Tuesday 4 February 2014

About Chicken Bekisar.

Ranged chicken is the result of a marriage between a male green jungle fowl (Gallus varius) and chicken/female domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus).

Chicken Bekisar

ciri kepala Chicken Bekisar

There are three types ranged chicken , namely :
Gallus aenus air- 8 small serrated comb , wattles medium size, coat color on the top layer of purple with golden yellow plisir .
Gallus temminckii has six serrated comb , wattle colored pink , red feathers shiny and air- plisir brownish red .
Gallus violaceus with good serrated comb , wattles medium size , fur color purple with a smooth surface .
Ranged chicken has a smaller size than the size of the male chicken , but larger than the males parent . Greenish black color and shiny fur . Having a smooth and distinctive voice : composed of two tones .
Ranged chicken , because he result of a cross between two different types , usually barren . However, not all of them so . There are also chickens ranged ( male or female ) who when mated to produce offspring chicken .
Special features of the most prominent ranged chicken is a form fur collar edges round / oval instead of taper . When compared with the usual rooster will be obvious . The shape is similar to the chicken is in the cross ranged ranged chicken with chicken called bekikuk . The same shape and posture , just sometimes wattles and neck feathers are different .

Chicken Forest Green.

Chicken - Green Forest is the name of bird species including flocks of tribal Phasianidae , the family chickens , quail , peacocks and pheasants . Partridge is believed to be the ancestors of domestic chickens .
Has the scientific name Gallus varius ( Shaw , 1798 ) , this chicken in English called Green Junglefowl , Javan Junglefowl , Forktail or Green Javanese Junglefowl ; namely referring to the color and place of origin .

Characteristics .

Large bird , total body length ( measured from tip of beak to tip of tail ) approximately 60 cm on a rooster , and 42 cm in females .
Comb on a rooster is not jagged , but the rounded edges ; red , with bluish color in the middle. The feathers on the neck , nape and sparkling green coat with the edge ( margin ) black , look like fish scales . Closing a hip length tapered feathers golden yellow with black middle . The down side of a black body and black tail sparkling greenish . Hens are smaller , brownish yellow , with stripes and black spots .
Iris red , whitish gray beak , and legs yellowish or reddish .

Distribution and Habits

Chickens are like open areas and grasslands , forest edges and area with low hills near the coast . Chicken - green forests are known to spread limited to Java and Nusa Tenggara islands , including Bali . In West Java, lived up to an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level , in East Java, up to 3,000 m above sea level and at 2,400 m above sea level up to Lombok .
Morning and evening the usual chicken searching for food in open places and grassy , while the scorching daytime shelter in the shade of the forest canopy . Chicken - green forests takes a variety of grains , grass shoots and leaves , various insects , as well as various types of small animals such as spiders , worms , frogs and small lizards .
These chickens are often seen in groups , 2-7 tails or more , searching for food in the grass near a collection of large ungulates such as buffalo , cow or bull . In addition to hunting insects disturbed by the larger animals , Chicken - green forests are known pleased to disassemble and pawing the dirt herbivores to find grains that have not been digested , dirt or insects that eat it .
At night , the group is sleeping partridge in a bamboo grove not far apart , shrubs , or palm fronds forest at an altitude of 1.5 to 4 m above the ground .
Chicken - green forest breeding between October - November in West Java and around March to July in East Java . Made in a simple nest on top of the grass -lined ground , in the shadow of a bush or tall grass . 3-4 eggs whitish grains .
Unlike descendants chicken , chicken - smart forest green fly . This forest chicks have been able to avoid the dangers of flying in a few weeks. Chickens that adults are able to fly immediately and vertically to a nearby tree branch at a height of 7 m or more . Fly horizontally , Chicken Green - forests capable of flying straight up to several hundred meters , and even believed to be able to fly from island to island across the adjacent sea .
Morning and evening, the rooster crowed with a distinctive voice , a loud nasally . At first voiced check - kreh .. several times in a row like a sneeze , followed by the sound of a check - ki kreh .. 10-15 times , at intervals of a few to tens of seconds , the longer the length of the pause . Crowing is usually immediately followed or welcomed by one or several males who live nearby . Hen clucking like a chicken , with a smaller sound - loud , in the morning when getting out of the nest .
Green jungle fowl is a close relative of the ancestor pet chicken , chicken - red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus ) . Red jungle fowl widespread ranging from the Himalayas , southern China , Southeast Asia , to Sumatra and Java . On the other hand , chicken - green forest in Java , Bali and Nusa Tenggara islands other . Chicken forests of East Java is known as a source for generating elders ranged chicken . Bekisar is a cross between a chicken - green forest with chicken .
Bekisar developed the chickens to produce beautiful ornamental feathers , and especially to get the chicken with typical crowing . Because of his voice , ranged chicken can reach a very high price .
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 04, 2014 at 18:15
Tag ; About Chicken Bekisar, bekisar chicken

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 18:15

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