Copper is a transition metal that is included in group 11 of the periodic table.
Its chemical formula is Cu copper. This element is found in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
Although it has many uses, most commonly copper used in the manufacture of electrical wiring.
Copper wire.
1. Copper is the oldest metal used in the manufacture of wire and cable.2. There are three types of twisted pair copper cable, coaxial, and twin axial.
3. Copper cables used for wiring for indoor and outdoor networks may look the same but actually not. The difference mainly lies in the insulation jacket. Insulation jacket for outdoor cable network made of materials that can withstand weather changes, while insulating jacket for indoor wiring made of soft plastic such as PVC.
4. When testing the flow of charge on copper wire cables, one can not test it around the coil due to the magnetic field generated by the coil center will inhibit the flow of electricity through the wires.
5. There are many uses of copper wire, the most important are given below:
- Used in electrical wiring for homes and buildings
- Used in the manufacture of jewelry because it is easily forged
- Used for fishing in deep waters
- Used for internal wiring of electrical equipment
6. Electric charge through the wires, including copper wires, depending on several factors such as capacitance, resistance, and attenuation.
7. Wire resistance is inversely proportional to the current through the wire. Barriers wire depends on factors such as the thickness of the wire. The higher the resistance wire, the lower the amount of current through it.
8. Increased demand has led to rising copper wire theft of copper wire by irresponsible people.
Copper metal.
1. Copper is a soft metal with a specific gravity of 8.2 and has a chemical valence +1 (cuprous) or +2 (cupric).
2. Copper is a natural element with atomic number 29. Copper Name (English Idioms: copper) is taken from the Latin word Cuprum.
3. Pure copper is orange with a red tinge.
4. Cuprum name comes from the mountains in Cyprus where the Romans mined copper.
5. Copper is one of the most abundant mineral in the earth's surface and are found in all parts of the world.
6. In addition to the pure metal form, copper is also found in nature in the form of salts (sulphides and carbonate) and oxides.
7. Copper is extracted from the ore by roasting (for oxide ore and carbonate) and smelting (sulfide ores).
8. Copper is a metal that is good in conduct heat and electricity and only lost by silver.
9. Copper metal is very easily formed into a thin sheet and resilient so that it can be drawn to form a thin wire.
10. Copper metal does not react with acid unless the nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent. Copper reacts with nitric acid to form nitrate.
11. Known copper corrosion resistant. When prolonged contact with the atmosphere, the green layer is formed on the metal surface. Green layer is due to the formation of copper sulfate or copper chloride.
12. Copper burns in oxygen to red oxide to form. The melting point of copper is 1083.4 degrees Celsius.
13. Copper is used in electrical wiring, to make cooking utensils, boilers, steam engines, and making alloys with other metals.
14. Copper with other metals to form alloys such as brass, bronze, German silver, gunmetal and bell metal. Each of these alloys contain a mixture of copper and other metals in a certain amount.
Inventors and Historical Uses of Copper Age Prehistory.
Inventor of copper was unknown for sure because it has been used by humans since prehistoric times.Archaeological evidence suggests that the copper was found nearly 10,000 years ago, or between 8,000 to 9,000 BC
There is plenty of historical evidence that reveals the use of copper in the ancient world to make jewelery, equipment, and weapons such as knives, spears and shields.
Historians argue that the Romans used copper metal on a large scale so that it became one of the most important commodities.
The Romans mined copper from the island of Cyprus. This causes the metal was named after the Latin word for Cyprium or Cyprus.
Later, the name Cyprium be modified into cuprum the scientific name of copper. In English, cuprum then called copper.
Copper is known for its natural sheen and is associated with Aphrodite and Venus, goddess of love and pleasure ancient Greeks and Romans.
First Metals
Copper is considered as one of the first metal used by humans.The discovery of copper triggers the transition from the neolithic era to the era of Chalcolithic or Copper age.
Copper is a metal that is naturally found in its pure form. It's just one of the disadvantages of using copper in its pure form is soft.
To solve this problem, ancient humans began experimenting and eventually found the two most popular copper alloy is brass and bronze, which are produced by mixing copper with zinc and tin.
Brass and bronze are much stronger than copper and can be used to make weapons and various other tools.
Various Middle Eastern countries (along the Fertile Crescent) had evidence of copper mines and smelters are thousands of years old.
Many ancient civilizations, especially the Romans, using copper as a currency.
Copper alloys are used to make weapons, shields, and armor. Indian traditional medicine, Ayurveda, recommends the use of surgical tools made of copper.
The ancient Egyptians are also known to use copper for sterilizing wounds and water.
These practices are supported by modern research showing that copper alloys have antimicrobial properties of active and passive copper known to inhibit the growth of microbes on its surface.
Currently, copper is a metal vital because it is very good as a conductor of heat and electricity.
Large reserves of copper can be found in Canada, Chile, Peru, United States, Zambia and Indonesia.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 01, 2014 at 18:44

Tag ; Copper & Copper Wire, copper
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