Owls are birds of prey that actively hunt at night. But do you know if it turns out there are about 222 types of owls that live in this world? What are the types of the owl? Several types of owls that live in Indonesia, among others;
Owl Tito Alba.
Tito alba owl habitat is wooded area on the edge of the forest, perkebuann, up to a city park with a height of 1,600 m above sea level. This type of owl can be found on all continents except Antarctica.
Oriental Bay Owl.
Husky is also known as the Mount or Oriental Bay Owl, and has the Latin name Phodilus badius. Owl species has a distinctive face that could be considered similar to a snake spoon. About 27 cm high. Endemic area is the region of Southeast Asia.
Reddish Scops-owl Otus
Also known as Reddish Scops-owl Otus and has the Latin name rufescens. Their body size is very small, only about 15-18 cm high. Habitat plop red is low-lying areas with lots of trees, hills, as well as primary and secondary forests. In general, the habitat they are in the lowlands, but there are also living in areas with altitudes reaching 1,350 m above sea level. Regional spread of red plop include Sumatra, Java, Borneo to Peninsular Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia.
Plop Mount.
Also known as Javan Scops Own and has the Latin name Otus angelinae. This small owl (about 20 cm high) is a rare species of owl that can only be found in Indonesia. In addition, this owl does not have a sub-species.
Also known as Indian Scops Owl and has the Latin name Otusbakkamoena. Clepuk habitat is in the forest and that many areas of the tree. Though their body size is only about 23-25 ​​cm, but they are one of the largest of the species of Scops owl. They are insectivorous and are nocturnal animals. Because the ability to camouflage is quite capable, would be very difficult to find them during the day. Indian Scops Owl deployment area is the southern part of East Asia covering part of the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, to a few countries in Southeast Asia including Indonesia.
Plop Rajah.
Outs have another name or Barred Eagle Owl Jampuk and has the Latin name Bubo sumatranus. Often called by the name of Malay Eagle Owl. Hingkik habitat is in the tropical and subtropical forests in the lowlands. Hingkik distribution area among others Keeling Island, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Thailand.
Also known as Bubo Ketupu or Ketupa Ketupu or outs or Buffy Fish Owl ketupa. Also known as the Malay Fish Owl. Bloketupu habitat is mountainous forest areas of tropical and subtropical. Bloketupu deployment area include Brunei, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia.
Watu Beluk of Java.
Also known as Javan Owlet Glaucidium, Glaucidium and has the Latin name castanopterum. Owl is the type of bird endemic to the island of Java and Bali. Habitat outs Watu Java is in pockets of forest in the lowlands and hills. But they are also often seen in the courtyard of the village, primary forest and secondary forest.
Punggok Chocolate.
Owl species that has the Latin name scutulata Ninox is also known by the name of Brown Hawk-Owl. This medium-sized bird, with a height of about 32 cm. Chocolate Punggok habitats include forests and areas with many trees. Deployment area punggok chocolate covering South Asia from India and Sri Langka to Indonesia and eastern parts of South China.
Kokok Beluk.
Owl is also known as the Brown Wood Owl Strix has the Latin name leptogrammica. They include the type of large-bodied owl. His body was as high as 45-47 cm. This type of owls live in the South Asian region such as Sri Lanka and India to the East to get to Indonesia and southern China.
Short Ear outs.
Owl is also known as the Short-eared Owl has a Latin name ASIO flammeus. This type of owl have at least 10 sub-species and spread across the continents except Australia and Antarctica.
Reban plop.
Little owl Otus has the Latin name lempiji has a lot of nicknames. The name generally is Plop, in Sundanese called buek, while in Central Java called Manuk kuwek, whereas in English known as Sunda Scops-Owl or Collared Scops-Owl. This species was formerly included in the sub-species of Otus bakkamoena, but now it is not anymore. Regional spread of bird plop Reban are in the Philippines, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and Bali.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 31, 2014 at 18:56
Tag ; Owls in Indonesia, owl
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