Hippopotamus (Latin: Hippopotamus amphibius) or hippo (Greek: ἱπποπόταμος, hippopotamos, from ἵππος, hippos, "horse", and ποταμός, Potamos, "river") is a mammal of the family Hippopotamidae large, omnivorous, and derived from sub-Saharan Africa. Hippopotamus is the third largest land animal after elephants and white rhinos
Physical state.
Hippopotamus has a great body and weight, as well as dark gray skin. They also have large tusks that they use to defend themselves from predators. Memiriki hippopotamus hallmark great body, mouth and teeth are very large, four short legs and fat, and almost hairless body. Adult hippos weigh 1.5 to 3 tons. Although large-bodied and short-legged, hippo able to run fast. For short distances, they can run as fast as 30 km / h, faster than the speed of a human running at large. Hippopotamus has an aggressive temperament and is considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.Relatives hippos are the closest group of cetaceans, such as whales, dolphins and dolphin. In addition hippos also related to pigs and even hoofed animals other.
Hippos live in sub-Saharan Africa. They live in and near fresh water, such as lakes and rivers. There are approximately 125 thousand to 150 thousand hippos in Africa, and that most are in Zambia and Tanzania. Hippopotamus is also a popular animal in the zoo.The threat to hippos including habitat loss, and poaching. Hippos hunted for their meat and their canines.
Hippos are herbivores. During the day, hippos were in the water or mud to keep cool. In the water, hippos live in groups, and master a particular area. Hippos also sleep, reproduce and give birth in the water. In the afternoon and evening, hippos out of the water and eat the grass. On land, the hippopotamus is not a group and do not have a territory.What food Hippo?
Hippos eat a variety of vegetation that grows in sub-Saharan Africa.The food consists of grass hippopotamus, but they are also known to eat fruits, leaves, nuts, etc..
Being semi-aquatic animals, the hippopotamus also eat water plants and reeds are found in their natural habitat.
Although rare, hippos also eat small animals and animal carcasses.
Hippos prefer to spend time lazing in the water or basking on the banks of the river throughout the day.
These animals have an amazing ability to hold my breath and dive in a long time.
Only hippo out of the water at night to find food.
Hippos can spend 50 kg of vegetation a meal. These animals find food four to five hours each night, and can go from 1.5 to 3 km of water bodies.
Although choosing to stay close to the water, if necessary, hippos can go up to 10 miles from a body of water in search of food.
The number of hippos decrease over time due to hunting and destruction of their habitat. Hippos hunted for ivory-like teeth and meat for local consumption.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 13, 2014 at 21:04
Tag ; Did You Know About Hippos, hippos.
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