Eel is a superior food very tasty and rich in nutrients . One advantage , rich
hormone calcitonin , which serves to maintain the shortage / bone health . In addition , eels also have various health benefits .
In Indonesia , there are three types of fish eel , eel rice namely ( Monopterus Zuieuw albus ) , swamp eel ( Synbranchus bengalensis Mc . Clell ) , and very small -eyed eel ( Macrotema caligans Cant ) . Eel rice is the type most commonly known in Indonesia , while the swamp eels are limited so it is less well known .
The length of an eel is very varied . Monopterus indicus measuring only 8.5 cm , while the marble Synbranchus marmoratus eels are known to reach 1.5 m .
Most cultivation of eels used for consumption needs . Judging from the composition of the nutrient , the eel has a value sufficiently high energies , namely 303 kcal per 100 grams of meat . Eel energy value is much higher than the eggs
(162 kcal/100 g without skin) and beef (207 kcal per 100 grams).
Value of proteins in the eel ( 18.4 g / 100 g of meat ) is equivalent to beef protein ( 18.8 g / 100g ) , but higher than egg protein ( 12.8 g/100 g ) . As with other types of fish , the eel protein digestibility value is also very high , so it is suitable for a source of protein for all age groups , from infants to the elderly .
Leucine is useful for breaking and formation of muscle proteins. Glutamic acid is needed to boost the immune system and to help the working aspartic acid neurotransmitters .
High levels of glutamic acid in the eel eel make delicious and savory taste . In the ripening process does not need to be added flavorings such as monosodium glutamate ( MSG ) .
The content of arginine ( nonessential amino acids ) in the eel can affect the production of human growth hormone is popularly known as human growth hormone ( HGH ) . This HGH that will help improve muscle tone and reduce fat accumulation in the body . Laboratory test results also showed that arginine serves to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells .
Eels are rich in iron ( 20 mg/100 g ) , much higher than iron in eggs and meat
(2.8 mg / 100g) . Consumption of 125 grams of eels every day has been meeting the needs of the body for iron , which is 25 mg per day . Iron is necessary for the body to prevent anemia , which is characterized by a simple body weakness, fatigue , and lethargy
Useful iron to form hemoglobin blood that carries oxygen . all body tissues . Oxygen is then serves to oxidize carbohydrates , fats , and proteins into energy for the body's activities . That's what causes the main symptoms of iron deficiency are weak , tired , and not powered.
Iron is also useful for boosting the immune system , thus not susceptible to various infectious diseases .
Eels are also rich in phosphorus . Its value is two times the phosphorus in the egg . Without the presence of phosphorus , calcium can not form bone mass . Therefore , consumption of hares phosphorus balanced with calcium , so that bones become stronger and stronger , so free from osteoporosis . In the body , phosphorus in the form of calcium phosphate crystals in general ( about 80 percent ) are in the bones and teeth .
The main function of phosphorus is the giver of energy and strength in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates , to support healthy teeth and gums , for DNA synthesis and absorption and use of calcium . Phosphorus needs for pregnant women banyal certainly more times than not it contains , especially the fetus for bone formation . If the phosphorus intake is less , the fetus will take it from her mother . This is one of the causes of disease bone loss in the mother . Phosphorus needs will be met if the protein intake is also considered .
The content of vitamin A, which reaches 1,600 SI per 100 g eel make excellent for use as a custodian of epithelial cells . In addition , vitamin A is also very necessary for the body's growth , vision , reproduction and prows .
Eels are also rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B generally acts as a cofactor of the enzyme , so that the enzyme can function normally in the body's metabolic processes . Vitamin B is also very important for the brain to function normally , helping to form proteins , hormones , and red blood cells .
Although it has a high nutritional value , fat content in the eel is also quite high, reaching 27 g per 100 g . Higher than the fat in eggs ( 11.5 g/100 g ) and beef ( 14.0 g/100 g ) .
Among the group of fish , eels are classified as high-fat fish . Fat content in the eel is almost equivalent to the pork fat ( 28 g/100 g ) . According to the publication issued by the Singapore General Hospital , eels including high cholesterol foods and obliged to look out for .
Although high fat content , eels do not need to be avoided in our diet . However , fat plays an important role as somber delicacy , a source of energy , a provider of essential fatty acids, and of course as a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins min (A, D, E and K ) .
In fatty fish are high enough vitamin D , which is 10 times more than the meat and 50 times more vitamin D is found in milk . Vitamin D is very useful for the body to help prevent calcium absorption and resorption processes ( release of calcium from the bones ) .
Efforts to reduce the fat content in the eel is roasted over coals . Roasting process will cause the fat to melt and come out of the eel meat , dripping onto the coals . Eels should not be processed by frying , so that the fat content is not increased much .
As in other types of fish , eels also contain omega-3 fatty acids . Levels of omega- 3 in fatty fish , including eel , very varied but ranged from 4.48 percent to 11.80 percent . The content of omega- 3 in fish , depending on the type , age , availability of food , and fishing areas .
And the results of the research , it is known that part of the body of fish has omega 3 fatty composition different . Levels of omega 3 in the head about 12 per cent , 28 per cent of the chest , the surface of the meat 31.2 percent , and 42.1 percent of abdominal cavity contents ( dry weight basis ) .
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 23, 2014 at 11:29

Tag ; Rich Benefits eel, You Need to Know, eels
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