Monday, 20 January 2014

Legendary sacred keris.

Keris Mpu Gandring .

Keris MPU Gandring .

Keris Mpu Gandring is famous heirloom weapon in the history of the founding of the Kingdom Singasari in Malang , East Java . Keris is famous because of the curse that took the lives of elite Singasari including founder and wearer , Ken Arok . Keris is made ​​by a blacksmith who was known to be powerful are named Mpu Gandring , Ken Arok order . After completion of the kris, with a perfect shape and form even has a supernatural ability that it is said that time exceeds the keris .
Then Ken Arok test Keris with thrust on the Mpu according Gandring supposedly not keep their promises . In a dying state , Mpu Gandring issued the curse that kris will ask the victim lives of seven derivatives of Ken Arok . In a way , this dagger involved in the dispute and the murder of the royal elite Singasari Ametung , Ken Arok , Anusapati and descendant of Ken Arok .

Keris Kyai Satan Kober .

Keris Kyai Satan Kober .

Keris Kyai Satan Kober is the name belonging to the Duke of Jipang , Arya Penangsang . Keris is charged at the time of his duel against Sutawijaya . One moment the Kyai Pleret spear used Sutawijaya about Arya Penangsang stomach , until his intestines gushed out . Arya Penangsang with alacrity , implicates intestinal spilled it on the frame or glove - upstream dagger tucked in his waist , and kept fighting . The next moment , Sutawijaya great urgency and the opportunity was used by Arya Penangsang to immediately resolve the proxy war , with the repeal of the order or a kris dagger ngliga ( drew ) , and without realizing that wilah ( early ) or dagger eyes Kyai Satan instantly cut his intestines Kober are hooked on the case. He died instantly .
Sutawijaya see how stout Aryan impressed with intestines spilled Penangsang concerning the keris upstream . He then ordered that his son , if later Aryan Penangsang married mimic and replace the spilled intestines with the circuit or ronce jasmine , so the groom will look more manly , and that tradition remains in use to this day .

Keris Pusaka Nagasasra and Sabuk Inten.

Keris Pusaka Nagasasra and Sabuk Inten.

Keris Nagasasra and Sabuk Inten are two relics heirlooms King of Majapahit . Nagasasra is the name of one of the thirteen luk dagger kitchen and some of his luk nine and eleven , so the mention of the name of this kitchen must be accompanied by a stated amount keris luk at it . Part gandik this dagger engraved with the shape of a dragon 's head , while the body is described by a smooth scales follow luk at the center to the edge dagger blade .
One of the keris with the best Nagasasra kitchen , is a master work of Ki Nom , is a renowned master , and live by the end of the Majapahit kingdom era until the reign of Sultan Agung Anyokrokusumo in Mataram . Belt inten kitchen , like the kitchen also has luk thirteen Nagasasra with distinct characteristics that have bribed , bean flower , elephant and greneng lambe .

Keris Condong Campur .

Keris Condong Campur .

Mix skew is one belonging to the kingdom of Majapahit keris which many called in legend and folklore . Keris is known by the name of Kyai Kanjeng Lean Mix .
It is said that the keris made ​​by the rollicking hundred mpu . Keris material taken from various places . And finally it became keris dagger very powerful but has a nasty temper .

Keris Taming Sari .

Keris Taming Sari .

In the original owner tell me this dagger is a swordsman or upstream balang Majapahit empire named Taming Sari . Keris is then swapped out to district chief who has triumphed Melaka Taming Sari kill named Hang Tuah . This transfer of ownership occurs in a duel dagger incredible between Hang Tuah and the Taming Sari , which was eventually won by Hang Tuah .
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 20, 2014 at 12:01
Tag ; Legendary sacred keris, keris.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:01

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