Monday 3 February 2014

Government secretly imported rice.

Hatta trade ministry urged to explain the import of rice from Vietnam
Chamber condemns import rice from Vietnam secretly
Claim stop imports , the government secretly buy rice from Vietnam
Directorate General of Customs , Ministry of Finance outspoken about the import of rice from Vietnam . Openly accused the Customs Ministry of Commerce as the responsible party due to import rice last throughout 2013 .
Imported rice against the rule because it's not premium rice of medium quality rice from Vietnam which is really only be done by Bulog . Customs rice incoming ensure it is legal for SPI pocketing the Ministry of Commerce issued .
Observers Indef , Eni Sri Hartati admitted concern over the attitude of the government lying to its people . Always asserted not to import rice but apparently do it quietly . Eni said, this is likely to occur because the profit margin or rice import large enough .
" You see great interest margin . 1 Kg We suppose margin of Rp 500 per kg but this umpteen tons . Never clay per kilo her , " said Eni when contacted in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 28/1 ) .
Not only that , the increase in domestic rice prices also contribute to increase the margin of the importer . This makes importers tempted to import rice even though it was banned .
" Mr. Hatta said only rice rose to Rp 1,000 while it was great really. Rice was right quantity , small profit margins but it huge volumes . Needs our huge mas rice , " he said .
Eni agreed with Customs , Vietnamese rice could enter Indonesia for the green light from the Ministry of Commerce . From the view of Eni , Customs is currently in the stage of cleaning and illegal rice may not be entered .
" Customs it was clean , no document engga engga out too rice , " he concluded .
Government secretly imported rice , Gita and SBY could disanksi
Observers Indef , Eni Sri Hartati see the government's rice importation by importers against the rule and the existing Act . The law only mandates Bulog imported rice as buffer stock or back if stock is not sufficient .
Not only that , the rice may be imported importer of premium which is not included therein Vietnamese rice which is a medium class .
Eni claimed to be surprised by the rice import permits that clearly violated the rules . Eni said the government only gives permission must disanksi with importers who import . In fact , if the import license issued under the instructions of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( SBY ) , the President also could disanksi .
" It's who give permission , ministers give sanction to his subordinates , but if his ministers ( Gita Wirjawan ) should permit disanksi love too. Example , but it is telling that the President should disanksi too . Simultaneously importers because they already knew why he was forced , " said Eni when contacted in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 28/1 ) .
Eni believes, rice entered and cleared customs import permit is definitely official. Though Vietnam 's rice import permits should only be done by Bulog and not importers like now .
" Document import out that the requirement to Bulog . Bulog 's import not get through customs , this issue , " he said .
Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible and disclose the data and identifies the reasons for granting import licenses for importers .
"Who in the Ministry of Trade if it is not rice Bulog ( Vietnam ) . Their trade ministry document issued permit , " he concluded .
ALREADY POOR PEOPLE , WILL AT unharmed again ? ? ? ?
So , thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 03, 2014 at 16:39
Tag ; Government secretly imported rice, ALREADY POOR PEOPLE , WILL AT unharmed again ? ? ? ?

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:39

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