Friday, 7 February 2014

About Aristotle.

Aristotle (Greek: 'Aριστοτέλης Aristotle), (384 BC - 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He writes on a variety of different subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethnicity, biology and zoology. Along with Socrates and Plato, he is considered to be one of the three most influential philosophers in Western thought.


Aristotle was born in Stagira, a town in the region Chalcidice, Thracians, Greece (formerly including central Macedonia region) in 384 BC. His father was the personal physician of King Amyntas of Macedonia. At the age of 17, Aristotle became a pupil of Plato. Later he rose to become a teacher at Plato's Academy in Athens for 20 years. Aristotle left the Academy after Plato's death, and became a teacher of Alexander of Macedonia.
When Alexander came to power in 336 BC, he returned to Athens. With the support and assistance of Alexander, he then established his own academy called the Lyceum, which leads up to the year 323 BC. Political changes with the fall of Alexander made himself should return escape from Athens to avoid the fate of the ill-fated first experienced as Socrates. Aristotle died shortly after the evacuation. Aristotle's emphasis on empiricism to emphasize knowledge.


Aristotle develops in the first three stages when he was still studying at the Academy of Plato when the idea was still close to the teacher, then when he fled, and the last time he led at the Lyceum include six of his writings that addresses the problem of logic, which is regarded as his works The most important, in addition to its contribution in the fields of Metaphysics, Physics, Ethics, Politics, Medical Science, Natural Sciences and artwork.
In the field of natural sciences, he was the first to collect and classify biological species systematically. His work illustrates the trend will be critical analysis, and the search for the laws of nature and balance in nature.
In contrast to Plato who stated theories about ideal forms of objects, Aristotle explains that the material is not possible without some form because it exists (existed). Another thought about the motion which says all things move toward one goal, a teleological character of said opinion. Because the body can not move by itself then there must be a drive where the driver must have the other driver to arrive at a first mover that is not moved then called theos, ie in the sense of the Greek language is now considered to mean God. Aristotelian logic is a system of deductive reasoning (deductive reasoning), which even today is still regarded as the basis of every lesson on formal logic.
Nevertheless, the scientific research he also realized the importance of observation, experimentation and inductive reasoning (inductive thinking).
Another thing in the frame of mind that becomes an important contribution is the syllogism which Aristotle can be used in drawing the right conclusions from the two new existing truths. Suppose there are two statements (premises);
Every human being will die (major premise).
Socrates is a man (minor premise)
it can be concluded that Socrates would surely die
In politics, Aristotle believed that the ideal political form is a combination of the forms of democracy and monarchy.
Due to the vast scope of the works of Aristotle, then it can be considered to contribute to her encyclopedic scale, where the contribution surrounding areas are very diverse at all like Physics, Astronomy, Biology, Psychology, Metaphysics (eg principle-principles study of the beginnings and ideas basic ideas about nature), formal logic, ethics, politics, and even the theory of rhetoric and poetry.
In the field of art, Aristotle includes views on beauty in Poetike book. Aristotle's emphasis on empiricism to emphasize knowledge. He said that knowledge is built on the basis of observation and vision. According to Aristotle beauty regarding the size of the size of the material balance. According to Aristotle a work of art is an artistic manifestation is the result chatarsis accompanied by aesthetics. Chatarsis is a collection disclosure feeling poured out. Set of feelings that accompanied the normative impulse. Encouragement normative question is who ultimately gave impetus to the special form of these feelings. The form was copied from what is in fact, Aristotle also defines the notion of history is a history of a system that examines an event since the beginning and are arranged in chronological form. At the same time, according to his history is also past events that have a record, the record-the record or concrete evidence.


Although most of the development of science was more a description of the things that makes sense (common-sense explanation), many theories that persist even for almost two thousand years.
This happens because these theories are considered plausible and in accordance with the thinking of society at large, though later it turned out that such theories are based on the incorrect total due to erroneous assumptions.
It can be said that Aristotle was very influential on Western thought and religious thought in general. Alignment of Aristotle with Christian theology done by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century, with Jewish theology by Maimonides (1135-1204), and the theology of Islam by Ibn Rusyid (1126-1198). For medieval man, Aristotle is not only regarded as the authoritative source on logic and metaphysics, but is also considered as the main source of knowledge, or "the master of those who know", as later stated by Dante Alighieri.

The Immortal Words of Wisdom Aristotle to Date. 

Aphorisms - Aristotle (384 BC) was a famous Greek philosopher. Pupil of Plato is also famous for his wise words that include thinking - thinking himself to science, logic, metaphysics, physics, politics, science, art work, to medical science. Aristotle also famous for his thoughts on the theory of 'movement' of everything in this universe. Doctrine deductive patterns of thought that are still considered as the most basic knowledge of every science lesson formal logic.

Collection of wise words of Aristotle's famous and remembered to this day; 

Word to the wise Aristotle "We are what we do repeatedly - again. Sharpening, until no longer an act, but a habit "
"The most perfect man is not a perfect person with the brain, but the person who can best use possible of the part of his brain that is less than perfect"
"In the stage of human life, dignity and respect fall to those who show good qualities in action"
"In terms of - things we can possibly do, also hidden our ability to do so"
"Hope is a waking dream"
"Happiness is pleasure achieved by the will of one man - each"
"Anyone can become angry, that is easy, but be angry with the right person, with the right content, at the right time, with the right purpose and in the proper way, not everyone's ability and not easy "
 "Courage is the sense in the face of fear and confidence"
"A true friend is one soul between two bodies"
"Suffering becomes beautiful when a person faces great difficulty with joy, not with the downturn but the greatness of mind"
"Happiness is dependent on yourself"
"The impossibility that allows is better than the possibility of the impossible"
"The highest value of life is more dependent on the power of awareness and contemplation than mere survival"
"It is a sign of a trained mind is capable of entertaining his own mind without being affected by it"
"Pleasure to work will put perfection in the work"
"You would never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of thought after the honor "
"Energy in the mind is the essence of life"
"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet"
"The purpose of art is to represent not show the shape of her appearance, but the inner significance than his"
"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow fruit to cook"
"Those who educate children well are more respected than those who gave birth to them, because it gives them life. It is an art to live well "
"All paid jobs will be spending and lower the quality of the intellect"
"Quality is not an act, but a habit"
 "A doctor heals, but the one who created the natural health"
"In all things that exist in this universe, we can actually see a lot of wonders"
"A city that is really - really will not be confused by the density of occupation"
"Do not despair. But if you are to be in a state of despair, fight continues despite desperate "
"The purpose of the truth is not saving pleasure, but to avoid suffering"
"Bring your desires into your thinking at this time. Increase them when you've let her thoughts "
"Plato is my best friend, but a best friend is truth"
"When you are successful friends - friends finally know who you are, when you fail you finally know who you truly are your friends"
"Common sense is something that has the ability to accept themselves the way they are without problems"
"My best friend is someone who expects kindness to me, expect for myself"
"Men acquire a particular quality by constantly - constantly acting a particular way"
"Life will never be able to think without a picture"
"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity"
"Democracy arises out of the notion that they are the same (or equivalent) in any case, is the same in every way, because they are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal to each other"
"Happiness is pleasure achieved by the will of one man - each"
"Prayer gives strength to the weak, making people believe it to be believed and give courage to those who fear"
"In the arena of human life, respect and rewards fall to those who show good qualities in action"
"If you have 50 enemies, then the antidote is to have a friend"
"If women did not exist, all the money in the world means nothing"
"All the virtues accumulated in dealing with all things fair"
"Education is the best provision for old age"
"Happiness at work to bring perfection in the work"
"The secret of humor is surprise"
"Men are more affected by fear than by reverence"
"Nature is shy ornament to youth, but a reproach to old age"
"One characteristic of knowledge is the power to teach"
"Greatest virtues are those which are useful to others"
"Without friends no one chose to live even though they have it - other things"
"It is not once or twice but many - times up without limits makes the same idea later in the familiar world"
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 07, 2014 at 20:50
Tag ; About Aristotle, aristoteles

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:50

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