Chicken Cemani an Indonesian native chickens, whose historical origins are from the island of Java. Cemani word derived from ancient Javanese language means jet black, the black color covering the entire body starting from the local chicken's comb, wattle, beak, eyes mouth, tongue, woodpeckers, feathers, wings, armpit, anus, spurs, foot and claws.
It is said that this cemani chickens have black color is perfect with a percentage of 100% black overall, even to the color of the blood and bone meat all black. The black color covering the entire body from the outside, to the inside / offal, ranging from the throat, mouth, tongue, all black. Viewing of criteria and these characteristics is called and in the claims as: "Chicken Cemani Original" or often called by the nickname (Hayam Hideung) Sundanese word.
The origin of this chicken is a chicken kedu cemani black, which many maintained by ancient people in the village Kahuripan Kedu at the time of the Majapahit Empire of the 19th century.
This chicken is chicken which is very special in that era, so the chicken is very in love and become pets or collection of princes, kings of ancient times. And that's what makes this chicken to be very exclusive, commercial value is very fantastic and very valuable because given the chicken first collected many kings and gentility.
Cemani chicken comes from chickens kedu black descent , who in the selection with black color purity characteristic serrated single comb shape ( males ) .
Who knows how many generations of selection was done in order for the population and sustainability . But that very concern to the present diminishing population and shrinking population compared Chicken Cemani 100 years ago , it is hard to remember the chicken in flower culture to proliferate , to the regeneration of the child and his descendants .
This is what makes this Cemani Chicken has become increasingly rare, and difficult to get, so it becomes much chicken in a hurry and in search of people, until now only a few people who have it.
Why Chicken Cemani Many Hunted and Wanted Persons, ......??? For Purposes and Needs Is this Cemani Chicken ...???
1. As the carrier Hockey.
Distinctive and unique look of the chicken, some criteria which are not owned by another chicken, so chicken Cemani has value and class of its own, with a very special rate levels, as well as a personal pet or for collection, supposedly said by raising chickens can be a carrier Hockey for the owner, and can also bring a lot of luck for the memiliknya, it recognized the testimony of one who has now become a successful entrepreneur top Property in Jakarta that is raising chickens."Thank God, after we maintain Cemani Chicken, every time we participate in the tender always win tenders and running smoothly, until we get some large projects and may expand into other business areas with increased Asset many times. Yet all of it except for Hockey, business and hard work, also thanks to the help and permission Benediction and blessing of Allah SWT. Whereas previously we were only an ordinary construction foreman who handle the bulk of building small projects landless class, ........ But after maintaining Chicken Cemani many changes we get, and bring a lot of luck that unexpected, .. Thank God blessed, ..... we feel very grateful to God "
2. For Tumbal Requirements Requirements Ritual / Ruwat unseen.
Chicken Cemani much needed and sought after for the requirements of the casualties of the ritual needs / ruwat unseen as:- Ritual treasure excavation (sajen khodam) treatment, ruwat factory building, buildings, malls, plaza, hotel, shop, shop, office, home, for ruwat loss leader merchandise in the cafeteria, shops, stalls, markets, etc.. For ritual / ruwat major construction projects such as:
- Construction of bridges , dams , tunnels , mining exploration , construction of toll roads , terminals , airports , ports and other major projects associated with its Nature . Besides the usual chicken Cemani also be used for Thanksgiving ruwat earth , sea , mountain / crater , bathing ruwat heirlooms and exhaust ruwat pesky , hard mate , decoy for someone of the opposite sex , ...
In the implementation Chicken Cemani made for victimizing or sajen / dish , then a special ritual carried on chicken bathed with such a flower 7 , read out a special spell by ( people smart ) and then slaughtered for collection of blood and flesh , after it was given / offered as sacrificial supernatural beings or with a term to ward off evil spirits as a condition that any building project run smoothly and avoid disaster and other distress , ..... The casualties of the antidote of spirits disorders , such as trance and other charms , ....
Ki Joko Bodo According to a well-known paranormal from Jakarta said:
" Chicken Cemani has value Mystical and Magical Power is very strong , in addition to the carrier as well as a requirement Hockey victimizing or offerings , for meat , bones , and his blood is black owned , well-liked as a favorite food pavorite genie , demon , Evils and his countrymen , ...... Once upon a time chicken Cemani frequently used by the King , Jawara , a penance as a condition for the mastery of certain offerings in order to achieve his magic science . , but now it's hard to find a chicken . Arguably Cemani chicken is chicken most expensive in the world , even I myself also never sell a pair of 500 million , to one of our patients from Singapore , to pet carrier collection as Hockey "3. How Selling Price Chicken Cemani, ......???
See diminishing returns and increasing scarcity of this chicken , and very hard to find to get it , because until now only a few people who have it , ... And that some of them ( the owner ) does not want to sell , let alone chicken more and more sought after and it takes a lot person as a condition / requirement for the purposes of intent / specific interests , then chicken Cemani have a high selling price , very fantastic , with selling prices varied , there were sold at a price of 50,000,000 - per head up to Rp250.000.000 , - per head , depending owners want to take off the price ....But however high the price offered , still many people who are interested and can afford it , because it is comparable to the efficacy and usefulness , especially for people who really desperately need , such as those that were had intent / specific interests , such as hunters treasure , kollektor antiques , objects of art and heritage , paranormal , businessmen , officials , etc. . Any price offered , ........ ? ? still they dare to buy , ....... name is also cock Hockey carrier .
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 22, 2014 at 15:30

Tag ; Cemani chicken scarce and expensive, cemani, chicken
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