Castle Woven Minahasa Tribes around the 7th century to make clothing using materials of bark fiber, (called "Fuya" is taken from the tree and the tree Lahendong Sawukouw), as well as pineapples, bananas called "koffo" and as well as bamboo called "wa 'u'. Around the 15th century, the Minahasa started weaving with cotton yarn and woven fabrics are called the Castle. From the village of Castle which is located on the east coast of South Minahasa (District Pasan, Ratahan, Ponosakan, and Tonsawang) here, first discovered Fort woven fabric and woven in the area last Ratahan in 1900. That's why it's called Fort woven fabric, because it is connected with the village of Castle which is located in the east coast of South Minahasa, including Ratahan and Ponosakan.
Minahasa people do not realize that, Minahasa woven techniques of the 18th century has had its own weaving technique that is the only weaving techniques in the world. Weaving technique called weaving lungsi face (face wrap), recognized by experts from the west. Even in the Age of the Castle woven cloth is very expensive, assessed the same as that used gold as well as gold mate. At the time, Fort woven fabric is one of very high quality in the world. Not only due to manufacturing techniques (without cutouts form a circle of cloth or fabric connection and use a small bell or bells around the fabric, so called Pasolongan Rinegetan), but also because when implemented before weaving, ritual praise to Almighty God recited.
Seven motives of the Castle Fabrics, namely:
Tonilama (woven from threads of white, colorless and a white cloth)
Sinoi (woven with colorful threads and shaped lines)
Pinatikan (woven with motifs stripes nets and hexagon shapes, the first type is
woven in Minahasa)
Tinompak Horse (woven with various motifs recurring)
Tinoton Eyes (woven with human image)
Kaiwu Patola (woven with motifs woven Patola India)
Kokera (woven with floral motifs embroidered with colorful beads).
Currently in the world there are only 28 pieces of original Fort woven fabric.
To Pinatikan type there are 20 sheets; - 2 sheets in the National Museum,
Jakarta - 4 sheet in the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam - 7 pieces in the Museum
voor Land's
Volkenkunde, Rotterdam - 2 sheets in the Museum fur Volkenkunde, Frankfrut-
Germany - 4 pieces in the Ethnographical Museum, Dresden - 1 sheet at
Ethnografisch Museum, Delft.
To Kaiwu Patola type there are 8 pieces; - 2 sheets in the National Museum,
- 4 pieces in the Tropenmuseum, Amstredam - 2 sheets in Rotterdam Ethnology
Materials needed to make a woven fabric is cotton yarn Castle (may also use silk thread and the other thread types) as well as chemical dyes / textile for clothing.
1. The process of making yarn (or so-called "ngeteng" which means twisted yarn
in plangkan).
2. Thread tying with string according to the motif / pattern.
3. Chemical staining (dyeing yarn in the dye).
4. Yarn drying in the sun. (If there are 3 different color then
The rope will do the opening and then the coloring process will be repeated
again and drying)
5. Merambang (separate or set of motifs with plain)
6. Ngebum processes or threads compacting process in asbum rolls.
Then after asbum of rolls, the thread will be taken to "Lurik" or "Not Weaving Machine Tool". Lurik yarn inserted through gun Comb Set Ready woven motif
Proses manufacture 1 piece woven Castle takes 5-6 months.
This manufacturing process also depends on the weather. If the day is bright, the weavers will carry out the process of weaving, because it takes the sun for drying yarn. And if the day is cloudy or rainy, weaving process will not be implemented, due to lack of sunlight due to drying and moist air into the yarn will cause rupture during the weaving process.
Final Results and Products Batik Cloth Castle Castle Fabrics can be used as shirts, bags, and products of high economic value other. Castle Fabrics has sold almost all of Indonesia, has even penetrated the international market.
We as young people should be proud of the richness and diversity of cultural output of our ancestors. Therefore let us continue to preserve Castle Fabrics in order not to erode the foreign culture very heavily influence the younger generation today. So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 08, 2014 at 17:33
Tag ; Batik typical North Sulawesi, bentenan
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