Wednesday 19 February 2014

Film Famous But MISLEADING.

A film tells the fictional stories . However , there are also films that are actually taken from history , which is seasoned with a special scene for the sweetener . It does not matter if the seasoning is only intended to add " flavor " movie without changing the chronology of events that actually happened . But in fact , there are some movies that are taken from history , but strayed far from the reality. And incredibly the films became famous ! This is 5 Movie Famous , But Misleading .



 Emperor Commodus was not the sniveling sister- obsessed are as depicted in the film . He was a violent alcoholic , sure , but not too mushy . He was even able to rule more than a decade compared ineptly only able to rule for several months . He also did not kill his father , Marcus Aurelius , who actually died of chickenpox . And he was not killed in the gladiatorial arena , he was murdered in his bathtub .



This movie really gives the entire department and anthropologist migraine pain . Sure the Maya did have the odd tradition of human sacrifice . But they do not offer it to Kulkulkan , the Sun God , and that just killed high-ranking captured in battle . The conquistadors who arrived at the end of the film is that there is never a savior , that 90 % of Native Americans died from smallpox from cattle that infects them .

Memoirs of a Geisha.


Geisha who are old enough , the so-called " mizuage " did not have intercourse with clients . In a climactic scene where Sayuri dazzle with dance Gion , the background is used ( artificial snow and spotlights ) is more like a show at Studio 54 than like Kyoto in the period before the war .



Let's forget for a moment the fact that the clothes " kilt " has not been used in Scotland until about 300 years after the era of William Wallace . In the movie , Wallace blue eye charm is extraordinary , he managed an affair with the wife of King Edward II , Isabella of France , and finally the result of an affair that was the birth of Edward III . But according to the history books , Isabella was three years old at the time of the Battle of Falkirk , and Edward III was born seven years after Wallace died .

Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

In 1585 , like in the movie , 52 -year -old Queen Elizabeth ( Cate Blanchett was 36 when he played the film ) and not being approached Ivan ( who was dead by then) . And though he's put together and led troops in Tilbury astride a white horse wearing full armor with a sword , he sat next to the saddle , carrying a small stick ( He looks like a majorette more graceful a Joan of Arc ) .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 19, 2014 at 21:04
Tag ; Film Famous But MISLEADING, A film tells the fictional stories .

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:04

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