law in the big world criminalize prostitutes and other victims of trafficking , but almost never criminalize the perpetrators of the crime because without them it would not happen , " he said .
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 10, 2014 at 12:02
Tag ; Stuck in sex exploitation, human trafficking

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:02

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